All About GOD

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I enjoy listening to bands such as Iron Maiden, Motorhead and Judas Priest.  They are secular bands although the drummer from Iron Maiden is a born again Christian.  My question is is it wrong for me to listen to these bands?  They sure make my drive to and from work more tolarable

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pandora has an option to turn off explicit content now.

I found out. i have extensive musical taste, getting in to some indie rock as well.

I wouldn't get too worked up about that. is kind of a parody site (making fun of groups like Westboro Baptist).  So that blog is intentionally ridiculous. 

What did they sing? "We're off to poutin' land?

If you are going to say heavy metal is sinful and should be avoided, then you are also going to have to avoid every other form of entertainment that is sinful.  Every movie, tv show, book, or video game is going to have some form of violence, sexuality, or other suggestive material. 

Also, just because an artist writes material about a certain subject, it doesn't mean that they approve of it or condone it.  If Black Sabbath condones satanism, then by that logic Martin Scorsese condones murder, Stanley Kubrick condones rape, Mark Twain condones racism, etc.

Heavy metal isn't sinful.  It's a type of music.  The LYRICS however can be sinful.  And yes, if an artist writes about something that is sinful, and the lyrics they right are condoning it or pushing it, if the lyrics are filth, it means they approve of it and condone it and their music should be avoided.  I don't watch Martin Scorsese movies.  Too much violence desensitizes us.  The human race has become so insensitive to each other because we're so inundated with murder and horror.  When those things become the norm in our lives, they show.  When Christ becomes the norm, He shows. 

Be careful of what you listen to an watch...of the content.  Just because an actor plays in a filthy show and then in a G rated good hearted show, that doesn't mean you can't watch the latter because they played in the former.  Just don't watch the former.


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