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I'm wondering if anyone can please help me understand the old covenant animal sacrifice. 

Hebrews 9:22 says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission  of sins. God ordained animal sacrifice in the OT for the forgiveness of Israel's sins as far as I understand. Does this mean that the people actually DID have their sins cleared by the blood of those animals to the effect that if one of them died immediately after the daily sacrifice, they would go to heaven?

Or was this animal sacrifice just to foreshadow the shed blood of Jesus on the Cross, and the animal sacrifices didn't have any power to forgive eternally. What was the power of the animal sacrifices?


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that clears up so much confusion

so i can read about the nation of Israel as a mini example of the whole word on this side of the cross if i understand correctly

Not quite sure what you mean, so if you can clarify a little regarding "mini example of the whole word" that would help.

the example of God's dealings and relationship with Israel in the old covenant can now be applied to the whole world?

meaning Israel's privilege of having God's Word is now the whole world's privilege in that there is now no division between Jews and Gentiles?

or put another way, can I read about God's dealings with Israel and assume that it is an example to us now of God's dealings with the whole world?

sorry I'm not known for being succinct 

meaning Israel's privilege of having God's Word is now the whole world's privilege in that there is now no division between Jews and Gentiles?


or put another way, can I read about God's dealings with Israel and assume that it is an example to us now of God's dealings with the whole world?

It depends on the issue being dealt with as some of the dealings dealt with the nation (national aspects) and the conditional promises that were given specifically to them.


i'm trying to get the proper frame of mind for understanding God's dealings with Israel in the OT, and this helps clear some things up, but there's still mystery in it for me, but I guess some things just take a while to make sense in the bible

One thing I have learned over the years is that the more I learn and begin to know the more I realize how much more I don't know :-)

It is a life long journey.

i love to think of my Nana reading the bible so much over her 70+ years of being a Christian and she still hasn't exhausted it. it sits rumpled and bursting beside her bed:)

I think LT gave you the answer on this, but neither here nor there...

I was curious as I was reading through all the sacrifices one day and began noting in the margins then doing some calculating and the numbers were simply staggering.

Sacrifices per year:

101 bulls

31 rams

24 male goats

1051 male lambs

I can almost see the dirt on the ground as red from all the blood. 

It is by the blood that we will overcome, but only by the blood of the Lamb. We preach the gospel of Christ, not the Law of Moses.


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