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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Most people live today as though Love is a feeling. When the 'feeling' is gone in a Marriage, divorce happens. When people say they can't 'feel' the presense of Christ they backslide and fall away from their beliefs.

When we live as though Love is a 'feeling' it is never enough. We are never fully satisfied, because we are all so 'unsure' of our 'feelings'.

The truth about Love: Love is an Action Word.. Love is a choice!

1 John 3:16
We know what love is because Jesus gave up His Life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. the church, are we doing that?

John 3:16-17
For God Loved the World so much that He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.

As Christian's, are we producing selfless sacrificial giving in our lives?

The greatest act of Love is giving oneself for others.
How can we give up our lives?

John 15:13
There is no greater Love than to lay down one's life for one's friend.

Roman's 13:9,10
For the commandments say, "You must not commit adultery. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not covet." These--and other such commandments--are summed up in this one commandment. "Love your neighbour as yourself."
Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God's law.

Loving others is actually an obligation -Roman's 13:8. Why?

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yes, love is feeling, to define love is tough. i think love means deep concern for someone. love is love it cannot be measured. either you love or not. if you love someone you cannot do anyharm or wrong to him/her. As apostle Paul writes in 1corinthians 13 about love, it is all... and marriages are not dependent on feelings it is true commitment with your better half....

God loves us so that we learn to love others
Hi Michael,

I just want to respond to what you said that 'Love is a feeling'.

I wasn't there when Jesus died on the cross, but I know that by reading in scripture, He prayed to God that this 'cup of suffering' be taken away. But Yet, He also knew it was God's will which had to be done. Jesus certainly did not 'feel' like dying on the cross---which is the ultimate expression of Love! The sinless Son of God took on our sins and was separated for a while from God so that we might be eternally saved--if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. The 'cup' was the agony of alienation from God, His Father, at the cross (Hebrews 5:7-9). Jesus took on the sins of the whole world---Which is an Action---certainly not a feeling.He had a free choice...But Praise God, that He stayed in God's Will for all humanity. He chose Suffering and Death, so that we might have Eternal Life.

Let me also give another example--This is an earthly one... Have you ever spoken to an abused child? Have you ever talked to the abuser? Well, very often, the abuser is a parent or a trusted adult. If you ask that parent if they love their kids, they will mostly say 'yes', sometimes sadly you may get a 'no'. But....How can you love someone you are intentionally hurting? Even if they felt the urge to hit and abuse----If they truly LOVED them, wouldn't they choose not to? Then after the abuser finishes that round of abuse, they come to the victim and say 'sorry' because they are feeling somewhat remorseful, or they somehow know what they did is wrong. But feeling remorseful doesn't mean 'Love'. Being Remorseful means knowing one's own guilt.

I'm sure that you have heard the saying "Actions speak louder than words".

Love is an action Word, and a choice.

Love moves us into action, to lead an 'other centered life'. We cannot attain this on our own, But only by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Mark 14:32-34
Mark 14:35,36

Blessings and Love in Christ, Carla
Can love be a feeling that demands/requires actions?
I would not disagree with you.. I just don't think that it can be said to be just an action or just a feeling for that matter
This is where the English language lets us done. We think of love in such broad terms and yet in the Greek the terms are very definitive. Most operate in "Phileo" type of love. This is a brotherly love and is actually were we get the name Philedelphia from, the city of brothery love. Another type is "Eros." This is a sensual love and where we get the word erotic from. Many assume they are in love when they are only in lust. The type of love that the Father seeks for us to experience is "Agape." This is unconditional love.

This love, Agape, is a state of being that determines our actions.

Lord Bless,
The simplest way I can say my view is this:

God is love. All real love flows from Him. To the saved, His love begins to fill us. His love changes us through His Son's sacrificial work. Love is not an action, but a state of being. From that new state that we find ourselves in because of God's great work and His love, love begins to flow from us. This flow is seen in words, actions and unseen in our thoughts.

This is another subject that people tend to get backwards. They assume that loving works will build loving character. It is from a loving character (spirit) that loving works flow. It is an outward fllow that orignates with God, not an inward flow that begins with works. The outward flow reaches up and out. up to God and out to our neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39). Note that this love even includes a right love for self.

Key ingredient: Total surrender to Jesus.

My thoughts,
Hi LT,

you said:
"Love is not an action, but a state of being". Is that 'being' not then an action?

~In Him, Carla
It is who we are becoming relating to the essence of who we are spiritually in Christ. This change in character is brought about by God. This change then influences our actions. The action is the result of the changed nature/character/spirit. The actions of love are outflows of who we really are in Christ. Thus, it is a "state of being." We act because we are, not we are becasue we act.

Here is an example. Romans 5:8 says that God's love is demonstrated. The action is evidence of His love. Love is Who He is, for God is love. If God did not move one more time ever again (if that were possible), He would still be love. His love, His state of being, dictates His actions towards His children and the unsaved.

To challenge you further on this topic, this understanding applies to all of the "Fruit of the Spirit."

Hope that helps, if not ask further.

Lord Bless,
Hi LT,

I absolutely agree with you that it is the Lord who brings about the change in our actions. I think that if you scroll up in the conversation you will see that this was my first comment.:
"Love moves us into action, to lead an 'other centered life'. We cannot attain this on our own, But only by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Blessings, Carla
I never said we were not in agreement :-)
I was simply expressing my thoughts on the topic.

Jack, I have had the same experience that you are talking about. It is completely beyond explanation or comprehension..But God!
Amen to your response! In His Tremendous Love, Carla


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