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I would like to know if Jesus will forgive me of this particular sin, 
I have been interested for many years about studying  the Biblical mark of the beast and am aware that in the probably not so far future that the Antichrist will come to earth and under Satan's orders try and cause as many people on earth to receive a mark in/on the right hand or forehead, that no one can buy or sell without the mark which is 666, the mark of the beast. I am also aware if anybody takes the mark of the beast that they will be condemend to hell with no redemption AT ALL. 
I believe that a lot of technology today could well be a step towards or perhaps even the forerunner of the ''mark'' of the beast.
technology such as UPC barcodes, Human chip ( verichip) invisible ink, e.t.c. may represent, or be the forerunner of the actual amrk during the great tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist. 
Anyway about a month ago I was at home and a UPC barcode on a shopping item took my attention. Whether it was Satan trying to mess with my mind because he's know's how I feel about the mark of the beast and certain technology or whether it was my own stupidity I don't know.
I felt the urge to rip the barcode off the cardboard retail box and hold it onto/touching my forehead for a few seconds. I knew I shouldn't have done it before I did this act but like I said I'm not sure if it was my own stupidity or Satan playing mind games with me. 
Because I did it the once I had an OCD moment that because I did it once I should do it again so I did for the next couple of days, each time I knew it was something I shouldn't be doing. Maybe it was Satan making me think that because I have potentially sinned that I may was well just keeop doing it and not repent. However I have stopped and repented from doing itb and sought forgiveness.
So that was about one month ago, I have never done it since and never will, I asked forgiveness from Jesus after I did it but whenever I think about it I just can't stop worrying about it and can't stop myslef feeling so stupid for doing it. I am  repeatedly asking God to forgive me for this even thoguh I am ware I only need to ask forgiveness once for this sin and to stay repented from it.
I'm not sure if Satan is playing with my Mind putting thoguht's there that I cannot be forgiven for it and decieving me, I'm not sure.
I really want to start living for God now and getting my life completely right from now on and forever with Jesus. 
I'd also like to know Pastor is this was a symbolic act, also if ti was and I am forgiven will it be forgotten and erased by Jesus Christ?   ( Please try and verify this for me) 
I need peace of mind from this now and I'd really like to know if you think Jesus will forgive me .
Thank you and God Bless 

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You seem to have recognized that these thoughts are credited to OCD. Do you think you're having an obsession that Jesus won't forgive you? When these thoughts are bothering you, you could try saying to yourself that it's not you but it’s your OCD and the thoughts are false messages.

You could also try to focus on looking up all the bible verses you can find that mention the word forgiveness when these thoughts are bothering you.

Bible gateway has a link where you can type in a word or phrase and find all the verses in the bible that contain that word or phrase. Here's the link.

I know it's very difficult if not impossible to make the thought go away, but you can choose not to pay attention to it.

Hang in there!!!
Hey there,

You are of course forgiven by Christ, for he says there is no condemnation in Christ. I pray that God will help you in this issue and give you the peace in your heart that comes from Him.

Do you have a church body that you're a part of? Getting into Christian community will certainly help you to keep your mind and focus and heart on Jesus.

If you've sake for forgiveness and trust in Christ, then rejoice! Gods grace is good and enough. His mercy and grace is bigger than our sins. He's enough!

Take care!

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I told a friend about this situation and this is what he said  '' you have symbolically placed a mock imitation of Satan's ownership over the front of God's mark of ownership on your soul''. Then he told me to repent and to ask Jesus for Forgiveness

This particular person believes that the future mark of the beast will definitely be the mark of the beast.
Even though nobody know's what the actual mark of the beast in the right hand or forehead will actually be during the Antichrist's future reign will be, this particular person is sure it will be a bar code tattooed on somebody's right hand or forehead. 
I told him how about 1 month ago I held a UPC barcode from a shopping item onto my forehead for a few seconds, I told him I felt very bad about doing it and that I have asked Jesus for forgiveness and repented and won't do it again. the last time was about 1 month ago and I will never do it again.

He told me, ''you have symbolically placed a mock imitation of Satan's ownership over the front of God's ownership on your soul''

As I said, this is his reply to me with him 100% thinking he know's the mark of the beast will definitely be a tattooed barcode on the right hand or forehead during the tribulation, he is making assumptions that may turn out to be untrue, the mark of the beast may or may not be a tattooed barcode, it could be a human chip or even unveiled technology that's not been released yet.

He told me to repent of it and ask Jesus for forgiveness and not do it again. I have emailed him back with a few question's but he say's he can't always reply right way and usually takes a while to email people back so in the mean time it's frustrating for me.

What do you think of this what he said and his assumption's in which he believes is 100 % right which he may be wrong ?

And very importantly, do you think Jesus will forgive me of what I did? I will never do it again and have asked his forgiveness ?


I think your friend is living in a near psychosis of paranoid legalism if he believes that. Does your friend use toothpaste? Because every toothpaste brand has bar-codes. When did he decide to stop using barcodes? Because if that is the mark of the beast, then he would be damned to hell even if he stopped using them.


Stop rolling on the floor so much or you're gonna get dirty girl.

The toothpaste was hilarious

Did you delete all of the other replies or what? I know LT replied a couple of times as well as I did but I no longer see them now.

He has a couple of other forums with a similar subject. I have not replied to this one, but did to two other ones.

Lord Bless,


okie dokie I just seen the scanner code

The "mark of the beast" is a manner of taking allegiance to an anti-christ system. Barcodes are just a form of commercial transaction. Keep your allegiances with Christ in order and don't let anyone rob you of your joy and liberty in following Christ.


I understand bar-codes are a form of commercial transaction but they are used for buying and selling, some say it could be used as the actual mark when the mark of the beast arrives so it is about what it possibly represents now/ in the future. 

What you said earlier about my friend if he uses toothpaste, that wouldn't' be true as the barcode is on the toothpaste packaging, not on his right hand or forehead 

thanks for your reply

God Bless


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