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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Before i begin this topic, it is important to know what FAITHFULNESS is all about, how it differentiates itself from FAITH and how one leads to another.
FAITHFULNESS...... is consistently trustwordy in doing Gods work. This could be in the area of services and giving.
Faith....... is the proof of unseen reality. Even though we dont see it, we have the assurance that we already have it.
FAITHFULNESS and FAITH are important in our christian works and we need both of them for our advancement. Unfortunately, many christians are faithful but do not have faith. Often at times you here of christians compaining of how things are not working in their lives even though they serve God faithfully. They are FAITHFUL but lack Faith.
FAITH never fails. The word of God says in.. 1st cornt,13vs13, that these three abideth, FAITH,HOPE and LOVE. Unfortunately, anything that is not of FAITH that works by love is sin.Check your bible in .. (Romans 14vs 23 ).
The truth is that many serve God in their services and giving without faith. My question to all reading this article is why, do you do the things you do?
You can be envangelising for God and at the same time, you are comparing yourself with others across the street doing what you are doing.Thats lack of faith and amounts to selfishness ,which results to sin.
You can give charity and seek praises of men without knowing it. Lack of FAITH.
A person can be praying for a child from God all because of what people are saying. Thats lack of faith. Ask Hannah in.... 1st samuel vs 1. Year after year she went to the house of the Lord praying for a child because her rival provoked her.Until one day she said to God if you give me this child i will dedicate it back to you. Thats FAITH. The bible recorded that when she had it done, she conceived and gave birth to Samuel.
Until you apply FAITH in what you do , victory is not in view. FAITHFULNESS is not enough, you need faith to come out of that situation. Faith is a force no devil can stop. It conquers all things. As you apply faith in all you do today, God will give you victory. It is well.
Egeruoh Chuks

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ok, a lot of stuff has been said about faith in christiendom but theres still a gray area for me and I guess a whole lot of christians.. I Think it is too much of a vital ingridient of the christian faith to have gray areas on.. so I have had to ask constantly, to know for myself what this is.. I got an answer.
I distinguished faith from positive thinking even though this is debatable like this.
Faith is your response to what God has (already) said. God can come to you and tell you that you are blessed with an afternoon meal when in actual fact you have no food, no money and no hopes of getting any. but he has said You have your afternoon meal.. What do you do? do you believe his word against the physical evidence that shouts otherwise or do you not..
Your agreement with God's word and total rest as a result of that belief is faith. Not that you dont have food and He has not said you will have any but you just want to be positive about it and hope that God will make food available.. Very subtle difference but rather fundamental in our walk with God. If we wait on God and do what we do at his word, then we are both faithful and men of great faith. Our walk with God cannot be divorced from a living vital relationship with the Holy Spirit in which he speaks, guides and influences our lives in detail..
It is also very important to realize the scripture Chucks quoted above about that "these three abideth, FAITH,HOPE and LOVE." one cannot exist without the other.. a combo of the three is what trust is . When we trust God it is an unequivocal declaration that our complete refuge is in Him and this springs Him into acting on our behalf or not depending on what he wants to achieve in our circumstance. it is all about him...
konceptskool, Thanks to your response to the topic.... FAITHFULNESS and FAITH. I must admit that i have gained a new insight into our response to what God has already said. ( FAITH ) If God has said it , it must surely come to pass. It is now left for us to do our part in believing God in agreement to the confessions of our mouth. Our services in obedience to God's word marches our confession when we say that the Lord is good and faithful. He is all that matters in our lives and must believe all that he says, and act upon them with faith.
The bible said in Ps:107vs2,...Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Our redemption is tied to what we say. In Rom:10vs10,.... The bible said, For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
The first verse of this scripture in Rom:10vs10,suggests that believing will make you answer a good conscience before God. But you need the second verse, to use your mouth to catapult yoursel into what God has said cocerning you. We have to talk it, to take it. The gospel shall be preached, lives shall be saved, all begins with the confessions of our moth. If you believe in your heart and confess it with your mouth, God will act on it. It is well. CHUKS.


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