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This is taken from another discussion. What are your views on the Creation? 6 days? Earth is a billion years old?

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Hi Tammy,

Just a few verses:

Gen 1:5 And there was evening, and there was morning — the first day.

Gen 1:8 And there was evening, and there was morning — the second day.

Gen 1:13 And there was evening, and there was morning — the third day.

Gen 1:19 And there was evening, and there was morning — the fourth day.

Gen 1:23 And there was evening, and there was morning — the fifth day.

Gen 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning — the sixth day. 

Ex 20:11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Tammy, I have a very difficult time finding billions of years in the Bible. I think to find that we have to turn to the secular world.

Roy, I believe the Bible 100% from Genesis to Revelation. It's my belief that in order for you to believe the rest of His word, you also have to believe in the beginning. 

Amen, Roy.

It is a beautiful plan designed by our Master. As has been mentioned, God could have done it all in an instant or He could have chosen to take billions of years to bring His desing into being. But, He did it all in six days and rested on the seventh day. He is painting a beautiful picture in His Creation. Before He does anything He establishes order. He gives order for our universe and for our physical beings. He establishes the day. He set the earth, sun and moon in a precise position to correspond with His purpose in the "day." Man was certainly not an afterthought. It was all for man and especially for His plan of Abraham and his family. 

Ex 20:11  For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. KJV

What a beautiful picture. The twenty-four hour day was created first and then followed by God in His Creation. Then, the week. He labored six days and rested on the seventh. Physically, we need the twenty-four hours. We need time for work, time tor our families to teach them about God, and time to rest. It is absolutely perfect. Man did not adapt to the day - the day was made for man. And then, the day of rest, are we seeing the picture? 

Jesus later would tell us that man was not made for the Sabbath but that He (God) had made the Sabbath for man. 

Mark 2:27-28 "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. NIV

The Sabbath rest is given to us to show us the way both physically and spiritually. God demanded that we rest from all our work. In Numbers there is a story of a man that went out to pick up sticks on the Sabbath. The why is not given but undoubtedly to possibly provide warmth for the family or fuel to build a fire for cooking - the why is not important. What is important is that man was instructed to cease from all his labors. Man should rejoice in this - no honey do list on Saturday. 

The spiritual picture given to us about this holy day is found in Hebrews. The one that learns to trust in Jesus enters into this Sabbath rest. He learns to cease from his labors. All true believers in Jesus will eventually (most will immediately) want to become perfect for their Master. We are given so many instructions to work. He sometimes comes across as a very hard and strict Taskmaster. But then He cries out, "Rest, rest, rest." Sometimes we are so busy working we do not hear His voice and continue to work. We respond, "But Master, we have so much to do, we have no time for rest." We are so desperate to please Him, we have no time to cease our labors and rest.

I agree with the working part but sometimes we need to stop and realize that He has already done EVERYTHING necessary for us unto salvation. There is nothing left for us to do. It is already completed. This is finding rest for our weary souls. It is done. The work is finished. It is time for rest. This is the Sabbath rest made for us. "Cease from your labors," He says. 

The six days are beautiful. The day is beautiful. The world and the universe are beautiful. It is God Who said, "It was very good." But the seventh day - Magnificent. It is more than beautiful - it is holy. 

Blessings to all those who have found rest in their Savior. His name is holy. He is holy. His name is Jesus. 

I think it's a beautiful story as well. Living in the Bible Belt, I was totally blind about the world so it seems & their beliefs. Until several years ago, I thought every Christian believed in the 6 day/7 day creation. It still boggles my mind how someone can take the Bible at face value EXCEPT the beginning. There are no words in Genesis like "visions" "dreams" & other words the Bible uses when things aren't literal. Anything else that is my view, you posted above. Thank you


Genesis 5 and 11 are very specific and cannot be read generally speaking. It gives both a record of father/son and the years of life before giving birth and total years lived by each. Below is one example from Genesis 11:

Gen 11:16-17 NIV84  When Eber had lived 34 years, he became the father of Peleg.  (17)  And after he became the father of Peleg, Eber lived 430 years and had other sons and daughters.

Again we are told twice that Eber was the father of Peleg. We know exactly how many years old he was when Peleg was born and how old he was when he died. In Genesis 5 and 11 there is no room for the gap in the genealogy as you believe to be possible.

In Genesis 5 the numbers and names are again very specific:

Gen 5:9-11 NIV84  When Enosh had lived 90 years, he became the father of Kenan.  (10)  And after he became the father of Kenan, Enosh lived 815 years and had other sons and daughters.  (11)  Altogether, Enosh lived 905 years, and then he died.

Enosh was 90 when he became the father of Kenan. After becoming Kenan's father he lived another 815 years. Altogether he lived 905 years.

I do not see how one can simply overlook the specific nature of this writing regarding names and years. The method used leaves no room for gap or insertion.

Lord Bless,


You are welcome and OK.

Lord Bless,



But the seventh day - Magnificent. It is more than beautiful - it is holy.

Do I hear you saying.......Saturday (the seventh day) is the Sabbath?

Yes. Saturday is the seventh day and Sunday was the first. Jesus rose very early on the first day which was Sunday. I'm not sure, though, that is what you are asking.

Did God give us a riddle in Genesis one and then throughout the rest of Scripture concerning the six days? He tells us that He spoke clearly to Moses and not in riddles, but did He give us a riddle here? Do the six days in Genesis one represent long periods of time? Virtually every history book speaking of world history and cultures used in our schools today, devote some space to teaching our children that time as we know it began sometime between thirteen and fourteen billion years ago. They speak as though this is a fact backed up by substantial evidence. The idea of this time theory comes to us from the discovery that there are billions of galaxies in our universe each racing through space in an expansion that appears to be stretching our universe. The Big Bang is one such theory. The Big Bang puts our universe at about 13.7 billion years old. Along with the Big Bang comes another theory called the origin of man or life through a process called evolution. Much of the church has left the idea of the six days and now believe in the Big Bang and other theories. Some even attempt to justify believing in these theories by giving the idea that God didn't really mean days.

Has God spoken to us clearly? Certainly, if these present theories are true, then He has not. He tells us very clearly that Adam was the first man and Eve the first woman. All the rest of Scripture including that spoken by our Lord Jesus agrees with this foundational beginning. Throughout Scripture He gives us a chronology that puts our world and man at around six thousand years old. (My studies has man at c. 5914 years ago.) There are many, many different studies from the Bible concerning a timeline and all of them have Creation around six thousand years ago. I cannot find a way to interpret the words of Scripture to date the beginning in billions of years. 

Some would say that the language during Moses' time wasn't there to date the beginning of Creation billions of years ago. Actually, the language was in place and certainly could have been used to express billions of years. Moses uses the term "thousands upon thousands" which clearly indicates millions. How would one have indicated billions or tens of billions as some use today? The term for tens of billions would be "thousand upon thousands by tens of thousands" as used similarly by David in Ps 68:17 describing the number of God's chariots. The language was there but no where in Scripture do we see anything like this language indicating the time when God made the world. It is not there. 

Why would God lead us to believe the earth was only thousands of years old when in fact it was billions of years old? The truth is that He would not. It appears to me that somewhere He would have at least given us a hint. He does not or at least one that I have seen or been told about. Genesis five gives us a chronology of time to the flood. These were the first men on the earth. Were they real or mere representations of mankind over millions of years. The rest of Scripture treats these men spoken of in Genesis five as real men. This is a true history of mankind. The other theories are mere fabrications of wishful thinking. 

We want to be very careful to not listen to the teachings of Balaam as did the church of Pergamum who received a rebuke from our Lord for doing so. I think we need to really know what we are talking about before we begin that kind of speculation. All the facts are not yet in on how to pinpoint the time of the earth. Don't be duped into thinking that the Bible is not clear in its revelation to man. Can we trust that which is spoken about Jesus? Can we be assured that our salvation is real?  I believe the answer is "yes." 


I'm sorry, didn't make my question clear.

Rephrase - The Jews, Seventh Day Adventists, and maybe others, celebrate Saturday as the Sabbath.

Do you, Roy, celebrate Saturday, as the Sabbath?

From your recent posting concerning the creation, it appears to me that you do.

Grace and Peace.


The physical Sabbath is Saturday. The Sabbath was part of the Law. That Law was fulfilled by Christ. The Sabbath was just one of the ceremonial special days, months, etc. that God set up to give us a type of our relationship with Him. I believe the Sabbath speaks to us of the rest we enter into when we believe in Jesus. I believe we are to honor the Sabbath through our faith in Jesus. We rest from all our labors and place our trust in Him for our salvation. This is the Sabbath rest. I personally don't celebrate any of the special days listed in the Law except through faith in Jesus. He has fulfilled all the Law. 

But, it is important that we do not consider Sunday as the Sabbath. It is the day that I attend worship but it is not a new Sabbath. The Sabbath law is fulfilled in Christ. 


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