Does any body here have a grown child who were not saved and or claimed to be atheist but are now saved? Sometimes ... most of the time , I worry so deeply for my unsaved loved ones. My fear gets the best of me and I sometimes reach out to Christians who speak of Christ' love and how Jesus set them free from a dangerous lifestyle in hopes of receiving some kind of encouraging hope. Sometimes after I do reach out to these folks I feel ridiculous for doing so. Are there anyone here who has kids that either hated God or didn't believe in God who are saved now? If so , if you don't mind..... will you share? Thank you for any replys
Janie, my mom was saved when I was 13. I wasn't an atheist, but I drank, smoke, partied, slept around, etc. etc. I heard her and dad praying loudly every night in their room and it seemed to me all a show, I scoffed at it. She forced us to go to church. Even when I was 20 and living there, it was...go or don't live here. For the longest time, it was almost like it pushed me further away. And yet at 45, I accepted Jesus and life has not been the same.
I also love Joyce Meyers. She talks frequently of the father who molested her, and how in their old age, he was hard and bitter, and God was telling her to put them up in a house near her and take care of them. She couldn't believe God would expect this but reluctantly did it. And years later, her father fell in tears and apologized for what he'd done to her and accepted Christ in his old age.
Seek , Thank you for sharing a bit of your young past I didn't raise y kids in a praying atmosphere. I know somewhere the bible says to raise up a child the way they should go and when they are "I think " old they will return.... something like that. well I didn't raise them in a Christian way.i hope they don't return in the way I raised them I am glad your parents prayed for you. .
Janie, You are one of the best examples of all the people I know of what we should all become.
Because you genuinely know of your need for Jesus and you continually seek more and more of Him. I personally can learn from you.
Matthew 5:3
3 “[b]Blessed are the [c]poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
When I think of this, it always brings me to the remembrance that this is where salvation begins. We all must know we need Him, and then humbly ask. We can't even repent and believe unless we know how much we need Him. You're already there.
Rest in Him. He's already working in your life, and He is not finished with you yet.
Love and Blessings, Carla
Thank you Carla.... you have always been so good to me. I love you.
Thank you for sharing bout your son Mischelle. If I could turn back time I would have taken my children to church. I would hope I would anyway. I honk if I had of hopefully something they heard scripturally would come back to them. I am trying to trust the way you do. My problem is I am not getting to know God like I should. I have my bible sitting out I have a couple books and even a strictly bible study book. I have lazieness and fears. I need to work on that.
Thank you Michelle for posting these verses and pic. It makes me feel soooooooo good when Christians feel led to give me these things. I remember there has been Christian folk telling me things such as GOD DID NOT LAY YOU ON MY HEART. I would cringe every time I would be told this, I would sometimes ask them to not tell me that because even though it was true that God didn't lay me on their heart , it hurt to read/hear it. I had enough of the rejection feeling. Anyway thank you very much for sharing that with me.
Janie, I agree with Mischelle. To walk in obedience means to pray for others.
Thank you Mischelle and Carla....... that's good to know.
Thank you LT, That's cool about your dad . I know this is stupid to say but I remember one time after I backslid.... I felt compassion for someone I hated and at the same time I felt horrible for my sin. I remember I had the tears and felt my heart breaking and then I thought I could sense the Holy Ghost. But I stopped I just stopped and then felt badly for me. A couple other times this past year I felt the spirit dealing with me but I again pushed back. Its stupid because I want God to draw me but at the same time I have my fear. Anyway, cool about your dad. I bet you and your family were happy.
I find those last comments to be very interesting - in particular the thought that God lays certain people on our hearts. First, is the problem that most of the people I know personally think of God as a person; therefore, He would be limited in the possibilities we ask of Him. No, God is a Spirit; He manifested Himself as a person through His Son, Jesus Christ, so that we might know that He is with us, that His concerns for us are not limited and therefore, we can draw near to Him with the understand that He wants the best for us. Second, when He does not respond immediately to our plea, it is more than likely a revelation of His belief you have the answers at hand. You will benefit by working out the solution for yourself. Especially is this true when your problem involves others. Regardless of the circumstances, you are to love as you have been loved and if you do not sense His love, that is a problem far greater that any of the daily annoyances in which we get involved.
I say these things as I was late in coming to the Lord and when at last I believed, I would discover that more often, the problems involved me moreso than my experience with others.
Thank you Sherwood for your reply. I agree that we are to love as we are loved..... but sometimes that's easier said than done. Im working on it though.
There is always hope as long as there is breath in the body. My dad who passed this past March at 91 did not accept Christ until he was in his early 80s. He responded to the simple gospel that he had heard before, yet on this day it was different as he began to cry and surrendered his heart to Jesus. Never give up on them or on the Word of God.
Lord Bless,
Yes Janie, there is hope, some years ago my father-in-law was not saved, even thru the Preacher out of the hospital room. well
I'm here to tell you at the end of his illness sometime later, he was on his deathbed, my husband at the time was beside himself because he wanted his dad saved. He went to Florida to visit him, he did let him pray for him, but didn't get saved. In the mean time I was begging and pleading, God there is nothing more important than ones salvation, please save his soul and give us confimation. It's the most important thing Lord, his family needs to know this too. I told my husband, I know God will save him, I just know it!!! He passed that night, I was so sure God had saved him, I told my husband when you see him, he will have the peace of God all over him. Well, sure enough he did. About 3 wks later he was talking to his sister, the men who were in the ward with him said in the middle of the night he was crying out to Jesus to save him, the Lord heard his crys he was saved and God took him home! Oh how wonderful God is!!!!! Thank you Jesus his Love never fails!!!! With all the prayers going up , he hears them, just trust him, he is in control. Put it at his feet, it's too big for you to carry. Every time you start to worry, stop and give it to him. Don't let the devil steal your joy, honey. where there is life there is hope. And right now in the name of Jesus I'm in agreement that your loved ones are saved by the precious blood of Jesus!!!!Now don't you give up, trust him, there is power in the blood!!!!!! that wonder working blood. And if you need me to pray with you I will. Oh, by the way we are now friends, I love you and God Bless You KJ
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