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Lords prayer says that Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. – Matthew 6:12.

But in life what if people borrow money from you and cheat you with out repaying and again asking you for more .. Its hard to forgive them u know ??

what are your thoughts family ?

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Hi Kumar, God bless you!  Gary and I have a rule. We don't loan out money unless we can afford to not have it paid back. This just our opinion. Lots of opinions out there. On the otherhand, we bought a car from friends of ours and paid it back. We fell short one month, and we called immediately and let them know. At the end, the couple forgave one month's payment.

I believe that God knows. A couple stories of generosity with Gary and me. One fall we had a huge mess in our yard, wind blowing, leaves everywhere. I was overwhelmed. We went to work and came home and someone had raked and cleaned up our yard. 27 bags of leaves and sticks. I was in tears. We're out on the lawn crying and praising God. We didn't know who did it. Shari (daughter) said friends came over and took care of it. Another time neighbors saw me struggling with our mower and came over and mowed the lawn for us. A man that Gary knows came over and installed a railing on our back porch for free.

No one else can pay it forward more than God can.



No, you forgive them, but you learn to distance yourself from those who would maliciously use you so as not to keep giving them opportunity to continue to do evil upon you.

Hi Kumar, God bless you! If loaning money is going to harm your finances, it's best to not loan the money. Stop loaning out money or don't place yourself in that position. You can pray with the person and ask God to bless them with the finances.

I shared how Gary and I handle it to give you another alternative. We don't have hurt feelings because we understand, the money may not be repaid and we don't need it. You should see their face if you just give it to them and say God bless you. If they ask about repayment, say something like...I did not ask you to repay it. 

Sometimes Gary and I don't have the money to loan, but we have extra food in the freezer. Have you ever tried giving food away to help someone? There are other ways to bless and help people.



Hi Kumar,

I have been "cheated" because of money many times.  I have the heart of giving when one wants to borrow and than months pass, years pass, the money is never returned.  The person who borrows pretends and forgets all about it, until i send them a reminder text as I  feel terrible calling and reminding.  Sometimes they apologise and there are times they ignore my text or they say they have to take more time to return. 

I get really depressed with this people, cause my financial situation is average and  yet I do have spare to lend when a close friend or a family needs urgent help.  My husband used to say I am too nice and never know how to say no....but that is me :(  

Prayed about it many times and sometimes...I get my money back and there are times..I get a gift  in a money form from my loved I decided to let go of  the money situation  and think positively about it as the person may be going through a difficult time for not paying back... So I was prompted to pray for those who could not pay my money back...and I pray for them to be out off their debts.  Truthfully I am not angry with them...just sad that they are in a difficult situation.

These days, If I do help out..I don't expect I always give what I can afford.

God Bless

Thanks Family as u all say I will forgive them and also be wise enough to distance myself from those who would maliciously use me , Thanks Mary , Char and Shanti for your wonderful suggestions , God Bless You all :)


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