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I would like to know if Jesus will forgive me of this particular sin, 
I have been interested for many years about studying  the Biblical mark of the beast and am aware that in the probably not so far future that the Antichrist will come to earth and under Satan's orders try and cause as many people on earth to receive a mark in/on the right hand or forehead, that no one can buy or sell without the mark which is 666, the mark of the beast. I am also aware if anybody takes the mark of the beast that they will be condemend to hell with no redemption AT ALL. 
I believe that a lot of technology today could well be a step towards or perhaps even the forerunner of the ''mark'' of the beast.
technology such as UPC barcodes, Human chip ( verichip) invisible ink, e.t.c. may represent, or be the forerunner of the actual amrk during the great tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist. 
Anyway about a month ago I was at home and a UPC barcode on a shopping item took my attention. Whether it was Satan trying to mess with my mind because he's know's how I feel about the mark of the beast and certain technology or whether it was my own stupidity I don't know.
I felt the urge to rip the barcode off the cardboard retail box and hold it onto/touching my forehead for a few seconds. I knew I shouldn't have done it before I did this act but like I said I'm not sure if it was my own stupidity or Satan playing mind games with me. 
Because I did it the once I had an OCD moment that because I did it once I should do it again so I did for the next couple of days, each time I knew it was something I shouldn't be doing. Maybe it was Satan making me think that because I have potentially sinned that I may was well just keeop doing it and not repent. However I have stopped and repented from doing itb and sought forgiveness.
So that was about one month ago, I have never done it since and never will, I asked forgiveness from Jesus after I did it but whenever I think about it I just can't stop worrying about it and can't stop myslef feeling so stupid for doing it. I am  repeatedly asking God to forgive me for this even thoguh I am ware I only need to ask forgiveness once for this sin and to stay repented from it.
I'm not sure if Satan is playing with my Mind putting thoguht's there that I cannot be forgiven for it and decieving me, I'm not sure.
I really want to start living for God now and getting my life completely right from now on and forever with Jesus. 
I'd also like to know Pastor is this was a symbolic act, also if ti was and I am forgiven will it be forgotten and erased by Jesus Christ?   ( Please try and verify this for me) 
I need peace of mind from this now and I'd really like to know if you think Jesus will forgive me .
Thank you and God Bless 

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lol I don't know. I'm just saying that we could reach for anything & it could add up to 666. 

Guess I'm switching to master card. 

What's in YOUR wallet?

The site also said something about MasterCard but I didn't understand it so I didn't post it. 

VISA is in mine but ain't a dime on it

He forgives u

It's your OCD. No harm done. You are completely forgiven. There is nothing mysterious going on with Satan. You or I have no idea what the real mark of the beast is. I guarantee that you do not have it or will ever have anything to do with it. Have you asked Jesus to save you? If you have and meant it, you can be absolutely sure that He took that request very seriously and will do exactly that - He will save you from all your sins. That's the business of our Lord. All of us have our quirks. We all need Jesus. If you truthfully call on Him, He will save you. It is impossible for a true believer to commit any sin that will take Him away from God - impossible. Relax and enjoy your salvation. It is the most blessed gift ever bestowed upon us. 

Hi, thanks for the reply

It was very interesting and I will recap on that.

Can you please answer these question's though.

1. many people say UPC barcodes contain three 6's.  assuming this is true, what do you thin about this?

2. Do you believe anybody has the mark of the beast today in technology?

3. what do you think the mark of the beast will be?

God Bless


1. many people say UPC barcodes contain three 6's.  assuming this is true, what do you thin about this? Answer: I have read the entire book that you have probably read. I don't think we will truly know what the mark is until it gets here. I am very confident that the bar code is not the mark of the beast.

2. Do you believe anybody has the mark of the beast today in technology? I don't think so but since I don't know what is all out there I cannot say for sure.

3. what do you think the mark of the beast will be? I am not even sure that the mark of the beast is not already here. However, we have the mark of God and the mark of the beast can never erase that. The mark of the beast may be symbolical. If you are a child of God, Satan does not have the privilege of changing that no matter what he does. You need to focus more on Christ and less on this kind of stuff. You do not need to fear or be the least bit apprehensive about the mark of the beast. I personally do not believe it is physical. However, I could be wrong about that. Listen to this verse:

Eph 1:13-14  And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession — to the praise of his glory. NIV

There is no way Satan could ever take that away from you. God is certainly not going to take back His mark. The mark here is a spiritual one. It is an eternal one. Once you have been marked by God, it is all over. That battle has been fought and won. You do not need to be worried about some silly mark of Satan. He cannot harm you. 

Hi , thanks again for your reply.

I don't really understand how anybody can believe the mark of the beast is likely a symbolic/spiritual mark? I hear many people who feel it will be a symbolic mark, but how?

How does one buy or sell with thoughts ?

more importantly and I'd like you to answer this question , What thought's is a person supposedly have to think to receive the mark of the beast? 

How does somebody symbolically have the mark of the beast? 

and can you please comment on this question?  you say once a person is marked by God there is no way that person can lose God's protective mark, but I don't understand this.

The way I see it you can get saved by God but you need to continue living righteously with God to be truly saved, not the attitude, once saved always saved, it doesn't work like that.

God Bless

You keep overlooking the rest of the verse:  If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand

Good enough, Seek. Let me add a few more verses, Mark. You and I do think a little differently and I want to make sure that I respect your take on the mark. Concerning the mark of God, it does sound eternal to me:

2 Cor 5:5  Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. NIV

2 Cor 1:21-22  Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. NIV

We are being told in Scripture that we are guaranteed what is to come. It is God that saves those who call out to Him. Why do you want to take that onto yourself. You cannot even begin to do it. Why not allow God to do that which you cannot. Our faith and trust needs to be completely in Him. He did not put those verses about the mark of the beast in the Bible to frighten the believer into submission. He gives His own personal guarantee to the one who will put their trust in Him. I know some guarantees are not worth the paper they are written on but this promise is guaranteed to us by God Himself. What causes you to doubt Him? I can tell you what causes you to doubt Him. You doubt yourself. You know you are not worthy. You know you can't live up to ever being good enough. I know. I have been there. I know exactly what you are feeling. I have had the exact same feelings. 

If you are doubting yourself, let me go ahead and put those doubts to rest for you. If you doubt your own ability - stop doubting. You will fail. You will never get to the place where you won't fail. You will always need Christ. You will never reach the place you do not need Him. You are right to doubt yourself but never, never, never doubt that Christ will do all that HE HAS PROMISED TO DO. Jesus gave His life that you could be marked once and for all time. 

Perhaps you have not yet trusted in Him for your salvation. If not, I encourage you to do that now. Ask that all your sins (past, present and future) be forgiven. Then trust Him for your salvation. Even the great Apostle Paul realized how much he needed Christ. He was close to death and still saying that he had not yet obtained perfection. He proclaimed his faith in our Savior God when he said:

2 Tim 1:12 ...Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day. NIV

Paul could never make it on his own. He still needed Christ - even after a life of sacrifice. None of us can do it on our own. We all must trust Christ for our salvation. Paul was speaking a different language than you. Yes, we do need to live righteously before our God. Yet, what are you going to do when you fail and you will fail. You need to give all praise to our God and Savior Jesus. He is the only reason any of us will ever make it home. 


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