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Hebrews 6:4 - 6-6

4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

6If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

I came across these verses a few minutes ago while doing an engine search on something entirely different. When I read the verses I was stunned. The few of you who know me ,know that I have a hard time with believing that God would except me back after walking away from Him or even accepting that I belonged in the first place.  I read these verses over and over again and  I cant see them meaning anything different than what they say.  In one time in my life I thought I had tasted of the heavenly gift and was made partakers of the Holy Ghost. <--- not words I would have used but I did believe that I had beautiful dealings with the Holy spirit... 

These verses  must be why I always feel lost. If any one reads this and feels led to respond, it is my hope you respond with what you believe these scripture verses mean to you and hopefully not think I am wanting to talk about OSAS . Thank you for any replies. I am really upset about this. Is it now impossible for me?

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Jeremiah 3:22-23
New King James Version (NKJV)
22 “Return, you backsliding children,
And I will heal your backslidings.”

Thank you  for posting this Amanda.  I  had tried finding verses about back sliding and I didn't see this one. Another breath of hope.


There is good news for you. I believe as long as there is breath in the body, there is hope for salvation. God is seeking you out and calling you. IMO the fact that you are so concerned about your standing with God means it isn't too late.

"If you had one hundred sheep, and one of them strayed away and was lost in the wilderness, wouldn't you leave the ninety-nine others to go and search for the lost one until you found it? And then you would joyfully carry it home on your shoulders. When you arrived, you would call together your friends and neighbors to rejoice with you because your lost sheep was found. In the same way, heaven will be happier over one lost sinner who returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away! (NLT, Luke 15:3-7)

Watchman , You have no idea how grateful I am that you are here. Thank you, it is awesome to see someone love the Lord as you do and awesome to see the love of the Lord shine through a Christian as He does you.  It is my hope that God will sweep me off my feet.  < --------  :-D

Watchman, that was so nice esp. the last paragraph.


The only sin I believe that is the unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  

I have thought about your question about Hebrews all day long...

I am still continuing to study...but I beg you, please don't be discouraged or upset.  

I'll talk to you privately if I may.  

I love you!

Ditto here as well Janie. Have a blessed rest tonight girlfriend. The both of you.

Thank you Watchman and Tammy,

 I was thinking that about the unforgivable sin when thinking about my Hebrews questions. I guess I was thinking to turn away from God as I did must have been the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I am still very confused but yall and the others who commented are helping .. thanks everyone who commented

Thank you Tammy , you have a good rest too.... love you too

Watchman you can write me privately any time. I am sorry I have been sulking over this . I did get discouraged after reading those verses but I have a couple good friend .to turn to here :-) I love you too :-)

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened
So you were enlightened? Your eyes were opened to the truth of God's Word? Realize the conjunction"and" is being used. You had to be enlightened AND filled with the Holy Ghost AND tasted the "powers" of the world to come. Did you see these powers operating in your life?

If this means what you think it means then explain these:

1 Kings 18:21 Elijah went before the people and said, "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him." But the people said nothing.

Hosea 14:4 "I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them.

Jeremiah 3:21-22 A cry is heard on the barren heights, the weeping and pleading of the people of Israel, because they have perverted their ways and have forgotten the LORD their God. 22 "Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding." "Yes, we will come to you, for you are the LORD our God.

Seek, It is good to see you back , I have been thinking about you.

So you were enlightened? Your eyes were opened to the truth of God's Word? Realize the conjunction"and" is being used. You had to be enlightened AND filled with the Holy Ghost AND tasted the "powers" of the world to come. Did you see these powers operating in your life?

To me being enlightened was when the Holy Spirit started drawing me to God..... when I believed without doubt.When it was like bricks and sand and slime and hate and anger ect ect came pouring off me because of Jesus 

My eyes were opened to knowing "even if I didn't understand His words intellectually" that His word was truth Holy pure ect.

Did you see these powers operating in your life?

Im not sure exactly what this power means but to me I am thinking when the Holy spirit started working in my life.... if that's what it means then OH YES I know what that means. I believe the workings of the Holy Spirit dealt with me many times. You know that song I was blind but now I see?  I used the word "dealt" I cant think of a word to use but I know the holy pirit was with me.

Recently I listened to a Charles Stanley video Amanda sent me. I'd heard it before but something in it struck me as I reread some posts here. He spoke of being truly free. He said if we are afraid of what others think, still having issues with bitterness, still seeking pleasure in worldly things, etc. then we're not truly free and it is abiding in God's Word that sets us free. That as we continue in God's Word, God will set us free of areas where we need healing.

I also read an article this week. I previously had a taste of a deliverance ministry and felt it didn't seem right. Well after I began to read this article, the writer spoke of demons and having elders lay hands on us and pray for our deliverance. I almost quit reading, but while this guy was a Charismatic, he sounded different than what I'd experienced.

As he continued, he spoke of demons being the demons that caused us to hold onto bitterness, demons that kept us shy, demons that kept us bound to worldly things, etc. Not much different than Stanley eh?

He said by staying in God's Word, God would release us from the demons one by one like peeling layers from an onion. And we needed elders praying and those elders in the church aren't always true elders in Christ. That the true elders were those we could really see were free from these demons.

This may be what tasting God's goodness is about. If there is any area we struggle with, we're not yet free. Were you free then? Even if you knew His Word was true, had you tasted His goodness and been set free? Many Christians claim they're free but aren't.


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