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I am very interested in the Biblical book of Revelation ,  particularly  about the topic of the mark of the beast.

I'm sure you may know what the Bible says about it, basically that in the end times known as the  Great Tribulation, the Antichrist will come to power under Satan's influence and try to cause as many people as possible to receive a mark in or on the right hand or forehead that no man may buy or sell saith he that had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the 'number of it's name which is 666.

Today, we see new possible technology for the mark unveiling before our eyes. things that I believe lead us a step closer to the actual mark such as ID cards,  UPC barcodes, Human verichip, invisible ink and many others. I believe each of these are potential stepping stones leading us closer to the mark of the beast, perhaps any of these could be the forerunner of the actual mark. 

My issue is this. About 1 month ago my attention was drawn to the UPC  barcode on a shopping (Grocery)  item, whether it was a demonic temptation or being tempting me to do it or if it was just my own stupidity, I'm not sure. I knew I shouldn't have done it but I still went ahead and did so and I agree it was silly.

I guess it was probably Satan's way of trying to mess with my head as he know's my concerns over the actual mark of the beast.

Anyway I felt the urge to rip the UPC  barcode from the cardboard box and hold it onto my forehead for a few second's with the barcode touching my skin. Then because I'd already done it once I was fooled the next day into thinking I should just do it again so I did it a further couple more times.

Last time was about 1 month ago and I haven't done it again since, nor will I ever do it again  in the name of Jesus.  I still get drawn to the barcodes on items sometimes but I resist it or just destroy the barcode by ripping it to bits before I probably do something silly with it again. 

I have asked forgiveness from Jesus Christ and repented and vow to never do it again. Will Jesus forgive me for this and offer me his Salvation?

Many thanks 

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So your question is if Jesus will forgive you after you've put a barcode on your head?

Well, I held it onto my head for a couple of seconds, I'd like to know if Jesus will forgive me of this sin adn will I be forgiven of it upon asking forgiveness and repenting? 

Well, I held it onto my head for a couple of seconds, I'd like to know if Jesus will forgive me of this sin adn will I be forgiven of it upon asking forgiveness and repenting? 

I'm wondering about your question, "Will Jesus forgive me for this and offer me His salvation?

The Bible is clear about God forgiving your sins if you are repentant and turn to Him as your Lord and Savior.

I have repented of this and asked Jesus to forgive me. I intend to never do such a thing again and cast out evil temptation when it arises.

So do you think Jesus will forgive me for this ? 

Let's start with the question "Can Jesus forgive you ... of this action?"

1) The Bible says that "For all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Based on Romans 10:13 who is excluded when we see the term "for all" stated?

Jesus absolutely can forgive you and unless you did this action with the intent to rebel against Jesus I doubt He sees it as a sin. Just putting a bar-code to your head does not make it the mark of thebeast, which I assume you are referring to here.

2) The second question is will he forgive you of this sin?

Again, I seriously doubt He sees it as seen unless you intentionally did it as an act of rebellion. Regardless, even if it was rebellion it still would qualify as "sin" and be able to be washed away by the blood of the Lamb. Therefore the better question is will Jesus forgive you of your sins? Will He lead you from death to life? The answer is yes if you come to Him on His terms. I will give you some Scripture to look up in order posted.

Romans 3:23

Romans 6:23

Romans 10:9-13

Ephesians 2:8-10

Thus, yes you can be saved for it is a matter of the heart. Do you acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, the living God who died and rose again? Do you believe that His blood was shed as atonement (payment) for sin for all who call on Him? Take note that this calling on Him is not simply using His name as a get out of jail card, but rather is when we come to terms with who He is and who we are ... He is the great God and Redeemer and we are the fallen created who need a Savior. This change of mind is known as repentance and when we come to Him by grace through faith we will also be led to a change in action that flows from that new life and new relationship with Him.

Last comment. This action you mentioned cannot keep you from coming to Christ. Only your rejection of Him can do that as the offer of forgiveness has already been extended, but one must receive His offer on His terms. Reread Romans 10:9 and also read Revelation 3:20 and 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Will respond to your baptism question later today as I have to head out.

Lord Bless,


1. Thank's for the reply, that is reassuring . I do call upon the name of the Lord and ask his forgiveness and I do repent of what I did.

Despite asking for forgiveness and repenting, I still get that niggling feeling when I think about it, I think will really God forgive me for this?

When I did it I felt it wasn't right but I still went and did it anyway followed by doing it again on a few other occasions. I agree it was silly of me and I won't be doing it again.  the last time and last time ever time I did it was about 1 month ago.

 I suppose the answer is yes, I did know what I was doing (( which is why it was so silly of me )) before holding the barcode onto my forehead for a few seconds. because of this reason I am afraid I may have sinned against God. 

What would be the best way to pray about this in your opinion please, I find it hard sometimes to string day to day sentences together, I find putting a prayer together much harder. 

When I pray for  forgiveness of this sin will it be washed away and forgotten by Jesus?

And can you please confirm if you stated Jesus will actually forgive me?  

Many thanks for your reply, it was very informative and interesting, if you could indeed reply to my Baptism thread I would be extremely  grateful.

God Bless 

EDIT:  Can I please ask you your opinion's  regarding the mark of the beast please?

.Do you believe it will be literal or symbolic ?

. Do you think anybody has the mark of the beast today?

. What technology do you think the mark of the beast will be? 

. Can somebody only get the mark of the beast during the Antichrist's ruler ship on earth and the Great tribulation? 


And can you please confirm if you stated Jesus will actually forgive me? 

If you come to Jesus in faith you will be saved. The item that you view as sin is not the ultimate sin, but at worst a sin that is able to be covered by the blood. There are two forms of forgiveness and repentance. There is the repentance that leads to salvation which includes forgiveness of sin and a new life in Christ. Then there is repentance that deals with our sin as a child of God. We are already His, but need the cleansing from the stain of sin to be usable in His hand.

.Do you believe it will be literal or symbolic ?

IMO based on what I read it will be some identifier, a marking that sets the person apart. I do not believe we know what the mark is or will be. Every generation has tried to associate it with something from their era of time. Today's popular idea is a computer chip. 100 years from now if the Lord should tarry they will have developed some new technology that will be accused of the thing that will be used.

. Do you think anybody has the mark of the beast today?

No. I do not believe we are at that pint in time in the end time timeline.

. What technology do you think the mark of the beast will be? 

I have no idea as technology changes so fast that the item may yet be developed, if in fact it is a tech item and not something else all together.

. Can somebody only get the mark of the beast during the Antichrist's ruler ship on earth and the Great tribulation?

If we take the Book of Revelation at face value and accept that there is a timeline we would have to place the mark within what is called the Great Tribulation. This period of time has not yet begun based on what we read in Daniel and from the Book of Revelation too. Thus, I believe the mark will only be available and used during the Great Tribulation.

Remember that when we speak of future events we only have a limited amount of knowledge and revelation. I personally believe that what God has planned will unfold quite a bit differently than most people expect. We, as humans, too often try to identify and mark every last detail when God has not given us that type of detail ... He has given us signs to look for that mark the coming age, but not the specifics. The most important thing we can do is to know that we are His and seek to live for Him today ... this day.

Lord Bless,


Thanks again for your well written and informative reply. I will take that information on board and revise it. 

You are a good teacher and I know God will reward you in Heaven, I also hope to thank you in Heaven when I get there. 

God Bless

You are welcome. I look forward to seeing you there, but hope to have more interaction here before that time :-)

Lord Bless,


Hi Mark, God bless you!

I don't understand why you are concerned with the mark of the beast. I have theories too, but it's not time yet. Perhaps it is close, but God is big enough to warn us. What if it is the barcode or a social security number or a tattoo of some kind or a micro chip? He can show us what it looks like when we need to know. He's not going to forsake us and take off. Our God is not like that. He'll be right there with us. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. We bear the markings of our Lord Jesus Christ. As He is, so are we.

It may happen just like this...Someone says we should get some kind of mark. God will say something like...Don't do it. It's time, and I'm with you. Trust Him to tell you. There's plenty to know about God without thinking about the mark of the beast. What about His steadfast love, His faithfulness? I want to know everything I can about Him.   :-)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. (Philippians 4:8 NIV)



Hi Mary.

Thank you for your reply. I'm not fully sure what causes me to think daily about the mark of the beast, It's just something that I think is important to know and I find it interesting, especially with certain technology in use these days that look's as though were edging a little closer each time to the mark of the beast. Also I'm at home a lot and suppose I haven't much else to do and think into things to much.

You are right about getting to know God , his love and faithfulness for us, maybe I should spend more time focusing on this than the evil of Satan.

But As I've asked in the thread, do you believe Jesus will forgive me for what I have done? 



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