All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

What are some of the promises of God?

How do those promises come to realization in our lives? 

What are the warnings of God?

How do those warnings come to realization in our lives?

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Just as an additive, there are also temporal and eternal promises. Thus there are four groupings of promises.

Temporal - unconditional

Eternal - unconditional

Temporal - conditional

Eternal - conditional

Then we also have to take into account as to whom the promises are actually being extended to. Is it a personal promise to a particular person/group or is it a universal promise.

Thus, we have to determine who the promise is applicable to as well determine the type of promise.

Kind of like you said in the sermon today, "Marching around Jericho."  

Exactly :-)

Thank You


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