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Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

I'd like to get opinions on what this verse means to you.

From my own church's beliefs:

In water baptism by immersion, and all who repent should be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

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I've actually experienced it. Most recently in a bible study the elderly teacher looked straight at me and in front of all present said, who are you to question God? Because I was questioning what was being taught.

So, in essence she was calling herself God

He believes what he teaches is exactly what the bible says and to question the bible is to question God. He also has no tolerance for theology and calls it man made teachings while the bible is doctrine.

Sorry, he was. He is pretty much telling you that He is God. "I know what God says here. I know what I say is right. If you question me, you are questioning God". I'm dealing with one of those on another site. 

Well, to me, there's a difference between a bible study (discussion) and a lecture (sermon) and there should be room to ask questions and bring up other viewpoints. I can see the need to not interrupt a sermon but even then one should be open to having what he just preached be questioned, too, afterwards.

I think I feel jaded now in this respect and I need to repent of that feeling, because I just feel it's pointless once someone begins addressing me in that way and I begin to fuel the fire by commenting with a snippy attitude, such as that night, I said I don't believe in once saved, always saved but I do believe we can have assurance that we are saved in an eternal sense and I believe once really saved, always saved.

OK. Thanks

Eric, it's really nice to hear you talking about these kinds of things. You're like a sleeper awakening. We all are. Eph 5:14. Matthew 5:14.

Enjoyed this Eric. Thanks for sharing.

One thing that keeps going over in my mind is this statement. 

When we're told it's necessary, we're not doing it out of love and joy. - Are you saying that some people may do it because they believe it's necessary for their salvation? Is that what you mean when u say they are doing it for the wrong reasons? 

There's lots of wrong reasons .

Doing it because you think it's part of your salvation, because you think its being disobedient not to and will cost you your salvation, because the church requires it, doing it for show. Probably others. But we can do anything with wrong motives.

Right. I do believe one should do it to be obedient even if they don't find great joy in it. 

If one does it for fear of losing their salvation, should they redo it when they learn the truth or is that time enough? I'm not really asking you per say. It was just a question that crossed my mind while reading some replies.

Hey Ms. Seek,

Sorry, since I made things look like one is justified after being baptized...........

Let me say, when one comes to the Lord, it's like a package deal: I Corinthians  1: 30, " But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption,"

and - I Corinthians 6:11, " And such were some of you; but you were washed,, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God." ( Both verses in N.A.S.B.).

So, I believe that baptism is just part of the process of being saved. It is not a "work". It is just done because the new Christian WANTS  to do it..........and openly show the world of being born again.

Grace and Peace.


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