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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

As you know, we all go through trials and tribulations and often ask God questions like: "why is it that you choose me to endure this difficult time?", "Do you love me?", "What happen to you never leaving me or forsaking me?" However, it is not very often that we kneel down and tell God "If it is your will for me to go through this pain, so be it, I am only here to glorify you." We ought to recall that even Christ, who lived a sinless life, suffered. Can you imagine that each and every one of us were those guards who whipped him, spat on him, and laughed at him while he was in such pain and yet he died for us so that we may receive eternity. To answer the question, YES, God does love us, he loves us beyond our understanding and more than we can ever love. At end of the day, not only should we remember our soldiers who died for our freedom but also remember  Christ who died for our sins, not one of us would to be able to endure or even imagine what he went through to save us.

* I am sharing this with my youth group on Tuesday, Please let me what know what you think: any ideas of what could be added ? Do you see any improvements that could be made? My main theme is God's love and why we suffer.

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Amen. Thank you Rachel

Amen Rachel.  good word.

I have seen the lack hope in people and some times, as much as I want to help them, I can't. Even as believers, we sometimes happen to forget that God is in control and have faith in him.  I love the john Scripture, I will add it to my speech

 Suffering is a consequence of man's fall. But God in His eternal wisdom and power decided to use it for our own good as it is written in Romans 8:28.  And God has chosen to use the suffering to perfect us. That also happened to our Lord  as it is written in Hebrews 2:10. Look at the beautiful sequence  as it works as written in Romans 5:3. He even puts in us a new character. In Psalm 23, we enter the valley of the shadow of death with Him as our shepherd. And you'll notice that He bears a rod and a staff. The rod to inflict pain on us and the staff to direct us in that darkness. After He is through with us we have no fear. It has been driven out by the discipline. We are ready for the banquet in front of our enemies and the anointing that overflows. We are ready for service moving in His love.

     When you are chosen then your are destined to suffer. David in Psalm 139: 7-12 acknowledges that you cannot run away from Him. He tried it and found it all in vain.

    So than the best thing is to avoid grumbling for God hates that and still it makes the burden unbearable. Peter talks much about suffering. Knowing that, does not make it any sweeter but the results far out way the suffering.

 "But in your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord" 1Peter 3:15 

yup new world and new character. so true, Thank you Stephen :)


First of all hello.  =)

I, personally, believe that not all suffering a person may experience is a direct result of any sin they may have committed but all suffering and sickness came into the world as a result of the fall of man. 

Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve. Read their story in Genesis @ Tim

  Suffering is not always due to a sin one has committed, but when you read what Adam was told by God in the garden after he fell, you'll see that that is the genesis of his woes. Say, in a situation where one is pic pocketed or robbed. Adam was not a robber before he fell, yet ones sin makes the other suffer.

  But it is God who determines the out come of the suffering. While some are destroyed in certain situations others get a revelation of the Lord while in them.   Like in the case of Meshack and Abednego.

 Blessings, Tim.

I've gone through a lot of suffering since I accepted Christ several years ago.  I remind myself that while I'm to strive to be LIKE Christ, that I'm not Christ.  I'm human.  I'm not going to be condemned if part of me hates to suffer.  There've been times I've begged God to end the suffering and times I have small breaks and know I still want changes and what God's will is deep down.  But then the suffering starts up again and I again beg Him to end it.  I'm human.  No one WANTS to suffer. 

Yet in suffering, I've become more compassionate, more patient, my faith has grown...the opposite of what I thought it would through all this, etc.  So God does use the suffering...He refines us in the fire.  But while we may want to change, want refined, we don't WANT to suffer.  We accept it because we want what God wants, but accepting it and wanting it are worlds apart.


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