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What are you views on rebuking & casting out spirits in the Name of Jesus? Binding Satan? Not saying something, say like you have cancer, because to say it is to give Satan power? 

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Great questions, Beloved.


Rebuking and casting out spirits in the Name of Jesus is Biblical and remains a valuable practice for those confronting such issues. 


Binding Satan is not possible for christians.  Plus satan is only in one place at one time and I think he has bigger fish to fry than the regular christian, so we fight principalities but not Satan directly.  I'm sure many godly men throughout history have had to deal with satan directly but for the most I believe it is sound to believe that we battle demons and not Satan himself. Satan is not all knowing or omniscient so he wouldn't know when we verbally bind him anyways. 


Check this article out:


April 21st, 2010 by E. Stephen Burnett9 comments

Christians’ questionable (or just-plain-wrong) beliefs about things such as spiritual warfare take a very long time to — ha ha, exorcise. 1


Going over all the possible assumptions Christians have about how demons operate would take a while. In some cases, I’m thinking Christians need to practice love and firmness, coupled with careful emphasis on God’s power and His Spirit within Christians. That’s a more extensive process than, say, pointing to one Scripture as proof against a wrong idea about Satan and his fallen angels.


But let’s look into just one questionable idea. It crumbles simply by reading verses before and after a common proof text.

Ye have heard that it was said …

“We need to come against that spirit (or evil spirit, demon, power) and bind him (or it).”

AKA: “Lord, we just pray that Satan would be bound …”

Or even a prayer not directed to God: “Satan, we bind you!”

But Matthew 18:18:18 has nothing to do with demons... ... So for now, let’s just bypass the whole “spiritual warfare” issue and look at the verse by itself.


“Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”


Matthew 18:18

The verse isn’t talking about spiritual warfare or demons. They’re not mentioned here. Maybe they’re in the surrounded verses — the context of what Jesus is saying to His disciples. That usually clears things up.


Wait. The paragraph here is actually not about fighting demons at all. It’s about the church’s role in personal conflicts!

“[. . .] And if he [a sinning brother] refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

Matthew 18: 17-20

So the “binding” isn’t of the Devil or demons at all. Instead, Jesus is talking about church leaders’ “binding” decisions on conflicts between church members.


Maybe the Bible elsewhere encourages Christians to “bind” Satan, or ask God to bind him.3 But it’s not here.

Some things in Scripture are unclear and require deep contemplation to see them more clearly. This isn’t one of them.

Real warfare

Consider the time and effort some well-meaning and zealous Christians give to battling demons directly. But compared with that, direct demon-fighting is topic that is mentioned almost in passing throughout the New Testament.

Yes, the Devil and his demons are real, they are dangerous, but they are at best bit players. Christian should pray to Christ, never direct prayers or commands against Satan.4 “Binding and rebuking” is about church discipline and authority, not bossing fallen angels or fighting temptation. And the famous “full armor of God” portrayal in Ephesians 6 shows us that spiritual warfare is primarily about learning and living the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and battling false doctrines that infect our minds, hearts and lives.  EOA  (End of Article)


It is true that positive confessions, not taken to extremes as some in the prosperity camp do, are better than negative ones, but not admitting that we have an illness doesn't do anything for that illness.  Personally, as a good Pentecostal, Baptist, Presbyterian,  Arminian, Calvinist believer haha I at times rebuke a cold that wants to take over my body and confess health instead of sickness and it has helped me, but don't tell anyone I do that.  hahaha




Hi Char, God bless you!

You aren't alone. Sometimes my thoughts kind of race. I think it's okay to say, "Mind behave yourself."  I have to clear my thoughts and take a few deep breathes and then think some Bible verses.



Hi Taminator, God bless you!
I'm only talking about a small part of your post, the cancer part. Cancer can be caused by environmental issues like asbestos or pollution. It's best to ask God if there is a spirit present. Saying you have cancer does not give satan power. It could mean you are letting people know so that they can pray for you.

I agree Mary O. God doesn't tell us He will remove the trials but will take us thru them. If we ignore them because we don't want to give Satan a foothold, personally, I think is a bit ridiculous. Does that mean you don't go to treatment because going to treatment will admit you're sick. So, I'm with you Mary.

Tamy :


These songs came to my mind as I read your post again:


You gotta love Jesus Culture. That girl is awesome.

One of my favs

Yep, yep but you do not want to be around me when their songs (specially the one you posted here, being that I moved to KS and then to MO and now back to KS within a year an ahalf) are playing cause I sing them with all my lungs can give. haha


Kim is a blessing and so are you sis, thanks for sharing.

Well, I think Texas is far enough away. lol



I am heading to Texas for Thanksgiving so watch-out! I will be flying with the family to Alvin, TX (Houston) tomorrow and will be there until Sunday. :) So if you hear the coyotes howling is just my singing making them cry hahaha

LOLOLOL. OK. Welcome to Texas. I'm in Austin. Have an awesome trip brother. Luv u

Hi Tammy. I read this devotion yesterday and it likely doesn't fit here in this discussion but I liked it :)


Daily Devotion for November 14, 2012 Sometimes I Have to Boss My Heart Around 


"Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—" Psalm 103:1-2 (NIV)

I caught my heart heading to a pit of discouragement for spring break. It was supposed to go to the beach with my family and me, but it was not cooperating.

We had been hit by one emotional and financial crisis after another. A close friend learned that, after a year's worth of abdominal pain, extreme fatigue, and an undiagnosed illness, she had a large tumor that appeared to be ovarian cancer.


Then our upstairs air conditioner broke, again. And that same week, we found out our international adoption expenses would not apply as a deduction that year, which meant we owed significantly more on taxes than we anticipated. Yet our savings had been poured into our adoption and our air conditioning systems.

My mind was divided. My spirit was depleted. And my body was exhausted.

I couldn't stop worrying about my friend. I couldn't stop thinking about our finances. How was I supposed to rest and relax with all we had going on?


Although I had packed my bags for the beach, my heart had decided it wasn't in the mood for vacation. It was marching straight toward the pit.

But as much as I didn't want to go on vacation, I knew I didn't want to dwell in a place of despair or pull my family in with me. It wasn't part of God's plans—nor mine.

Eventually I realized I was going to have to boss my heart around!


King David was really good at telling his heart and soul what to do. In Psalm 103 he said: "Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name" (vs. 1). I decided to follow his example. In the midst of my turmoil and troubles, I told my soul to praise the Lord.

Now this wasn't a superficial "say your bedtime prayers" talk to my soul. No, this was a deep-down, preach it to my inmost being, "GOD IS GOOD no matter what your feelings are telling you" sermon. I bossed my heart with Truth and pulled it away from the pit by telling myself to "forget not ALL his benefits" (Ps. 103:2).


Then I walked my heart down memory lane, reminding it of the One who:
Forgives all [my] sins and heals all [my] diseases,
who redeems [my] life from the pit
and crowns [me] with love and compassion,
who satisfies [my] desires with good things
so that [my] youth is renewed like the eagle's. (Ps. 103:3-5 NIV)

No matter what the answer was to my friend's diagnosis, or how costly our air conditioner was going to be, or how much we owed on taxes—my soul needed to praise the Lord. My heart needed me to ...
Remember Who He is.
Thank Him for what He had done in the past.
Trust Him for what He would do in the future.


My circumstances didn't change but my perspective did. By re-directing my thoughts and my focus, I was able to re-direct my emotions. And our spring break wasn't ruined after all.

Every time I was tempted to start worrying about what might be, I used King David's prayer to focus on what was, is, and will forever be-God's faithfulness to walk by my side and navigate my heart through the valleys of life.

Are there circumstances that have pulled you into a place of discouragement? Do you have concerns that are causing your thoughts to head down a path of despair? I pray you won't go there.

Today you can be the boss of your emotions by telling your heart what to do-and if you have to get a little bossy, that's okay too!


Dear Lord, please help me trust You and empower me through Your Spirit to stop my emotions from bossing me around. I want to quit worrying about what might happen and focus on what has already happened by remembering and praising You for Your faithfulness in my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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