If you feel your husband is unfaithful what should you do about sex? If refuses to wear a condom will God hold that against you for not giving him sex.
Hello Darlene,
There is a group here that is call: For Women Only - Your questions would probably find great answers there. The group is geared as the name states for women only and there is more privacy there to deal with difficult topics such as yours. I feel you should leave the questions here for anyone that wants to give you biblical help with the topic, but the group would also be a place you should visit:
>>If you feel your husband is unfaithful what should you do about sex?
I realize my answer will not give you a quick fix or a set of instructions to follow, but I believe is the best consul I can offer you. You should do exactly what the Holy Spirit tells you to do. Do as God leads you. For you to be able to do that, you have to be able to hear his voice. God is the one that needs to answer your question for you. I am sure many here could give you from their experience a set of things to do, but our God is a personal God and what works for someone else may not work for you, so once again, you have to find out what God wants you to do.
I will pray for you.
If my husband is unfaithful, he would no longer be my husband. I'm not saying that's the answer for you because the Lord may call you to forgive & mend but my man run around on me, divorce papers will be given to him under that bridge he'll be living under because I'll take everything he has.
I agree both with David AND Taminator. First, as David wrote "You should do exactly what the Holy Spirit tells you to do. Do as God leads you." For us as Christians, attempting to forgive even the worst offenses against our selves is a duty to God (and a privilege given by the Holy Spirit within). However: trust is the single most quality within a relationship, especially of that most sacred of gifts: marriage. If the infidelity continues after an initial fall and a repentence, I would no longer be a part of the relationship/marriage. In my own case, I experienced about the worse case scenario: having my wife of three years and father of my son, telling me she was pregnant with another man's child. And although I could understand the stress she had been under due the most difficult 1st year of my son's life: it was not within me to either forgive or forget these 30 years; may God forgive me and continue to help heal that particular wound.
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