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Have you gone through trials and tribulations as consequence of living in a fallen world or as a consequence of your sin and have you been able to rejoice in the trial and/or tribulation?


How (Why) were you able to delight/rejoice?


Meaning of rejoice by the secular dictionary: Delight


delight, exuberate, glory, jubilate, joy, kvell, exult, triumph


Meaning of joy by the lexicon:


Cognate: 5479 xará (another feminine noun from the root xar-, "extend favor, lean towards, be favorably disposed") – properly, the awareness (of God's) grace, favor; joy ("grace recognized").

joy, delight- greatly (1), joy (54), joyful (1), joyfully (1), joyously (1), rejoicing (1).

James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 


One last question - Is joy the same as happines?


Would you share how and why you were able to rejoice througth the trial?

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There are a number of things that help me get through storms in this life. I will give a simple list:

1) Focus: I seek to keep my focus on Christ and with eternity in view.

2) The Word of God brings comfort in times of trouble. I especially like Colossians and 1 John during those times. I also remind myself of Romans 8:28 and trust that this verse is a promise for all time and all situations.

3) My wife. 

4) Solid Christian friendship and church family.

5) Remembering the past: I like to remember all the times God has brought me through in the past and this helps me to trust Him more in the present.

6) God has told us that we will face many trials and tribulations. We also know that this life is but a mist. Time will pass and we will move on.

I think we all get it that God desires for us to follow the instructions given in Scriptures regarding rejoicing, such as 2 Thessalonians 5:16-18. We get it that we should give thanks in everything if not for everything.

I know that I have many reasons to thank God even on my worst days and while in trials, and the way I understand it is that joy and happiness aren't the same.

Happiness depends on circumstances and comes and goes but joy is a fruit of the Spirit. The unsaved likely have never experienced joy and especially not the joy of The Lord.

I think the extent that Christians will rejoice depends on several things, one being level of spiritual maturity, where they are at in the experiential part of the sanctification process, and whether or not the Spirit is producing that attribute of His fruit in that person's life at that time. Some teach that we are pruned and our branches don't always bear fruit and we go through seasons of bearing and being pruned back and then bearing again to a much greater degree. I'm not sure if any of us have all 9 attributes of the Spirit's fruit at any one time but I could be wrong.

Here is a good article about sadness -- when it's caused by sin and when it isn't and how we experience joy when we have sorrow, heartache, and sadness.
Oops ... I meant 1 Thessalonians.
Also, I have a question. In the parable of the sower the one who is truly saved is said to bear fruit. What is that fruit?

I think that hits the nail on the head....

I think the extent that Christians will rejoice depends on several things, one being level of spiritual maturity, where they are at in the experiential part of the sanctification process

It ties in with something LT said:

Remembering the past: I like to remember all the times God has brought me through in the past

Some are newer to walking with God than others.  Perhaps they have not yet been brought through things, are still being healed.  We can't treat everyone as if they don't have this instantaneous joy that they must be doing something wrong.  We're supposed to be an encouragement to each other.

Shush, don't tell him but I think this is a point that David wants to make -- that we are spiritually immature. Lol!

Can we force ourselves to mature spiritually, or is that a work that God is completing within each one of His children individually and personally?

I wonder if it applies here -- the teaching in Romans 14 about strong and weak Christians and how the strong must have a special duty and love for those who are weaker -- a duty and love which excludes harming younger or less mature believers by using one's freedom?

As always, one question leads to even more questions. :(

If that's his point, I'd have to ask him how long he's been saved and if he's holding it against those who've been saved a lot less time.  Sorry, but he knows I'll ask that.  LOL

One of the most important traits of a good teacher is having the ability to remember what it was like when they were a child.

David was a child?  Surely you jest!


When he comes in here, he's gonna get us.

I can't wait for him to respond. Its cool learning from yall. I  like the way you can disagree respectfully and sometimes with humor. The forums is my favorite part of AAG.

Excellent word, Janie :) I agree 100%.

Good teachers also have high expectations. They must remember though that, while high expectations of students means encouraging them to become grown adults, it also means being able to accept errors when students fail. Sometimes it is best not to teach but just to facilitate learning -- encourage students to look for help and answers on their own. As far as David ever being a child -- I've heard he was the biggest baby on the block!

Crawling Baby


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