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Will someone explain this script: Gen 9; 5-6?

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It's about murder. Humans are made in God's image. God still wants us to recognize His image in humans. God demands justice for harming and killing people. The part about God demanding an accounting from every animal -- animals were not created to kill man. The Fall changed everything. Animals now that kill are put to death. We see this all the time. Dogs in domestic homes and animals at the zoo, etc ...

Amen Amanda............


I might add, it's my opinion that verse 5 is justification for capital punishment in the world.


"Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

Is good to see you here Glenda,


From Calvin's commetary of the bible:


5. And surely your blood of your lives will I require. In these words the Lord more explicitly declares that he does not forbid the use of blood out of regard to animals themselves, but because he accounts the life of men precious: and because the sole end of his law is, to promote the exercise of common humanity between them. I therefore think that Jerome, in rendering the particle 'k (ach,) for, has done better than they who read it as an adversative disjunctive; otherwise your blood will I require;' yet literally it may best be thus translated, And truly your blood.' [290] The whole context is (in my opinion) to be thus read, And truly your blood, which is in your lives, or which is as your lives, that is which vivifies and quickens you, as it respects your body, will I:require: from the hand of all animals will require it; from the hand of man, from the hand, I say, of man, his brother, will I require the life of man.' The distinction by which the Jews constitute four kinds of homicide is frivolous; for I have explained the simple and genuine sense, namely, that God so highly estimates our life, that he will not suffer murder to go unavenged. And he inculcates this in so many words, in order that he may render the cruelty of those the more detestable, who lay violent hands upon their neighbors. And it is no common proof of God's love towards us, that he undertakes the defense of our lives, and declares that he will be the avenger of our death. In saying that he will exact punishment from animals for the violated life of men, he gives us this as an example. For if, on behalf of man, he is angry with brute creatures who are hurried by a blind impulse to feed upon him; what, do we suppose, will become of the man who, unjustly, cruelly, and contrary to the sense of nature, falls upon his brother?


6. Whoso sheddeth man's blood [291] The clause in man which is here added, has the force of amplification. Some expound it, Before witnesses.' Others refer it to what follows, namely, that by man his blood should be shed.' [292] But all these interpretations are forced. What I have said must be remembered, that this language rather expresses the atrociousness of the crime; because whosoever kills a man, draws down upon himself the blood and life of his brother. On the whole, they are deceived (in my judgment) who think that a political law, for the punishment of homicides, is here simply intended. Truly I do not deny that the punishment which the laws ordain, and which the judges execute, are founded on this divine sentence; but I say the words are more comprehensive. It is written,


Men of blood shall not live out half their days,'
(Psalm 55:23.)


And we see some die in highways, some in stews, and many in wars. Therefore, however magistrates may connive at the crime, God sends executioners from other quarters, who shall render unto sanguinary men their reward. God so threatens and denounces vengeance against the murderer, that he even arms the magistrate with the sword for the avenging of slaughter, in order that the blood of men may not be shed with impunity.


For in the image of God made he man. For the greater confirmation of the above doctrines God declares, that he is not thus solicitous respecting human life rashly, and for no purpose. Men are indeed unworthy of God's care, if respect be had only to themselves. but since they bear the image of God engraven on them, He deems himself violated in their person. Thus, although they have nothing of their own by which they obtain the favor of God, he looks upon his own gifts in them, and is thereby excited to love and to care for them. This doctrine, however is to be carefully observed that no one can be injurious to his brother without wounding God himself. Were this doctrine deeply fixed in our minds, we should be much more reluctant than we are to inflict injuries. Should any one object, that this divine image has been obliterated, the solution is easy; first, there yet exists some remnant of it, so that man is possessed of no small dignity; and, secondly, the Celestial Creator himself, however corrupted man may be, still keeps in view the end of his original creation; and according to his example, we ought to consider for what end he created men, and what excellence he has bestowed upon them above the rest of living beings.


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