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I wasn't really sure where to put this, but this article on CNN came up today and it really bothered me. It's about a human skull they found that is supposed to be an ancestor of ours. I don't like to read things that could shake my faith, but this bothers me and it makes me wonder whether or not we really evolved but it was just done by God's hand. I mean if we really were created then why all of these controversies with the human skulls and our supposed ancestors? Anyone?

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Hey Jenelle,


The word 'evolution' comes up, but there are different kinds of evolution, and we need to be precise when we're discussing it.


There is cosmic evolution-- The origin of time, space and matter from nothing in the big bang.

Chemical evolution-- The origin of all 92 elements from hydrogen

Stellar Evolution-- The formation of stars and galaxies from gas clouds

Organic evolution-- The origin of life from non-living chemicals

Macroevolution-- The changing of one kind of plant or animal into another kind of plant or animal

Microevolution-- Changes within the same kind-- like wolves, coyotes, and dogs being related to a common ancestor.  This one is real science. 


The first 5 are never observed--only believed.  Within much of the 'scientific' community these are based on assumption as there is no evidence.  It has been said that evolution is more of a religion rather than true science because of the lack of evidence. They are accepted by faith.


Which 'evolution' are you addressing specifically?


Kind Regards, Carla

Science looks at the "how" of creation, faith or religion the "who" of creation.


Of the two, the "who" question is far more important: Who created the universe, including each of us, and for what purpose?


No scientific theories can attempt to answer this question. 


Scientists look for natural causes and effects.  Everything must have a cause.  They can put forth theories, but they are at a complete loss as to how to explain that the universe could have come into existence out of nothing.  One gets lost in a conundrum--an infinite regression of finite causes.


Our faith, the substance of things we hope for in things unseen (to paraphrase the Bible) is a gift of God.  It is grounded in the life and work of Jesus Christ, affirmed by our Christian witness, and sustained by the Holy Spirit.


The opening words to the Bible, God's written revelation to humanity, definitively answers the "who" of creation question for me once and for all.  In the first chapter of Genesis, we read: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (1) ... So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them;  male and female he created them" (27).  That's it right there.  The most important thing we need to know is that there is a God, and that God is the creator of all things.


My faith and yours should never be shaken or called into question because of theories of creation and evolution put forth by scientists.

Love it Colby

Hi Jenelle,

I love Colby's last statement:

My faith and yours should never be shaken or called into question because of theories of creation and evolution put forth by scientists.   Amen and amen.


Let me tell you a little story....... Jack and Jill won scholarships to a prestigious Bible college. They were very happy, and really learning about God and His ministry. One day they received a visitor. He was a scientist who they had never met.

In conversation with them, this persuasive individual was trying to convince them to switch over to the university where he was a professor........and they would learn a lot more solid, concrete evidence of what the world was all about. 

In the end, they believed that he had the best future for them....and they left the Bible college, and went with the stranger.


Oh, their real names were Adam and Eve............and they lived in the Garden of Eden.....and the "professor" was the devil.


Jenelle, you have to know....... the news media are mostly unbelievers. They are just looking for a story.

These kind of headlines emerge every once in a while. I can't, or don't care to explain them. They're the work of Satan.

Believers need to place and keep their faith in the Holy Bible (which Satan hates).


Joshua summed it all up in Joshua 24:14-15, " Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River  and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.

And if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house , we will serve the Lord."


What Joshua is saying to the people here is - If you all want to keep paying attention to this old garbage that keeps coming up (evolution, idols, believing Satan ,etc) since you arrived in the Promised Land (being saved by the Holy Spirit) then go ahead....and wind up in hell....but for me and my house, we're believing God.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


 Grace and Peace.


Loved this Richard.


Good word.

Amen Richard

I have not read the article yet, but I will and will give you more detailed answers then, but for now let me say just a few things.

1. theories have come and gone throughout human history trying to support evolution and many other things that war against our biblical truth. They come and go like trends. They are repackage every generation and a new breed of inquiring minds fall for their okey dokey stuff. Every Generation we also have great apologist, those in our family in Christ who trash with truth and evidence the distortions of history and archeological findings.

Almost All supposed archeological finding to support evolution have been laughed at by honest scientist. There are many books and websites that give detail break down of such hoaxes. Yet, the bible that has been persecuted for ages, remains, shouting at all who will listen truth that leads to eternal and abundant life. Hallelujah - oh happy days, what a glorious faith we have.

Equipped and educate your self with the truth of this matters, the prince of this world, is always seeking to kill, steal and destroy, but our King has beat him up already. Only for a little while longer is that lying serpent going to continue deceiving, but Lucifers days are number. We have truth beloved. We have the bread of life.

Evolution is fiction, a good science fiction novel created by the father of lies through human imperfection, that is why the truth laughs at it.

Amen, Richard!


I think Christians would do well not to become preoccupied with and lost among the tall weeds or cornfield mazes of endless debates over scientific theories about creation and evolution.  It is a fruitless endeavor that serves to distract us from focusing on the person and work of Jesus Christ and of our charge to live according to the Great Commandment and fulfill the Great Commission.


Where my faith is concerned, I strive to follow this motto: "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."


In terms of this discussion, there is an essential tenet of the Christian faith at stake on which there can be no compromise:

  1. There is one God.
  2. This God is the God who reveals himself in the Holy Bible.
  3. He is the creator of all things.
  4. He created humankind in his image.


Other questions concerning the "how," the "timing" and the "sequence" of creation, including whether it was a literal six 24-hour-days, or a longer period with each day corresponding to an eon, are secondary, in my view. We can debate them vigorously as Christians, but we need not divide over them.


Ultimately, as I said before, science will never be answer the most important question of all, which only faith can answer: Who created us, and for what purpose do we exist?  Our eternal destiny hangs on that question, doesn't it?  I would rather spend far more time pondering this question, its eternal ramifications, and what I need to do to "get right" with my Creator rather than go around and around in circles debating paradoxical "chicken-and-egg" ("which came first") questions.  These only serve to distract and confuse, especially those among us who are new to, or weak in, the faith.

I'm not so sure that we should view the literal six days of creation as a secondary issue, or that we should see it that lightly -- or, at least I don't see it as secondary. I see it as a very important foundational truth, especially in light of entering into the rest that Jesus provides -- Jesus is our Sabbath. Will you elaborate more about why in your POV it is a secondary issue? Perhaps I'm wrong for thinking it isn't. Please, can anyone help me with why it is a secondary issue?


I hold to the literal 6 days creation myself and dislike the other options, but it has been deemed a secondary issue for it does not change the nature of God.

Thanks, David, for explaining how what is essential to the faith is kept separate from what is non-essential. I've learned something new then -- if it changes the nature of God it is unacceptable. 

Naturalistic evolutionists view man as the product of chance and do not believe in the essential doctrine of Anthropology -- Doctrine of Man -- or any Christian views. However, one can be a Christian and still believe creation took longer than six literal days. It's just a matter of preference and therefore a debatable subject. 

I didn't know how it gets determined what is essential from what is non-essential. The Word of God is sound doctrine and I only knew that it's important to become familiar with the doctrines of the Christian faith and we find them in Scripture. 

I used to think that believers had to accept Genesis 1 and 2 as literal, but then I changed to no longer say they "have to" but to say they will eventually understand and be led into this truth. 

Now I realize it is non-essential. So I can let it go. I no longer see a point in debating it and Holy Spirit is guiding me to steer clear of such questions. There are a few other things I was thinking of as being essential but now realize they, too, are debatable. I'm still learning. Thank you for your forbearance with me.

For those not familiar with Anthropology-- Doctrine of Man -- it teaches that God created man in His own image and it distinguishes humans from animals and states that man was created innocent and able to obey or disobey God and was created as a rational, moral being with liberties and after the Fall of Mankind, man is born wicked and lost and under condemnation and God has provided salvation for the curse and bondage of sin. We must not deny human sinfulness or ignore the gospel of salvation.


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