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This question came up in my reading of Psalms, where in 51:11, David says:  Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.

So I looked up information on this:

John 7:39
    The Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.

Acts 1:16
    ... which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake....

Luke 1:15, 41, 67
    He [John the Baptist] shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. (v.15)

    Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost. (v.41)

    Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost. (v.67)

Now there's a whole lot more in both new and old, but this gives an idea of what I'm questioning.

So I thought, perhaps the Holy Spirit was there, but the "infilling" was what happened in the N.T.  But then I go back to John 7:39. 

I can't seem to find enough online to explain this and was wondering if anyone had any insight into what this might mean.

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JOY-- a fruit of the Holy Spirit.


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Question: "The Fruit of the Holy Spirit –  What is joy?"

Literally, the "fruit  of the Spirit" is what happens when the Holy Spirit indwells a believer. The  "fruit" is the product of the Holy Spirit's cultivation of character in a heart.  Galatians  5:22-23 describes what that fruit looks like; the second characteristic  listed is joy.

The Greek word for joy is chara. Joy is the  natural reaction to the work of God, whether promised or fulfilled. Joy  expresses God's kingdom—His influence on earth (Romans  14:17). The Spirit’s production of joy can manifest in several different  ways:

The joy of deliverance: When God sets someone  free, rejoicing is in order.

1 Samuel  2:1: Hannah was filled with joy at her deliverance from her  enemies.

Acts 12:14:  The servant girl was so overjoyed that God had rescued Peter from prison that  she forgot to let Peter in the house.

The joy of  salvation: Our greatest reason to be joyful is that God wants to save  us and spend eternity with us. Nothing is better than this.

Luke 15:7: All heaven is joyful when a person accepts  God's provision of salvation.

Acts 8:8: The  people of Samaria were joyful as they heard the gospel and saw God's power in  healing the sick.

Acts 13:5215:3: Jewish believers  rejoiced when they heard of the work of the Holy Spirit in saving  Gentiles.

The joy of spiritual maturity: As the Holy  Spirit works in us to bear more fruit, we become confident in God's promises and  rejoice in our walk with Him and with other believers.

John 15:11: The fullness of joy comes to those who  continue in the love of Christ and obey Him.

2  Corinthians 1:24; 2:37:41  Thessalonians 2:19-20; 3:9:  Paul knew joy as the churches gave evidence of the Holy Spirit working among  them.

Philippians  2:2: Groups of believers who unite in demonstrating the mind, love, and  purpose of Christ bring joy to others.

Hebrews  10:34; 12:2; James 1:2-4: Believers,  following the example of Jesus, endure persecution because of the promise of  future joy.

The joy of God's presence: The Holy Spirit  draws us to God, in whose presence we can know true joy. Without the Holy  Spirit, no one would seek God.

Psalm 16:11:  “You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your  right hand.”

Matthew  2:10; Luke 1:14:  Mary and the shepherds were joyful because Immanuel had been born.

Matthew 28:8; Luke 24:41: The women who went to Jesus' tomb and the  disciples were overjoyed that He rose from the dead.

The Greek  chara is closely related to charis, which means “grace” or “a  gift.” Chara is the normal response to charis—we have joy because  of God's grace. The next step in the progression is to allow our joy to become  an action as we express it, although sometimes joy can be so great it is  inexpressible (1 Peter  1:8).

Possessing joy is a choice. We choose whether to value God's  presence, promises, and work in our lives. When we yield to the Spirit, He opens  our eyes to God's grace around us and fills us with joy (Romans 15:13). Joy is not  to be found in a fallen world; it is only fellowship with God that can make our  joy complete (1 John  1:4).

Recommended Resources: The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life by Charles Stanley and Logos Bible  Software.

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Amen, Carla. We pray for and try to comfort those going through difficult trials and rejoice with them with they come through it. 

I know we all want so desperately to help Seek through this difficult time. I have almost become inactive but AAG but I do from time to time see what someone is saying. I got involved in this one because I really do want to help. 

I am joining Carla, Amanda, Richard and all the others that are trying to help. I am also joining in prayer. I am confident Seek will win this battle through Jesus.


It's very difficult to fight the dark thoughts. They surface even with the armor on and while wielding the sword. 

It hurts to see a friend in a situation that hasn’t gotten any easier. I’ll be praying, too, as I just told another friend, for God to help Seek in any way possible to handle the pain she faces.

The Bible tells us that God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear and that He will always provide a way out so that we can endure it.

It's so hard to do but at times when we do focus on Him, He will supply the help we need to get through the temptations to give up and quit. It’s what I do. But I also know that the times when I'm very tired and weak, the dark thoughts win the focus part, too, and, yet, I'm still in His hand. Like you said. Even when a battle is lost. So a loss is a win, too. By His strength alone.


I'm wondering why so many I speak to believe that it's an automatic upon salvation.  Especially considering the first part about those who had joy at being "set free" from something.  I'm still struggling with this setting free.  It is something deeply hidden causing this depression to come up.  At least my counselor believes he can help, and those who know him said they believe he can as well and that he doesn't give up. 

Roy, I'm confident God is going to bring healing and I know that's what He keeps telling me.  I'm just not as confident I can make it until He "brings" it if this keeps happening.  The dark oppressive cloud of depression is just too much and I cannot stand it.


We live in a time somewhat different than in the time of Christ. Philosophy has evolved over time and the philosophy of unbelief today is strengthened by certain hypothetical beliefs that appear to be coming from those that are most wise. Today, many (if not most) scientists are telling us that we are all here by predisposition or chance. The argument of chance seems to be weakening as we learn more and more of what is necessitated in order for life to exist. Ideas that there are perdispositioned forces (we are told) in our universe that have ordered our universe can all be explained by natural causes.

These philosophers and scientists have succeeded in removing the knowledge of God from our schools and now are in the process of getting that knowledge removed from all government institutions. 70% of our children leave our churches after high school graduation. Our children are not only being bombarded by these false arguments in schools but in our national media as well. Morality spoken of in the Bible seems to be getting a bad rap. Pre-marital experience seems to becoming the norm rather than the exception. Biblical morality is being defined in this society as well as in other parts of western society as "old fashioned." 

So, in the midst of this bombardment (which actually is not new but as old as Satan himself) Jesus says the Spirit will be sent to us to lead us to truth. Could faith survive without His Spirit. I would have to say that it would not survive the onslaught of Satan's forces. God promises He will always have a remnant. Our universities are packed full of students who now believe in chance rather than design. Do you have peace in the midst of this storm? If so, where has that peace come from? The peace we enjoy is that peace that comes from the Spirit in residence within us. The Spirit bears witness in our hearts with Scripture that Jesus is exactly Who He says He is. As has been said, we know we have eternal life. We are comforted in this storm and are at rest in our souls. Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. Noah believed and he was saved from destruction. David believed and all his sins were forgiven. What enables this kind of faith? 

The Holy Spirit was here then and He is here today. His job is to watch over those who belong to Him. He is here to guarantee our journey home. I believe we will survive but only because of that which has been given. I guess I would have to say that I am not sure what was meant that the Spirit had not yet been given. As Richard has said, it is a very good discussion. I love Seek's comment, "God I believe, but help my unbelief." Will God answer this? As sure as the Holy Spirit is here, He will.

I tend to believe that faith is impossible without the Spirit. That is: I believe one must first be born again by they Spirit in order to know God. Some believe in prevenient grace which gives man the choice whether or not to believe. I worship every week with those who believe in the latter. I personally do not believe it is critical since both systems demand the Spirit's involvement. The Holy Spirit is here to witness of the coming our our Lord Jesus and really in His second coming as well. 

When I listen to arguments against believing in the existence of God, I am not shaken. I don't understand why not. So many are walking away from the faith. Is it just too late to convince me there is no God? Or, is there a power residing in me that some do not have? I have been given the power to be God's child. I have faced the enemy and faith won. 

I am so tired. What is driving me to know Him more?Something has a hold on me and dragging me to my eternal home. I realize, now, it is not me. It is that which is in me. It is a promise spoken of here by my Lord. O, I love to see others quoting those same promises. We are not alone. There are many of us. We serve a risen Savior. The Spirit in us confirms that. We believe. 


Preach it brother!

Lord Bless,


Wow!! RoyW just Wow.

Your words to Seek......  this is a copy and paster .

Praise God! Feel free.

Nice Roy Nice. Speak it brother


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