We know that we gain wisdom and knowledge as we, go through experiences. We also can learn from others. How they faced trials and times of testing, we are able to learn from their success and their failures. Yet, there are keys we need so we are able to possess the tools found in wisdom and knowledge. A humble heart so we are able to be teachable. A faith in the Love God has for us. This keeps us from feeling abandoned or somehow thinking we must earn His Love. So comes the simple question, “why God?” This question is broad and ranges from our thinking we are victims to, “teach me Lord what do I need to learn from this situation?” The gauge is set based on, to what degree our hearts are yielded to The Lord. When we give our hearts to Jesus, we must yield and humble our wills to His Love. As we allow His Ways to lead and guide us, our trust in Him grows stronger and stronger. Our Trust; our Faith in Our Lord as it grows, the resentment that can found in that question, “why God” weakens more and more.
We know there are things we must all avoid. Jesus gives us these words, 37 Jesus told him, “‘You must Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and most important commandment. 39 The second is exactly like it: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments.” Matt 22:37-40 So as we learn to make our choices based these and all the Words of God, our Faith grows our flesh becomes less, in turn the hold the enemy has on us lessens. As we live in obedience to God, live by following the Words and Actions of Jesus, we are changed. Then as well we must be lead by The Holy Spirit. "When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father— the Spirit of Truth, who comes from the Father—He will testify on My behalf. John 15:26 To be lead by Love and not self. ...to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus the Messiah, our Lord, be Glory, Majesty, Power, and Authority before all time and for all eternity! Amen. Jude 1:25 To live for His Glory and not our own. Yes, these words easier said than done. Still they need not be so complex, or filled with the rules and requirements man has always loved to put on others. To Live to Jesus is to die to self. To read The Word, to Pray in Faith, to Love as we have been shown to Love. To be lead by The Spirit, to submit and allow Him to help us. To hunger and thirst after His Righteousness...{His way of doing things} It is not wrong to ask that question, “why God?” Like all other questions, it is in the heart of the one who ask.
Hi Chris Firstly I would like to thank you and everyone for all the prayers I am finally back to work doing well a few life style changes. But then I am not 20 years old anymore. In all of what has been happening over the past 2+ years there were those moments of "why God" and quite honestly those moments of doubt. I Praise The Lord for His faithful followers and the many prayers.
The thought you raise seems to be one that can stir up controversy amongst the religious. Some would say we should not ever question God. Some may even say if we have true salvation we need not question God. I would say we should not question God if we do not want to receive an answer. If we do not wait for the answer. If we believe we have the answer and no other answer will do.
I very much love what you have written. Yes each and everyone of us is on a journey. A journey of continual growth and continual learning. A journey which changes us from the inside out. A journey enhanced and made possible be the saving grace of our Lord. A journey that is not ever ending.
Dean So glad you are back. I also thank you for your Prayers and thoughts.
Bless you Brother
Thanks Chris god to be back and at it If I may let me explain my stance on the "why" so others hopefully will understand. I believe Charles has expressed it. yet here I go.
during my walk I have had occasion to ask "how do I do this" or "what do I do" even "where do I do"
The "why" for me is an encompassing of all three questions.
By no means do I ever want the "why" to be a challenge to God's wisdom and direction.
I do understand not all would see the meaning of "why God" in that manner. The English language having it's cut and dry meanings. In studying scripture I have come to see that the English used has a cut and dry meaning yet the word it was derived from is far from cut and dry. I must at this point say that for me I believe The Lord has shone a great light on many of the seemingly contradictions I had seen in the past.
For me to ask "why God" is to want to know deeper into the heart of our Heavenly Father.
I understand what you have shared. In the last two lines, " It is not wrong to ask that question, “why God?” Like all other questions, it is in the heart of the one who ask."
We even know Jesus said, " My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Why did He ask this? He knew the Plan, He knew what would happen. I believe in this moment, we are shown; reminded He was also a Man. I as well, believe He is telling us it is OK. As we both shared similar points, with different words, " It is not wrong to ask that question, “why God?” Like all other questions, it is in the heart of the one who ask." We will never get where we should, if we have this mindset.
Bless you Brother
Hi Bro,
At this point in my walk.........I think....I think, that I don't wonder why certain things happen my life, in this country, or in the world.
Chris, maybe it's because I have adopted a resolute in my life. And that's the position of answering every thing that happens with..........."There's a reason for everything that happens".
We don't often times know reasons why, or even details. Sometimes we find out later, sometimes not. I've come to the point that I don't worry, or be concerned about stuff that doesn't affect me directly.
If it does affect me directly, if God wants to call me home, I'm ready, Bro.
The lord has provided for me and mine all my life, and I don't expect Him to stop now.
Chris, all this is to say.....you won't hear this servant of God asking Him "why" about anything.
Grace and Peace.
let me understand the Lord brings you to a spot and you do not understand you would just leave it there and not ask "why" in order that you may understand and finish the work He has for you.
Although ,at times, I will ask God 'why?' Most of the time my question is "what's going on?" Not that I am 'questioning 'what He is doing, it just that I don't know what He is doing. However I find a lot of consolation in the scripture in Isa.55: 7-8
' For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways', says the Lord.
' For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways , and My thoughts highrer than your thoughts.'
This tells me that I don't have to understand and probably(in many cases) wouldn't understand even if He did tell me. This is also very special because it tells me when I have exhausted all of my feeble reasoning in trying to find a solution that God has a solution that I could literally never have imagined. He has done this so many times that I find myself burning with shame when I doubt that He can or will take care of everything. It's just a matter of understanding that He will resovlve it HIS way and not mine.
I like the way Anne Graham Lotz states it when she said, " We must evaluate our circumstances in light of God's love, and not evaluate God's love by our circumstances'.
I do completely agree with your statement " It is not wrong to ask that question,"why God?" Like all other questions, it is in the heart of the believer".
It is alright to ask why but never alright to challenge His right to do something His way.
God bless
We all grow in different ways. I am blessed that you saw what you did. " I do completely agree with your statement " It is not wrong to ask that question,"why God?" Like all other questions, it is in the heart of the believer". It is alright to ask why but never alright to challenge His right to do something His way."
As with the others who shared. I am always interested to see, just how others felt about what I have shared. I want to make sure I used the words so others understand what I feel lead to share.
I am blessed that Dean is back and doing better. To see Richard so very strong in his faith and trust in The Lord.
And you Charles I am blessed by your adding , "Anne Graham Lotz states it when she said, " We must evaluate our circumstances in light of God's love, and not evaluate God's love by our circumstances'
As well as Amanda and Todd on the blog. How everyone took different parts and summed up how the felt about things. This is how we grow stronger together. For me the quote from Anne you shared, and your last sentence. I believe when people KNOW THEY ARE LOVED. When people are humble so they can be teachable. We are so Blessed to be able to KNOW AND TRUST THE LOVE OF GOD. And never allow condemnation to lead us into thinking we are less. The Children of God are never "less."
God Bless you my Brother
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