I have been somewhat of a fan of Ray Comfort. From everything I've seen of Him I have felt that He's got a good motive for evangelism. I think He understands the Bible pretty good. At least I think He's got things better memorized and applied then I do. He's taken a lot of shots from Atheists, and it appears that other Christians have been shooting at his beliefs and methods as well. I was aware of the Atheists attacking Him, but I hadn't paid any attention to what other Christians have been saying. Both Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron have been promoted by the Bible Believing Church I attend. In fact Kirk is going to be doing a "Love is Worth Fighting For" Event at the Church. Recently I was talking to a woman here and she mentioned to me that some say Ray Comfort is a false prophet. I'm not sure how anyone could go that far. Especially as far as I can tell, Ray Comfort never claimed to be a prophet in the first place. I have watched several Ray Comfort Videos on Witnessing, Hell's Best Kept Secret, and 180 etc. But when I tried typing in a search for Ray Comfort a False prophet, I found some people writing things up, and making videos with "proof" that Ray Comfort isn't right. I want you to examine some of these claims with me, and find out if there is anything being taught that doesn't line up with scripture.
Note: I am not doing this to bash Ray or put doubts in People's heads. This is not about Gossip, or Slander, this is about testing things to see if they are really of God or not.
Ray Comfort Videos
I've never even heard of the dude but I will look into it now. Of course, I've heard of Kirk, who hasn't? No Christian movie is made without him. We need some new Christians so we can make a movie without him. haha
A few years back I used to visit their websites. I cant remember the name of one site but I think the other is Living Waters. It was one of their sites that I bought the Evidence Bibles. I like Ray Comforts teachings and Kirk Cameron's. I kinda remember the Hells best kept secrets video too. I agree with you about not ever hearing Ray Comfort saying he is a prophet. I hope he isn't a false teacher.... I gave the bibles to my children and it was Ray who put it out .. at least I think. I am glad you brought this up... I would like to know too.
It would be easier for me, and I suppose others, to respond if you posted exactly what he is being accused of that leads some to think he is a false prophet. Is their concern in a gray area or is it a specific teaching, or teachings, that they view is in direct contradiction to Scripture?
Lord Bless,
The poster of this video appears to misunderstand what Comfort (and Cameron) are saying. Their program is called "The Way of the Master." I am some what familiar with the system they use. They use the 10 Commandments to show that we are all guilty and do not deserve heaven or to be in the presence's of God. This, IMO, is better than just offering someone a ticket to heaven if they simply say a prayer ... there must be conviction of guilt and repentance (change of mind) that acknowledges that we are guilty, Jesus died for us and paid for that guilt. The Bible tells us to make disciples, not converts. There is a right way to live once we are saved and a right reason to live that way. Eph. 2:8-10 have the order perfectly laid out for us. It is by grace ... through faith ... not by works that we are saved and then in verse 10 we see we are created to do good works. The question that must be asked of the poster is it OK for a person to accept Christ and then continue to commit adultery, to steal and to lie? Is that acceptable behavior for a child of God. If there is no signs of transformation are we to assume that the person is saved and yet still lives and acts just like before without sorrow over sin or conviction? Now we recognize that it is God's work to complete in us, but we do need to surrender ourselves to Him as He works in us to empower us over the flesh.
Dear LT,
Thank you for your explanation. I did watch their video and it is so clear that they speak about the 10 commandments and explaining God's word in a simpler understanding.
I even saw a video where Ray walked on the streets asking people to name only one of the 10 commandments and so many looked blur and were not even sure if their answer was right or wrong, but when they asked them the name of beers....everyone knew it.
It's sad that some people even believers didnot know the 10 comandments but knew all the names of the beers..guess they felt God is there and no matter what he will forgive us for our sins and does it matter if I remember the 10 comandments now or later...or wait till the end of my time...I guess they do not take God's word seriously
Ray is a blessing.
I am glad we have brothers hitting the streets as he does. I have seen the video you posted here Greg and it serves as a reminder of people who take things out of context to attack the body of Christ.
I watched 18 minutes of the first one (time is precious). We could debate the illustrations and how effective they are, but the main line of their presentation and teaching I can only say "Amen." One of my concerns for years is that people are being saved to either their best life now or to the idea of going to the place where the streets are made of gold without ever dealing with the crux of the problem ... man is sinful and needs a Savior who will not just dust him off and make him a little better, but rather a Savior who will transform him completely.
Comfort can't get a break. To one he is pushing the law and to this guy he thinks Comfort believes the law has been abolished. I have watched 2 minutes and this guy addresses the mini-clip he showed of Comfort accusing him of saying the Law has been abolished. Comfort did not say the law is abolished, but that through Christ death we are dead to the law. Comfort then goes on and says that there are reasons to not go against the law (my paraphrase) and that reason is love, our love for God.
I will watch the full clip when I get a chance. I hope the guy does not employ changing what Comfort says to make his point in the rest of the video.
Minutes 2:00 thru 7:00
4:40-4:50: Compare what he says to Romans 8:1
4:50: Comfort never said that there is nothing to do after one is saved. He states that there is nothing to do to get saved or remain saved. Law keeping does not save us or keep us save .... only Jesus can do this on both ends.
6:30: If we extrapolate what this man is saying we find that he is teaching a form of legalism, that we must obey the law to be/stay saved.
7:15-7:20: He proclaims that Jesus came to "Fulfill" which to him means "establish." I have 17 versions of the Bible on my computer. Not one of them says "establish" in Matthew 5:17. In fact the Strong's defines the Greek word translated as "fulfill" as follows:
From G4134; to make replete, that is, (literally) to cram (a net), level up (a hollow), or (figuratively) to furnish (or imbue, diffuse, influence), satisfy, execute (an office), finish (a period or task), verify (or coincide with a prediction), etc.: - accomplish, X after, (be) complete, end, expire, fill (up), fulfil, (be, make) full (come), fully preach, perfect, supply.
7:35: He does not teach mean to not keep the law. He teaches that we are not under the curse of the law. In my words that I use often ... there is a right way to live and a right reason to live that way. We do what please God because we love Him. Legalism teaches you to fear condemnation and that you better tow the line or you are not going to make it ... you better try harder.
I will stop here as I have a good enough feel for where this guy is coming from and where he is going.
I will add that it is a good sign that those who teach legalism and those who focus solely on God as love dislike Comfort ....
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