All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


I'm writing this to let you all know that it is time for me to move on from AAG.  I've been a member here since November 2007.  I've served as a chat room moderator, website moderator and an administrator for the last few years. 


It is with some sadness and also great excitement that I now inform you of my leave as the Lord is moving me into new territories. 

I'll be here until the end of today.

I'm sure I will still 'see' many of you on facebook.  Lord Bless.


Love in Christ, Carla

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Yep - you are not getting away that easy haha I will see you in facebook.


God bless you for your service to His body here at AAG. May He prosper your soul and ministry.


Love and blessings to you.



        Thank you for your ministry, your contributions to, and your fellowship here as a vital and beloved member of the AAG Christian online social networking community.  With your departure, which is bittersweet, you will be missed even though God is leading you in to "new territories."

        God bless you in your new endeavors.  Each of us has a call, a ministry that changes and grows, through all things that are being made new and perfected, including our work in the world. 

        Wherever each of us is our journey with God and in Christ, we are blessed to have a God who nudges us all to be a part of the new thing God is doing in Christ Jesus. We have a God who longs to have his love as incarnated in his son Christ dwell in our hearts and reach out through our lives.

        Let us celebrate and rejoice with Carla in the new direction that God is taking her in, as she discerns and lives out her ministry.

Faith, hope and love in our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus,



Carla, its sad that you have to leave us.  I have just began to understand and enjoy your comments.  I am sure the Lord has much greater plans for you.  I wish you all the best in your new venture.  God bless you greatly.  I hope to see  you on facebook.

I don't have a facebook account. AAG is the only online social community I have right now. I will surely miss your input and insights here. I am sad to hear this news. I'll be sending up my prayers for you and your loved ones. I believe you know in your heart that you are loved here. This is really hard though ... for many ... seeing you go.


You have been a good friend and teammate here on AAG. May God guide you into the next phase of life with Him in such a way that He is glorified and you blessed beyond measure. You will be missed.


Lord Bless,


Thank you everyone for your encouraging words.  Bless you all..  I'll miss you all. 

God bless you, Carla! You always have this great wisdom. I will miss you.




I am somewhat confused by the announcement. AAG is a community that touches every part of this world. I don't think there is anywhere here on earth that someone cannot be in communication on the internet. I wish you would reconsider and keep your membership active. Maybe you are keeping your membership active. To me, leaving AAG is almost like leaving the family of God. I have always considered you to be an important part of the leadership. I have respect for you even though I think we might have disagreed a few times. I pray that you have not been offended.

Regardless, your comments will be missed.

Blessings to you.


Hey my beautiful friend Carla. I am so glad I met you here on AAG. I think you were one of the first who aproached me . Instead of a pic of your self it was a pic of a moth. I think there were about 900 members here then.  Your godliness is and always been so noticeable here.  You have put in a lot of your time here and I know Im not the only one grateful. Thank you for always being there through all my mixed emotions and angry moods. I am so glad I have contact with you. I know people are going to be blessed to have you in  where ever you are led. I love you and I will miss you. Im with RoyW I wish you wouldnt leave for good. But I do understand. I always pray that christian people like you would come into my kids lives. Please dont delete your account. You have so much post here... beautiful writings. Love you much.

Sister Carla,

Man alive, I just saw this...and am sorry to see you leave.

I am not into the face-book media.

I sincerely hope and pray for a solid god-knotted relationship in


Wish you the absolute best...and will miss you and your words.



and Grace and Peace.

Christine.. This picture is so incredible.  Thank you for it.. It gives such a beautiful picture and glimpse of the gentleness and power of our Lord.

I will miss you. You are a huge blessing. Here is my FB account. Not sure if we're friends but I don't want to lose contact with you.

I love you


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