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Is it how we see His Love?  Is it that His Love does not change us?  How do you see His Love?

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     To love others sums up 9 commandments.  Be it through obedience, or the simple joy that loving others brings us.  As His Love for us fills us up, it must spill over on others.  To do this because of the Joy is easy.  Yet, when others have wronged us, we forgive and love at first maybe because of obedience.  Yet, emotions at some point will be felt.  I think one of the points is, to be able to love others when it is not based on emotions.  At those times we look up at the cross and knowing He Loves us so much He gave His Life, when we did not deserve it.  We have to call on the Lord and ask for help, or we look at what He has done and out of a grateful and humble heart we love others.  I trust this made sense.  If not tell me.  

Thank you, yes this makes sense. 

Maybe you can answer something for me from a different angle then:

How do I know if I love someone?

Is it possible that I know I am loving someone because I do nice things for them, even if it may only be because I just want to obey the commanded to love? Would this be legalistic?



    "How do I know if I love someone?"  Sister if you are asking about a relationship with another as in, marriage.  I will stand with you in Prayer about that.  You are the only one who can know for certain.  I will say this since you asked.  To Love another that way is not 50/50.  It is 100/100  there are times they or you will need all the other has.  One way you know if the Love is real, are you willing to give all and ask nothing in return?  Do you know if they will for you?  

Then your second question, leads me to think more of a friendship.  It is legalistic if you are feeling a demand, and not a choice.  The Truth about " the commanded to love" is we actually benefit more to live that way.  As long as, that is not what we are trying to do.  To live that way gives us a Joy w/o compare.  "His yoke is easy, and burden is light."   I trust I answered those in a correct fashion.  Let me know if not.

Lord Bless you Sister

thanks Chris, that makes sense and helps out. 

i think i have pushed people away so much in my life because i'm shy and socializing is exhausting to me. so i guess i have to learn to love people even though i'm shy

I think the biggest mistake is we see Him as being all love - God is love. His love always has judgment or it wouldn't be complete, true love. I also believe that God's love does have conditions if we read the Word closely. He wouldn't have any to perish but He loves us enough to make that choice. 



Nicely said.  God's love has two major properties or aspects to it: God's grace and God's judgment.  Throughout the Scripture, we read of God's repeated acts of grace, and then when rebuffed or denied, these are followed by acts of judgment.  God's judgment is always pefect,  just and righteous.  Each of us awaits God's final judgment.


The apostle John gives us one of the most uplifting and fulfilling verses of Scripture:  "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him  may not perish but have eternal life" (Jn 3:16). This is how much God loves us. 


John says this about God's judgment.

  • "And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil"(Jn3:19).


  • Christ's light shows the way to eternal life. Walking in the dark leads to disaster. "The man who walks in the dark," said Jesus, "does not know where he is going" (Jn12:35).


Your brother in Christ,




As many have already said, God's Love has many parts or aspects.  When my children got in trouble, and earned me spanking them (not beating) I would ask them why they were getting spanked.  After I spanked them, I gave them time to express how they felt (let them cry it out).  Then after they  stopped I hugged them and we talked more about what they had done. (the older they got, the more they did not want "the talk."  For at times I did go on and on.  Yet, never once did I not Love them.  

As with my kids and then Arnette's kids, I told them all I Loved them based on a choice I made.  I got that from God.  Since, I chose to Love them, it was not in their power to change that.  That got tested many times with 8 children all together.  So for me understanding God's Love just based on His choice, has always been easy.  And, knowing Love has so many moving parts, because it is tested in so many ways.  Knowing God Loves me based on His Choice, gives me confidence.  Knowing I did not earn His Love, deserve His Love, yet am given His Love to over flow (filled to the brim and spilling over)  

God's Word answers the question, How can we know love?


By this we know love, that he [Jesus Christ] laid down his life for us, and
we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.

~ 1 John 3:16

>>What is the biggest mistake we make about God’s Love?


The most hurtful and the most common mistake among the born again believers is to believe that God's love is dependent upon our performance. We are his, we belong to him, He bought us and redeemed us in Christ. His love NEVER changes for us. The application of his love to our lives may come in different forms to us, in forms and ways we don't at times understand here on earth.


God's love for us, who are in Christ, is not dependent upon our performance, but strictly upon his election to love us.  His favor is upon those who obey, but God has blessed me (He has given me favor) even when I did not deserve to be blessed, but I surely deserved correction and punishment. I am using the word "deserved" loosly here, for we all know that it is all by Grace and grace alone, so that no one can boast.


His love has beaten me, the selfish, self center David. His love has overcome me. He has won my heart with his love. To balance this a bit, I do fear him though, for He is a Holy God who hates sin, but His love never changes for me.



    As so many have shared, and you also by saying, " the born again believers is to believe that God's love is dependent upon our performance."  Sadly so many miss out the Pure Gift of His Love.  We must never forget Heb 11:6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.  That is where it starts and ends.  Again, as you have shared, "God's love for us, who are in Christ, is not dependent upon our performance, but strictly upon his election to love us."   He chose us and Yes Amen we are His.  That we seek Him.  Even though Holy Ghost is leading us to Him as we "seek" Him.  So that we accept His Love; trust His Love; and most important we fall back into His Love.  Know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that His Love builds us up.  When we know He Loves us, we have such a confidence to be who He created us to be.  When we fall, He is there.  When we sin, Jesus made the way for us to be Forgiven.  Which all of those actions He did define Love, the Love He has for us.  Oh, that sweet Joy we discover that is in His Love.  

As we humble ourselves, our wills, what we think we should have.  And, with a open heart receive His Love.  We will be changed, as we should.  So others will see His Love in us.  Let it be that we Shine, and all see Jesus, including our Father.  That His Love so consumes us.  However, most of us are a work in progress.   His Mercy and Grace helps us through those times.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


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