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Here I sit tempted to feel sorry for myself. I'm still young but do not feel my age. I ache all of the time. Right now what hurts is my back but especially my legs.


The only thing I can think of to help is to know if this pain isn't in vain.


So,does He use our physical pain for His Sake and to be able to help others who are suffering? For if He gets to glory and it'll be able to help others somehow than it is worth it. I just need to know.

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I really want Him to be glorified through this but the question is how will He be glorified through it?


I have shared much of what I go through, each day.  I have learned much about His Love, my Trusting HIm even though I have pain.  We stand On His Word, we can only go so far on our own.  That is one reason we have The Spirit.  The Power of Love works through The Spirit into us.  It is not easy to deal with pain or even constant pain.  Yet, He is our Comforter  and so much more.  Use these times to exercise your Faith, find verses that speak about Healing and stand on those.  Jesus is Glorified by our obedience to His Will.  He is Glorified by our trying, He knows our hearts.  He is Glorified when not even pain can stop us from Believing in HIm.  Do I believe in Healing, Yes, yes I do.  Yet, even more so I believe in Hope, Strength and even more in GRACE.  Many people will be and are Praying for you, even if they do not tell you.  Know this, pain is not stronger than Love, and Jesus is Love.  He is our Hope and gives us Strength.

Here I sit tempted to feel sorry for myself. I'm still young but do not feel my age. I ache all of the time. Right now what hurts is my back but especially my legs.

The only thing I can think of to help is to know if this pain isn't in vain.

So,does He use our physical pain for His Sake and to be able to help others who are suffering? For if He gets to glory and it'll be able to help others somehow than it is worth it. I just need to know.


I would think that using your faith to glorify God would be to, heal the sick, for encouraging others in the Word, lifting them up in intercession, casting out evil spirits, as in Isa.58, to loose the bands of wickedness, undoing the heavy burdens, letting the oppressed go free, and that we break every yoke, dealing our bread to the hungry, bringing the poor that is cast out into our house, and when we see the naked we cover him, and that we hide not ourselves from our own flesh; then shall our light break forth in the morning, our health will spring forth speedily, our righteousness shall go before us, and the glory of the Lord shall be our rearward. Then shall we call and the Lord will answer, then shall we cry and He will say; here am I…... I could never see why the Lord would need to use the tools of the devil to teach his children anything. Sure! He can turn any situation around for His glory, but He doesn’t bring these things on His children to do that. We are taught by the Spirit through the Word. I think that the incident with Saul, “Paul” will never be used again; can He do it?? Of course He could. But I just don’t see Him doing it today.

Want to glorify God? Use your faith to walk in His promises, for all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. 2Cor.1:20.

The bible also says in 1Cor.10:13, There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it. And how do you think that will be? Would it not be by grace through faith? God’s grace; but your faith in what God has done through His Son Jesus Christ.

Just the way I see it,





I have no idea what you know of pain, or even constant pain, however I do.  Please do not tell me that 8 Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away from me. 9 But He said to me, “My Grace is sufficient for you, for power, is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me. 10So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, catastrophes, persecutions, and in pressures, because of Christ.l For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor 12:8-10  I Not Important for All of us to Understand. That we who go through Pain, temptations, etc., does not apply.  Did The Spirit Guide Paul to share this ONLY FOR HIM?  Just because you do not see Him using these very things does not mean He does not. 

Are you Praying for our little Sister?  Are you exercising you faith in Prayer for her?  As you quote 1Cor.10:13 does this not tells us that when we are going through times of temptations, we know that it is not beyond the human experience.  And, since Jesus went through what we have we know we are able to come to Him.  We are able to come through with HIS GRACE.  

To put, "Just the way I see it," is that Love?  




Hello Chris,

Say Chris I’m sorry if you were offended with my response. I don’t know what frame of mind you were in when you read it, but it is pretty obvious it wasn’t read in the same context or meaning with which it was written.

I think one thing we all should remember; if we are going to correct or rebuke another brother or sister, we should remember we can only correct, reprove or instruct them at our own level of understanding the Word. There are those that try to use the office of an apologist, not realizing they are instructing others from the level of understanding they have. Could be from the view of the Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholicism, or any other religion or persuasion.  

So when I said “Just the way I see it” means that this is the way I see things according to the Word of God. Maybe you or others see things differently than I, but it doesn’t mean I am putting them down for their belief.

Let’s take for instance a couple of famous “in my opinion” misunderstood, or I should say a vast difference in interpretation of these 2 passages of scriptures.

#1. 2Cor.12:8… With a different understanding of the word “Grace” we will get a different meaning of the scriptures used. In other words, I see that when God said “my grace is sufficient for you” in this case it was Paul He was speaking to. Meaning “IMO” or (just the way I see it) He was telling Paul that His “God’s Divine influence” would be enough to lead him “Paul” through, or out of any situation he found himself in. Paul had all the power that was necessary for his own deliverance from this “messenger of Satan that was buffeting him ”. Just as you and I have, but it is God’s grace that is leading us through it. God leads us by His Grace, He doesn’t drive us like a herd of cattle, but like a flock of sheep. So when we do something through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are saying God did it through us. As in Eph.3:20, Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think; according to the power that works in us. It is like a lot of us, when we are asking God for things that He has already given to us when we accepted Him as Lord. 2Pet.1:2-3.


#2. Rom.8:26, Again in (my opinion), or” just the way I see it” When we don’t know what to, or how to pray for something, or someone, we pray in the Spirit, in my case in tongues, that is my spirit praying for information I don’t yet have, and having the mind of Christ, I search my heart to see what the Spirit is instructing me to pray for, or how to intercede for a person. This is the only way I can know how to intercede for them according to the Will of God.  A good example of this would be in Acts 9:40, when Pet. Went to pray for Dorcas that had passed away, and when he got to the place where she was, he put all of them out of the house, and then he kneeled down and prayed; and then he turned to the body and said, Tabitha arise, and she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. He prayed to get the will of God before he tried to raise her up.

I try to speak the Word in truth, but it doesn’t seem to come across that way at times.

And as far as pain is concerned? At my age? Believe me I have, and have had, pain enough to know all I want to know about it, but I don’t put my focus on them, rather I focus more on the Word, and what God has to say about the trials and tribulations the devil tries to put on me. I try to give the Word first place in those situations. And it is hard to count it all joy when I fall into temptations, but I go back to the Word that tells me that knowing that it will work in me patients… perfection.

 So God bless you Chris, I will in the future try to clarify my post a little more thoroughly before posting, Okay?

Blessings to you,





I ask for you forgiveness.

Your Brother in Christ


A good example of this would be in Acts 9:40, when Pet. Went to pray for Dorcas that had passed away, and when he got to the place where she was, he put all of them out of the house, and then he kneeled down and prayed; and then he turned to the body and said, Tabitha arise, and she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. He prayed to get the will of God before he tried to raise her up.

I just love the spin some place on healing...that by His stripes we ARE healed and we're supposed to go around saying we're healed, no matter how much pain we're in.  That it's His desire that ALL are healed.  Truly?  If that was His desire, why did He tells us we would have troubles?  Why did He tell us the healthy have no need for doctors (when speaking of the righteous having no need of Jesus)?  Why did Timothy take wine for his stomach?

Peter sought God's will and didn't simply assume it was God's will to raise every dead person who wanted raised or had people praying for them. 

But JB, God DID allow the tools of the devil to teach Job something.  And He says many times we will have afflictions, etc.  He doesn't promise an easy life and the preaching of so many to that effect is what causes such a problem among those who don't ever find that easy life.  A woman suffered 12 years with a blood issue before her healing came.  Lazarus DIED!  And he was a close friend, yet Jesus stayed where He was an allowed the death...for a GOOD reason that no one then understood.  But did God raise Paul when he was finally killed?  How about Stephen as he stood being stoned to death?  Can we, or those close to the ones who die, see the reason?  God can.  We're just supposed to realize that sometimes bad happens and that God has a plan...whether it agrees with our plan for immediate health or health at all. 

I still feel God wants me healed of some things and has been working towards it.  And I wonder why it's so agonizingly slow for me and others and nearly instant for others.  To the human mind, it truly makes no sense.  But we're to trust God with it.  And because it makes no sense to us, that trusting can sometimes be a difficult thing, but we hold on and keep doing our best. 

I do honestly believe this is one reason why there is so much contention over scripture, and so many claims of contradictions.  Is it a contradiction when God tells us to encourage one another and then tells us to encourage ourselves and then yet sends an angel to lift Elijah?  Is it a contradiction to say we're healed when some remain sick, or to heal a blind man he said was to show the glory of the Lord and not because of sin, to allow Lazarus to die, Paul, Stephen?  To have Timothy take wine but saying we're healed?

To me, the Bible is depicting a lot of characters from a lot of backgrounds to show that sometimes we're broken and need comforting and encouraging, sometimes we're weak and need strength, sometimes we're selfish and need to think on good things and cast down vain imaginations, sometimes we cry, sometimes rejoice, sometimes dance, sometimes lay down in despair.  The Bible is a cure all for whatever ails you if we would simply stop picking only the verses that we hold dear when talking with one another since we all come from such different walks of life, just as they did. 

Job's friends could've swore he'd sinned, but Job held to his conviction.  They were convince God would not have allowed that.  They had this holier than thou attitude going on since they were not afflicted.  Truth is, Job was so much closer to God than any of them, and that may be WHY God allowed Him to be afflicted.  It brought him even closer to God than before.  And his friends were still out in the dark.

Hi Feet

First off, one can't know what you're going through, but I know it's real and it's difficult!  I pray the Lord will take this suffering from you!

There are several Scriptures that speak to your question, the first one I'd like to direct your attention to is Philippians Chapter 4.  In this chapter, Paul teaches us through his example.  We find him suffering imprisonment, we know he had a personal health issue (some say his eyesight, others say disease.)  Neverthelless, he was in a state of suffering.  In the midst of this suffering Paul expresses something supernatural... JOY!  First, he emphasizes the need to rejoice in the Lord always, bringing your needs to the Lord with thanksgiving and the Lord will give you peace that passes understanding.  In other words, being able to have peace in our state of suffering brings you personally the reward of that peace while at the same time publically glorifies God as it reflects His Supernatural work in your life to others who suffer without that peace.  This in turn creates a desire to search for the "Hidden Treasure" that is missing in their lives leading many into the Kingdom to the Glory of God!


Next, if we look at 2Corinthians12, Paul expresses his own difficulty rejoicing over his "thorn in the flesh" which he rightfully calls a messenger of Satan! Paul tells us that he pleaded with the Lord three times to have this suffering taken from him.  The Lord denies his request!  One asks why? Simply put, the Lord gives Paul the honor of having the God of the universe's power rest on Paul throught this weakness.  Before his conversion, Paul had an incredible zeal for God and worked in Paul's own great strength to bring glory to God.  However, all Paul did was hinder the furtherance of the Kingdom by persecuting the church!  Now Paul is told "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  This knowledge and privilege allows Paul to rejoice and proclaim "Iwill boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong."  You see it was when Paul was at his weakest point in human terms that the Lord manifested His power through Paul which resulted in the coming to salvation of many and great Glory to God!  May this honor be bestowed on you in the same measure!

Finally, I wish to return to Philippians 4, Paul brings out a very important point about suffering; it allows others to bear fruit!!  You see, Paul was very happy that the church in Philippi had the opportunity of attending to Paul's need! He says "Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. Indeed I have all and abound.  I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God.  You see when we suffer hardship, the Lord has the opportunity to bless us through the hands of others ministering to us.  This in turn blesses the others who minister as it allows them to grow spiritually, bearing the fruit of the Spirit to the Glory of God!  That is why it is vital to be willing to minister to others in need and to be humble enough to accept the ministry of others when we are in need!  I hope this has been a help.  May God bless you richly!!

Nice Nick

I second that!  Amen.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28, NIV).

Yes.   God uses trials, suffering, and pain for our good and his glory.  The question, as Tammy asked, is how we will respond: by rejecting or trusting in God?

I love Rachel's blog post about her afflictions. If anyone uses their pain to glorify Him. She is a pure wholesome example. It's a long one but worth the read. As Colby said, it's the choices we make to whether or not we choose to glorify Him thru these things. I deleted my earlier comment for some reason. lol


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