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The Bible teaches a lot regarding building one another up and encouraging one another.


What are some examples and practical ways that we can do this?

When have you ever been encouraged or built up by another child of God?

What can we do on TheNET as the family of God to better build each other up?


Lord Bless,

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If I disagree with you it doesn't mean I am rejecting you but just rejecting your POV. Can we disagree and still love and accept one another? Can we disagree and still have a kind and respectful attitude toward each other?

I believe I've been kind and respectful towards you even though our beliefs differ quite a bit.

What I'm learning is that very few people are able to accept one another or accept me in spite of beliefs and no friendship is secure, especially when there is disagreement and it isn't possible to have an understanding with someone that we each can stick to our own convictions and be willing to discuss those convictions with each other but then respect each other's view points while giving reasons that stop us from accepting the other's POV.

It's only an ideal situation and not real.

Love is most important, and I wanted to believe that rejecting someone's beliefs or ideas doesn't mean you reject the person. But when I express a differing opinion, I am always rejected just as well as my opinion even when I use Scripture as a base.

You may not approve of my beliefs but love is supposed to cover a multitude of sins (or shortcomings and weaknesses). Isn't it?

I have always answered you from a place of love and genuine care with only your best interests at heart.
Amanda - I've only ever rejected your points and those that question my relationship with Christ. As I said before, that crosses a line. Maybe I am too defensive at times, but according to some I'm going to hell and taking many people with me; those sorts of claims tend to rattle people. When I try to put my view, I'm met with "so you don't believe the bible" or "you don't take it seriously" it's tiresome and it spills over into other conversations and for that I'm sorry

I've never stopped regarding you as a friend. Yes we had a massive falling out but we've both explained and apologized. It's past now as far as I'm concerned.
In my comments I've never said those things to you about going to hell. I do want us to re-establish our relationship, and in fact I thought we always had the understanding that we accepted one another in spite of our beliefs.

Amen. I agree.

Choco, Michelle and Amanda,


Thank you for what yall said..... what great encouragement ... and I am very surprised that anyone would see that in me. I don't see what you see but truly thank you. P.S. please do not read anything I have typed today... I am afraid yall will quickly change your minds. Man...... I am a bit teary.

A child of God that has the Holy Spirit on them Like Jesus had on him will know just what to say to build you up. With Faith Hope , And Love. Just like Jesus when he spoke to people. The Spirit gives you what to say in the hour you need to say it. The same Holy Spirit that came upon Jesus the Children of God have today. This is how to build each other uo in the Spirit.


Sharing Scriptures is IMO very effective. There are many Scriptures that correct, comfort, and encourage. We rely on the Spirit's leading to know which Scriptures would be helpful in any given moment. We must pray for discernment, but no matter what the situation, we may always point someone to Jesus. The key, I believe, is asking the Lord for wisdom and not answering too hastily. I fail in many ways when seeking to build up others. What comforts me when I fail is knowing what James 3:2 says.


Your idea should go far!!! We need Scripture to guide us n this life, and often God uses others to bring that Scripture to light in our live (with the Holy Spirit's work of course).


Lord Bless,

Some more thoughts:

Get to know people; understand their backgrounds, their testimony, why they think the way they do. Don't worry about if they are "born again" or been "baptized in the spirit" or what their view of the bible is. Get to know them as a person, accept them for how and who they are. If they are low, be low with them, then offer a hand. If they're celebrating, rejoice with them. Encourage what works for them, offer another way afterwards.

I think Janie has hit it perfectly, and I contribute to the problem which is there is too much negativity and "I'm a better Christian than you" attitudes going around.
I didn't get that from Janie's comments. However, perhaps that is what she is saying. Some christians are more mature than others and some are better at building others up than others but no one who is genuinely saved is more saved than another. Also, even if someone's way of encouraging is much better than someone else's, like your way better than my way, then that doesn't make either of us a better person or christian, it just means they are better at encouraging and building up. They might have other gifts, like the analogy you used regarding praying and how someone encouraged you. Can you learn to forbear with those who, in your eyes, fail at this, Grazer? Can you learn to encourage them?
Absolutely they have different gifts but it comes across as "I'm a better Christian as you" when the discussion kicks up.

I've learned to accept people are on their own road
I agree. One can come across as if they are saying I'm better than you.


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