Romans 16:17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
Titus 3:1-2 Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.
I really think the religious community needs to get above the political community. We, as Christians, are to be better than that and be example setters. But there are hundreds of videos out there of one religion bashing another or one Christian bashing another.
Just had a friend who is Charismatic post against Christian's trick or treating on Halloween. I asked if Romans 14:5-6 didn't come into play and he adamantly said no it doesn't. That we're playing with fire to do so. I didn't say anything further because it would be nothing more than an argument and friendships would suffer damage at that point. From the above scriptures, it's clear to me that we're to stay away from false prophets, or perhaps even away from those who's beliefs do not mesh with our own, but to keep away in this manner, rather than slander them. But due to my friend's posting, I did a bit of Halloween researching to settle my own thoughts on it. I will still take my son trick or treating because he likes candy as much as any child. Other than that, that's all it is to child getting candy. But that's my choice and I don't ask anyone else to make that choice for themselves but do what is in their heart to do. Yet from all I read and other discussions, those dead set against it seemed to be so vocal against those who see nothing wrong with it and I wonder why is that? To do so, it seems to me that they are in violation of Romans 14, and Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Jesus stood against false teaching, but did so peaceably. He didn't go out and make videos and plaster them on television and the internet...and that wasn't just because TV and the internet hadn't yet been invented, but because it wasn't His nature. But sadly, the Christian community seems to be more and more like the secular one everyday.
I wanted to say I feel this applies here at AAG as well. We all get into debates, sometimes that turn into heated arguments and we end up calling down each other and why? It's most often over differences in religious aspects. I don't think it's ever been about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But it's those things that have created Pentecostal, Baptist, Nazarene, Methodist, etc.'s the: Should a Christian wear makeup, woman wear pants stuff of the old Pentecostal days. It's should we speak in tongues, hold communion every week, stand on the street corner passing out tracts, read only the KJV version of the Bible, etc. I think it's why I've learned to appreciate my own pastor in that I've learned there are a few things he may preach and believe that I don't, but I can listen to what I do agree with without letting others, which have nothing to do with the Gospel of Christ, cause me to stop listening to him. I'm learning a take it or leave it attitude until God gives me some revelation from His Word whether I'm right or wrong on an issue. I had considered trying another church, until I read their online doctrines and realized, I agree more with my church than any others I've found so I'm sticking. LOL
I wanted to say I feel this applies here at AAG as well. We all get into debates, sometimes that turn into heated arguments and we end up calling down each other and why?
Because most people do not know how to discuss issues and stay on topic. You will also find that mudslinging often occurs when the person has no new info to add to the discussion. At that point they revert to personal attacks ... happens time and again. This is when I usually step in and put a stop to the discussion.
Love you both. So very blessed to call you my family.
your brother in Christ,
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! I recognize that guy from somewhere. Cannot put my finger on where, but I'm sure we've met at some point. ;-)
AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN! You just echoed my sentiments. There's way more time spent on arguing finer points and bashing each other than in telling people what Christ really is about. And He was certainly not for fighting amongst the various churches. And I know too that we don't ignore false teachers, but I'm willing to bet the reason we have so many is because there's no sound doctrine taught anymore so false teachers can have a field day with the uninformed. Effort might be better spent on teaching the true Gospel of Christ than in pointing out who's a false teacher. Then the people will be equipped to recognize false teaching.
LOL I'd rather not do trick or treat either. It's hard on my back and feet. I'd rather inside where it's cozy and warm, relaxing after a hard day of work. BUT...when you have a 9 yo seeing everyone get to go out and have fun seeing what candy they can get, being a stick in the mud can, as you say, put them more against Christianity than for it as they get older. They can begin to view it as a hindrance rather than something to be enjoyed serving Christ.
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