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Is it just me or does anyone else fell something looming?  Not Dec 21, something sooner.  Nothing to fear, just important to be in Prayer.  

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We do have a big election looming here in America. But, it could be even more than that. I will be praying.

My monthly bills hahaha

Hi Chris,

I get feelings like that sometimes, and I get quick flashes or pictures. It's prevented a few personal/family disasters like a car accident, a fire, hospital visits, for example. It only takes a few seconds to change the outcome. I've learned to speak up and say something. I believe the spirit of God inside of us can tell us when something's wrong or amiss. As it gets closer to time, God may tell you more about it or show you more about it. Prayer's good.

Love and God bless,


Mary O,

That's great. I think your course of action through the Lord is timely and accurate.


It's interesting to see how believers come out ahead when situations are looming on life's horizon. Actually, one has to feel sorry to observe those who are not in Christ deal with these things.


Grace and Peace.

Brother Dave....the guy with monthly bills,


Got a solution for you, Bro.

Get you a fishing pole.......go down to the water......throw in your line......grab the first fish that takes the hook.......

open its mouth...... there'll be a shekel inside....... take it and pay your bills. Hahahahahahahahahahah......

(Matthew 17:27).


Grace and Peace.

My bro Rich,


It is very refreshing to get some good scriptural advise hahaha



I am also concerned about our country. I see a big election looming and virtually no mention of God anywhere. At one time candidates would be about who was closer to God. Even in the last election, Obama often mentioned that he was a Christian. His later statements, of course, would prove that his idea of a Christian was much different that the Word but at least it seemed to matter to some. I have noticed in this campaign it is mostly about the economy which is the last thing we should be worried about. We are still killing babies, we are still teaching our children materialism and now preaching it as the most important thing to our security. I am concerned about everyone's belief that Romney has the answers because he is a smart business person. Economic disaster cannot be avoided by smartness.

I am praying about your warning.

Before I posted this I wanted to be sure it was not just something going on in my life.  Even though I do know, I have things looming in my life, this is different.  To repeat what I said to begin with, "nothing to fear."  And, to agree with what has been shared, we must Pray.  I do have a few ideas, but not clear yet enough to share at this time.  We know as time draws near to our Lord's Return.  Many things will happen.  

As Roy points out we do have a important election.  And, we are told to Pray for our leaders.  We also know God sets up and takes down authority.  That part is His, our is obedience to His Word to Pray for those in power.  I also share in David's view of bills.  I can see a clear Truth in what Richard shares.  We relate fishing with relaxing and trusting in our actions to be rewarded.  I love that verse and see how it connects to, casting your cares to Him, for He cares for you...  That we would apply Faith, Hope, in His Love for us, to take care of us.

And Mary I also have learned to listen, and take heed when a thought as this comes to me.  If I had obeyed every time I would have saved myself much unneeded grief.  That is why I share this thought.  To those who have ears let them hear.  No matter if all have shared as you all have, what you all shared is important.  The most important thing for us to do is Pray, Praise, Trust, and know we are Loved.  To those who seek Wisdom need only ask.  If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. James 1:5 

Lord Bless you all as we seek His Truth.

Hi Chris,

I'm glad you brought it out. It was interesting Roy brought up the November election. The last time I had a looming feeling was before the last election. The convention was in town. I got off from work, and right away I felt it. It was a heaviness in the air. I work near the capital. Policemen on horses lined the streets and formed a barrier. Then the national guard came. It turned into a mob. My looming feeling is different from yours. Gary and I knew something was going to erupt. The protesters were marching from downtown to the state capital. Way too many unhappy people in a small space. We prayed about it. No serious injuries to anyone, but a little property damage.



I believe as Roy does that our coming election will be a signal of coming hardships for our country. Abortion, marriage, health care and how this country handles the moral questions before us are very upsetting. American values seem to be eliminating God as the main factor in our lives. Whoever is elected this year will only be there because God allows it. All authority is only given power by God's authority. The consequences of a generation of people who continue to separate themselves from God will be ugly. We must pray for the people of the world not just America. There are no boundaries in God's domain.

Israel is our ally and yet America continues to try and convince them that they should give up the land God has promised them to garner a peace deal with the Palestinians. So Chris, I agree with you something "big" is coming that will change our lives forever I believe.

Brother Chris,

Thank you for posting your feelings pertaining to the near future.

I agree with Roy and JM about the downward direction this country has been going since I'd say, the 1960's. That's when I think the turning away from God began, and has been spinning away more and more ever since. The USA is becoming one big Sodom and Gomorrah......and we know how God feels about that.....and what happened to them.

This election is going to be close. The country is divided about 50-50. If Obama wins, we can figure that the USA will openly desert Israel. Obama hates them....and, guys......I think that will bring Genesis 12: 3 into play - " And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse................."


Israel will not be wiped off the face of the map, because we've read the back of the Book (Revelation). But the USA will not be here as we know it..... 


Grace and Peace through our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.


Hey Rich -


Rodney is gonna win, (He has my vote), so I think we (USA) will get another chance to repair somethings, but only our Lord knows what's next.


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