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to all the aag members .... any comments

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Well yes.. this is what the word of God says. it has been under him for about 6 thousand years since Adam's transgression but guess what? it is coming of his power into the hands of the sons of God who over come the devil, the world and sin. How is it under the Prince of Darkness(Devil)? when adam sinned The prince of darkness took power from him and he(adam) became subject to this prince instead of having the rule. but that is what Jesus came to do.. The word says that he through death, destroyed him that has the power of death (i.e the devil) and delivered us who all our lifetime has been subject to that devil through the fear of death. our debt to death made us sell our dominion of the world to the devil.. but glorious joy, Jesus changed all that..gave us the power to rule and reign with him if only we can overcome this devil..
I make it a point of conduct not to write too much in any one particular post..
:) nice you know lots ...:) jesus cant come to earth becoz now its under satan ,,its becoz we choose to sin ........the lord needs channels like us .....i am one are you? ......hey read ians forum evolution az a replacement ,,,,,,read my comment its about dz topic .........:)
ok will do... but must warn you.. I hate evolution cos I think its a lie of Satan to decieve the world..but let me read the topic first..
see know lots too...
Hey I saw yo comments on the Evolution thing..a bit off the topic but you apologised for that already.. I left a thought there too.. I am not one to argue frm an intellectual point of view cos I belive that once you go into that realm of intellect, you leave God"s realm so I left a view there and that should be it. yeah, this world was made by God but the prince of the power of the air holds it in His grasp and rules the things in it.. As christians, when we are called, we are DELIVERED from the power of Darkness and TRANSLATED into the kingdom of his dear son. This means that while we are still in the world we do not dwell here, our dwelling is in heavenly places hence Satan, while he rules here in the world, does not have rule over us anymore. Ashley does not understand this. I hope she reads this..
It is a two way thing. To the (UNBELEIVER) YES but to a ( BELEIVER ) NO. We are no longer under the authority of the deveil. Christ has given us victory and let the reedemed of the Lord say so, who He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy. PS:107vs2. We are no onger in the hand of the enemy. We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. It is well.
yes this is mainly 4 we christians to stand firm ......and not love the world sayin that god made it ...........if you love the world you dont love heavenly things .....coz the world is covered wit evil .........ill find dat vs ..:) later so we should stand firm and chuks a non believer we should warn them az they do not kw :) i agree we are no longer under the devil but we still hav chances to fall .........why does a strong believer hav more problems ......a believer will be tempted more you will hav moore trials but with yo faith you will over come wit jesus ....note satan is happy wit a non believer ....but with a believer .he goes crazy he will pull us back its satan who tempts us ma point is .............stand firm " there is no better witness to the watching world than believers who stand firm under suffering" love u all tc
I just want to add this.. most time we just quote scripture and say words that we may misconstrue(misunderstand) as to what it means. What is the world? I do not believe the world is the physical earth, rather it is made up of three things..Lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life 1 john 2:15-17.. It would even be more interesting to know what these three things may refer to.
But i just wanted to mention this here so as we all know what the scripture refers to when it says world.. Of cos where these lusts have the preeminence comes under the control of the God of this world..
Take care of you..
I just want to add this.. most time we just quote scripture and say words that we may misconstrue(misunderstand) as to what it means. What is the world? I do not believe the world is the physical earth, rather it is made up of three things..Lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life 1 john 2:15-17.. It would even be more interesting to know what these three things may refer to.
But i just wanted to mention this here so as we all know what the scripture refers to when it says world.. Of cos where these lusts have the preeminence comes under the control of the God of this world..
Take care of you..
wats preeminence...........?
oh am is from the word eminent which means to be the most important... I was trying to say if those three thing in the world is most important to anyone then that one is a slave to the god of this world and is under the world.
We are not subject to this world or its prince.. Praise God..
yup we are not comes the word "choices"
Dear friend God is our help.. He is our light and our protection and he has more than enough power to keeps us from the God of this world .. all we need to do is trust that he will cos he says so..
Isnt this exciting? this is our faith.. We trust what our great and mighty God has said...Thats our choice.. ha ha.


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