The reason why the world is at a state it is currently at, which is a moral decline all time low, is because of acts such as these which are becoming a public norm in most cities. Pornography is a sin, and so is strip teasing. In the spiritual world, demons live inside the watchers of these social perversions, as they live and watch through their eyes for enjoyment, building themselves greater in numbers within the sick victim or sinner who is lusting after the flesh.
Perhaps one of the most dangerous ways for an attack of demons into a human nowadays is through pornography or strippers because of the lust for the human flesh; it causes a personal moral character degradation, and one sin will lead to another, mainly in this case, audultery, self fornication, or even to eventual homosexuality, or even phedophiliac or narccissim (self godly love or self worship).
There is nothing clean, pure, or art of beauty to this sort of 'jobs'. It is through shear lust, greed to make the 'fast' cash, and living in a world of drugs, sex, and rock and roll, godless as it is, that drives these people to these sorts of things. If one needs to make money, there are other means, and begging on the streets is much better off than sinning, and then in turn, causing others to sin because of your actions. Jesus even said, 'If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away.
For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.' Mat.5:29, or 'And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.' Mat.5:30 ..... it is likewise with these porn stars or strippers ... it is better for them to be homeless and on the streets or work as a dishwasher than to sell their souls and bodies to satan, and never get into heaven at all.
Amen, Brother Peter. How right you are. As the days of Noah were, so it is now. The devil is making one last stance to win lost souls because he knows his time is short. What better way to entice the weak than through what titilates their lust? Common sense is non-existent; right has become wrong; and wrong has become right. "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil" says Isaiah 5:20.
It is a terrible shame that the sinful secular world wants to drag God's Holy people and His Commandments to their level. They say we are not tolerant in the issue of sexual perversion...but what they don't realize is that tolerance does not set us free, TRUTH does. No one should "mess" with God's Commandments: What's written is written for our own good. It's sad to think that so many are chosing eternal death rather than eternal life!
Abundant Blessings!
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