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As in Adam we all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 1 Cor. 15:22.

Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 1 Tim. 2:13, 14.

Because he was still an infant in age, Adam was not yet able to recdeive knowledge worthily. For even nowadays, too, when a child is born, he is not at once able to eat bread. Rather, he is first nourished with milk...It would have been the same with Adam. The reason God commanded him not to eat of knowledge was not because God defrudfed him, as some suppose. Rather, He wihed to test jAdam, to see whether he would obey His commandment. At the same time, He wished man, infant as he was, to remain simple and sincere for a while longer.

The Lord cae to the lost sheep. He made a recapitulation of a very comprehensive dispensation, and He sought after His own handiwork. Therefore, it was necessary for Him to save that very man who had been created after His image and likeness-that is, Adam...Man had been created by God to live. However, he was injured by the serpent who had corrupted him. Now, if after losing life, man would never agaain return to life (but would be utterly abandoned to death), then God would have been conqurered. The wickedness of the serpent would have revailed over the will of God.

Inasmuch as man is saved, it is fitting that he who was created as the original man should be saved, too.... It was for this reason that, immediately afAdam had reansgressed (as the Scripture relates), God pronounced no curse against Adam personally, but only againt the ground,

Adam showed his repentance by his conduct. He did this by means of the girdle of fig-leaves by which he covered himself.

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But Adam was born a man, not an infant

He was a man but an infant next to God and His Angles. The reason God commanded him not to eat of knowledge was not because God defrudfed him, as some suppose. Rather, He wihed to test jAdam, to see whether he would obey His commandment. At the same time, He wished man, infant as he was, to remain simple and sincere for a while longer.

Maria,  Where do you get the idea that Adam was an infant?

Not like God having knowlge enough to know better.

He had knowledge enough to know better. God warned him in advance regarding the tree and he willfully disobeyed.


I am not really sure what point you are trying to make. Please clarify.

Lord Bless,


It was possible for God to have maade man perfect from the beginning. However, man could not receive such perfection, being as yet an infant. Disobedience to God brings death. For that reason, Adam and Eve came under the penalty of death. From that very moment, they were handed over to it. Therefore, they did die in the saame day that they ate, for they became death's debtors. Furthermore, it was one day of the creation....And there are some, again, who relegate the death of Adam to the thousandth year. For since "a day of the Lord is as a thousand years, "he did not go beyond the thousand years, but died within that period, thereby fulfilling the sentence of his sin.



Based on your view why couldn't man receive such perfection? Why do you think Adam was an infant maturity wise? How can you substantiate the infant view from Scripture?


Lord Bless,


Personally, I believe when the Lord said "in Our image", it says to me that He was made to perfection, not an infant in wisdom, but also with free will which he chose to be disobedient with.


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