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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I've never posted here before so I don't know where to post a prayer request. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place.

My friend Harry (who is an Athiest) hasn't had the easiest life. He's had problems with alcohol and drugs since a young age. His parents are divorced, and he lives with his father who he says is rarely sober.

He recently became severely depressed after his girlfriend (the only thing that made him happy) broke up with him. He believes everything is pointless and that he is nothing without her. He doesn't think he has any worth and feels so alone and thinks he has no one.

All he wants in life is love. I spent an hour trying to talk him out of killing himself yesterday. I don't know what to do/say anymore. Nothing I say seems to get through to him. He keeps avoiding getting counseling because he believes nothing will help him so what's the point? 

He's at the point of not caring anymore. 

I keep praying God will help him, but he just seems to keep getting worse. Please pray for him. 

He's 21 btw.


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I agree Amanda. Every situation is unique. The Lord leads each situation in a different way. He may lead one to hang in there as long as they themselves aren't tempted. He may lead some to only pray. We should all be led by our convictions and the Spirit that abides in us. In the end, the most important thing is He gets the glory through our obedience. 


I love this quote that you have shared:

 "A saying I heard once before that comes to mind is:  When your happiness depends on what someone will do or won't do, you do have a problem.~ Anonymous ~"

It's true, and something I've told my kids time and time again.. I like the wording of it--short, direct and to the point.  Thanks for sharing.

One final note: It is a great quote, and happiness is an emotion. It depends on circumstances, especially for the lost. When she posted it, I saw right away that it actually is in agreement with what I've stated as far as being emotionally neutral. What others say, do, and their emotions don't have to affect us. It proved my point but I thought saying so would be boasting, and I'm sorry if I sound boastful. I don't intend to at all. I want all my boasting to be in the Lord, about the Lord. The transformation concerning this that's taking place in me has been enormous, even though it's just been a few days. It's a fruit of the Spirit -- temperance, self control. This young man isn't saved and, therefore, has no fruit of the Spirit growing in him, and he may not have anyone who has been able to tell him these things. Your kids are blessed to have you. But maybe someone will share these things with this young man, or perhaps he is reading this discussion himself. You are blessed, Carla :)

Thank you Amanda.  It's funny how we learn things when we are ready.  Something I heard a long time ago also rings true, and it is this:

When a student is ready to learn a teacher always appears. 

This young man may have heard many great encouraging things to teach and guide him, but perhaps he was not ready to hear it yet.  I think I remember it being mentioned that he is only 20 or 21 yrs old?  Such a young man just starting out with his entire future ahead of him.  For the sake of others who may read this and don't know the Lord, I believe it's important to mention how this young man is created by God, Loved by God, Purposed by God and to be Healed by God and Reconciled and Saved by God... IF...  he trusts in God.  We must each repent of our sin and believe the gospel.  Jesus died and rose again back to life for this purpose.  Heavenly Father we ask that you cause the scales which are covering his eyes to fall away, that this young man will see You and receive You as Saviour and Lord.  Cause him to see his sin in light of Your holiness, and cause him to see Your love and forgiveness in the same moment.  Overwhelm him with the truth of who You are.  Bring him to repentance Lord.  We ask this In Jesus name, The NAME above all names.  Amen

Amen to the prayer and you're welcome.

It looks like this young man comes from a broken home, divorced parents, and has been using drugs and alcohol since he was much younger. Sadly, many children don't hear the good stuff because it doesn't get said to them, but you are right about having ears to hear, and I mentioned in another comment my hope for God to open his eyes, ears, and heart, and in another place I said what an unbeliever needs is supernatural enlightenment that brings the change of mind, the needed repentance.

What you stated about the teacher appearing also affirms one of the other things I mentioned in this discussion, about God answering prayers. We pray for others but often our prayers are answered as God sends someone to teach, preach, etcetera. I quoted Ephesians 4. Perhaps all of us can remember what life was like before we found God and will be able to see that God was helping us even when we were lost. You shared that you could see this truth. I was saved at a young age and have trouble remembering before then but the fact that I even survived my childhood, which was one of poverty, neglect and abuse, means God was helping me.

God uses people in His plan and each member of the Body does its work and that's how the Body holds together, grows, and builds. The lost are brought into the fold.

16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Eph 4

I remember life very well before the Lord, and I certainly would never want to go back to it.  I don't even want to think about where I would be without God.  I did read that you wrote all those things, and they are all very good insights. 

Perhaps our friend who posted this discussion will direct the young man to this website?  He doesn't have to join as a member to read the posts.

That would be awesome!

For the sake of others who may read this and don't know the Lord, I believe it's important to mention how this young man is created by God, Loved by God, Purposed by God and to be Healed by God and Reconciled and Saved by God... IF...  he trusts in God.  We must each repent of our sin and believe the gospel.  Jesus died and rose again back to life for this purpose.  Heavenly Father we ask that you cause the scales which are covering his eyes to fall away, that this young man will see You and receive You as Saviour and Lord.  Cause him to see his sin in light of Your holiness, and cause him to see Your love and forgiveness in the same moment.  Overwhelm him with the truth of who You are.  Bring him to repentance Lord.  We ask this In Jesus name, The NAME above all names.  Amen



So he's been in less of a hopeless state of mind lately. He's not laying in bed getting wasted anymore and seems to be trying things to help, like meditation and exercise to help his anxiety. He also said he plans on therapy and eating healthier. 

Please continue to pray for him, and thanks for those who have been.

Wow.  Thanks for the update. 

I am continuing to pray. 

Still praying for him.

We need to pray for those in a hopeless state and show them the way to Christ and Godly love. It's why Jesus ate with sinners. If we turn our back on them because we think they won't repent or get over there pain or it could drag us down or whatever then we aren't showing God's love. Don't enable but don't walk away if theres a chance to save a life. Maybe God put them there for a reason to test our patience love generosity and compassion.


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