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Watch this video and discuss whicsin you used to struggle with or maybe even still do.

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That was beautiful and so true. It's so sad to see that we get and continue to get catch up in these worldly things and Jesus just continues to help us. Lord may God bless your holy name because you are worth it, you are a king and you deserve more from us.
I find the sin that is soo hard is the one where I have to honour my parents and love my enemies How Can I become good????
Roxliverpoolfan, i understand your question. The first thing to realize is that YOU cannot; not by yourself. What you can do is allow God to work in you as you trust in Him. First thing you need to do is realize that God commands these things. There is no half measure that will suffice.

However, his commands are not burdensome when you are filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have trusted Christ, then his Spirit is in you and will enable you to do what he commands. The first step is to turn to Jesus and admit your need - you are powerless and he is able. Then, you simply commit to obey as He enables you when you are depending on Him. Then, you take steps to do it. You make faithful steps to do exactly what He has commanded, and expect Him to bring you the power and the joy from obedience.

The things God has commanded to us are ALWAYS going to bless us when we obey. He has written his truth in our hearts, if we have believed in Christ. The Spirit brings life and renewal, which is why we are compelled to obey - we are the ones who need it, more than those who we have to forgive.

I don't speak this out of hypocrisy or theory. The things you have written are areas that Christ has delivered me from my own struggle. I don't think that it is possible to have come to a place of more complete reversal and healing of brokenness than I have in these two areas.

God will give you great joy and will amaze you as you trust his word with obedience. Remember, it is God who works in you to do his perfect will. This gives great joy as you see how God gives you the Holy Spirit's power to overcome your hurt and bitterness. He will transform you.


Lashana, thanks for commenting. It's been years since someone responded to this post. Check out Youth on the Rock Christian Video Ministry on Facebook and keep up with us on there. God bless!

Hmmmm. Unless I've misunderstood the video, its suggesting depression is a sin or as a result of sin. This is not only wrong, but extremely unhelpful and potentially damaging to someone who suffers from depression. Illnesses may have a spiritual cause, but I wouldn't say it's the sole cause. Don't agree that alcohol in of itself is a sin either, getting drunk yes.

I think I get the point of the video though, it's a beautiful message but is obscured by some of the niggles above. Just my views though.

I didn't see the video suggesting any such thing.  Just the person who posted it.  The video was suggesting our "pain", things of the world that bring the pain, like the abuse, the debt, etc., causes us to lose hope and fall into depression, causes us to have pain.  And Jesus can bring beauty from all of it.  I don't know where the original poster applied all of these as sins, like being in pain is a sin.  Since Jesus said in this world we will have "trouble"...pain, sickness, death.  And we are IN this world, we're just not to be OF it.

Jesus wept. Weeping is caused by emotional pain (unless one is laughing themselves into tears, but that's still involving emotion, so emotions alone aren't sinful.) He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. But I've been told before by some that my depression is sinful. Yet, there seldom seems to be any help from those same people for overcoming it and I only felt more discouraged. :(  

It's what I took from watching the video, signs depicting "sins" and one of those signs was depression

The video is entitled Beauty from Pain.  I didn't see anything in the video or in the title suggesting anything to do with sins.  But it was depicting the pain heaped upon the one girl by others.  The person posting the video suggested they were all sins.

What I see in viewing it is that a lot of our pain does come from wrong choices but what really stood out for me is around minute 2:29 when she reaches for hope but gets pummeled by depression instead.

One of my main sin battles is lack of trust. Not trusting that the Word is for me too.... except for where it says not all will make it.


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