I recently lost someone that I knew half of my life. He grew up Catholic, wanted to be a priest when he was in tween years. He was a verbally abusive person who gradually became addicted to all kinds of awful drugs. The root cause of this addiction, was physical pain. He couldn't find, on any med test, what was causing it. He took prescription drugs that were very strong to try and mask the pain. When these wore off, he became a monster, to myself and our son.
Two years ago my son and I left. He never got better....he got worse.
He was promiscuous, and stole money from his father the night before he died. I found out that he died last week, at the age of 36, of heroine and meth overdose.
Due to his acceptance of Jesus, did he die as a saved person?
He had a loving heart,he was very sad his whole life...the drugs were a prison...and he was to weak to get out. I believe he was saved, and Jesus covered his sin. But since he did not repent, and continued...could I be wrong?
If your friend genuinely accepted Christ as his Savior, he is in heaven.
Romans 8:38 says, "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angles or demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus."
You might find that reading the entire chapter Romans 8, helpful.
Do you have a friend or suppost group that can help you deal with his death and how he treated you? Ask Jesus to walk with you through the valley of grief. Don't stop the grieving process until you have walked completely through.
If you need a listening ear, feel free to respond to my comment. I pray you will find peace about this.
Due to his acceptance of Jesus, did he die as a saved person?
Only God and he know that. A person can be born again and fall into horroble sins, die and go to heaven, but we are also told that without works our faith is dead faith. Only God knows if your friend was truly born again or whether his faith was a dead faith.
I thank you, David and Evangeline for your perspectives. Thank you for answering when I needed someone to help. It has been a couple of months now, and I thought you'd be glad to know that although all of my questions have not been answered about this subject, I am content. His thoughts are much greater than ours. Bless you guys!
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