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What do you guys think about the information in the video? Please use parental discretion. This vid is for adults/parents and not your young kids.

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Hi David, God bless you!

It's broad in scope (or all over the place).  God is not the author of confusion.  I do feel there's truth in the video, but I didn't care for the way it was presented. You are right; not everyone can handle this kind of thing. It's not something that we could take and use in a teaching. Parts of it are scary for the unlearned. The video doesn't enrich a person and bring glory to God. At least I felt it didn't. I'm saying it with love. Okay? I know you didn't make the video; you're asking what we think of it. Something else they did in the video is to flash a lot of pictures in fast sequence. When you see that kind of thing, beware because lots of subliminal messages can be inserted. We are to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

I have recently taught about demons and some of their charactistics. I'm in the middle of preparing a teaching on Jezebel and Baal. Example, I'll explain the situation and then show from the Bible what spirit is behind all of it. And I let God show me. My teachings are kind of like a cake with layers. If I give strong information about a demon, I sandwich it between great Bible verses that relate. I did a teaching on a spirit of iniquity if you would like to see it sometime and a teaching on the morbid spirit too. The morbid spirit is behind the current fascination with vampires and ghouls. The morbid spirit has help, but it's the ringleader.

The goal in my teachings is that a Christian when confronted with a demonic situation could look at it and know which spirit is causing it. We are not ignorant of his devices.  




Thank you for sharing Mary. :)


Love and blessings to you.

This one is better, but it remains a video for adults.

Ezekiel 28:13 of the KJV and NKJV seems to hint that Satan was involved with music in Heaven. The NKJV says, “The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created,” although the exact meaning of this difficult Hebrew text is uncertain. There may have been such instruments in heaven, but there is no evidence outside this verse to verify it. Revelation 5:8 and 15:2 refer to harps, but not to timbrels or pipes.


I do not have time to watch the lengthy video, but can safely say that they have an agenda and it does not include God. Therefore, there agenda is ungodly (when we define godly as with God and ungodly as without God). They know, as many before have known, the way to change a culture is to indoctrinate the youth/children. We are too pld and set in our ways. It would take way too much energy to make evensmall in roads into our lives with the attempt to change what we believe. This is not so with the young. Their minds are impressionable. This is why we need to be more concerned over the content of classroom curriculum.


Lord Bless,


So what do we as Christians plan to do about it?

Any suggestions that would make a real difference and stay true to God's Word?


You wanted some grace and a chance, here it is. I am giving you a reset. The original question is before you and everything else has been deleted. See if you can answer it, if you choose to, without going to the fringe or controversial to give a response to a very basic question.

Probably just go see movies that promote the values you're looking for or are about God.

I go to the cinema to enjoy myself. I saw Avengers (twice) Dark Knight Rises, Taken 2.....action movies basically but I see worthy values within them; sacrifice, helping those who can't help themselves....There are some movies that are overtly religious in mainstream Hollywood

But the issue goes far wider than Hollywood. The media is saturated with sex and scandal, when was the last time front page was a good uplifting story that didn't involve famous people? God isn't on the agenda and Christians are largely dismissed as ignorant and superstitious.

That's why I set up my website, to show how reasonable faith is and the powerful effects it can have. I'm starting to visit youth groups to answer their questions and concerns and looking to do the same for adults. All I can do there is just show them Christ's love, show them there is another way and let Christ do what he does best.

Much of the programming on TV isn't worth our time.  I'd much rather read a good book, hang out with friends and have a good conversation, or go for a hike or some other physical activity than sit on a couch in front of a TV set.  As for movies, we should use discernment and be selective about what we watch.  The same goes for what we eat.  If we eat high-calorie junk food, we'll become fat and unhealthy.  We need to be informed and prudent with regard to everything we consume.

I have learned something this weekend.  Eating, TV, like anything, there needs to be balance.  I was attending Sunday School, Sunday morning worship, Sunday night class, Wednesday night worship.  I would spend my evenings reading the Bible, reading a Christian book, go out at lunch, read a Christian book.  I listen to nothing but Gospel music and sermons in my car and during the day at work. 

Don't get me wrong, I need all that, and need it in abundance.  But I realized I also need enjoyment.  We all do.  We can seriousness our lives to death if we're not careful.

So since the Sunday night Lifegroup I co-host has no members this semester, I was joining another Lifegroup/Bible Study.  Until this Sunday.  I realized that wasn't helping me.  With the stress in my life right now, I need some fun as well.  So I opted for the fun Lifegroup.  We stand around and read a 5 minute devotional, take prayer requests, have prayer and then we spend the next 50 minutes on Zumba.  After the 6 to 7 Zumba, we again do a devotional, have prayer and spend the next 50 minutes playing volleyball.  Right now I need the comraderie, the fun and the exercise.  I don't need another Bible Study.

We can also Christian show ourselves to death.  I remember watching The Shroud one day on the History Channel.  Very informative and I'd recommend it.  But could I stand to watch documentaries all day, every day?  No way!  I still like MacGyver (LOL Grazer) and The Cosby's, and America's Funniest Home Videos.  It is a huge difference from the shows that I used to watch, the old B rate horror flicks, the Twilight series, Cube, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saw, etc. etc.  But sometimes I need downtime, entertainment. 

The ONLY thing we're going to do about Hollywood is a) pray, and b) turn it off.  When they see the Inspiration and Lifetime channels getting the most views, they'll rethink their movie strategies.

Wanted to give my thoughts.

After watching about half of the video I had other things to attend and didn't make it back to watch the remaining half.

I would agree that Satan uses music as a way to sort of indoctrinate those who listen, subliminally, to advance his will upon willing parties who may act out based on the context of the message or lyrics within. Those who are not indwelt by the Holy Spirit may certainly become inhabited by demons if they agree to open themselves up to be used as instruments by these deceitful spirits, which should not surprise us Scripture is clear that those who belong to the dominion of darkness (unbelievers) can become indwelt.

Music is powerful, some would claim neutral, neither good or bad, but I would say those who say that simply lack discernment. My contention is that all songs are inspired by some sort of spirit with a message to convey and can influence those who listen in different ways.

I personally don't like to give Satan or demons more power than they truly have or deserve. Christ made a complete spectacle of them upon His death on the Cross and with His triumphant Resurrection.

Satan would want those who serve and worship him to trade their souls for what he and the world may offer in this life. Remember when Satan offered the kingdoms to Christ if He were to bow before Satan?

Satan who has deceived the whole world has an enormously bigger agenda than Hollywood, and yes entertainment is big and part of his plan

Many may forfeit their souls chasing wealth as well

And still, Satan has tares among the wheat which can be even more difficult to discern

Lastly, we must be able to discern between those we listen to as having the spirit of truth versus the spirit of error or falsehood

By His Grace,



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