How important is WATER BAPTISM for the born again child of God?
Please do not turn this discussion into a debate about how baptism saves us or doesn't. That is not my intentions here. I also am not interested in discussing whether infant baptism is something born again believers should practice or not. We have multiple discussions in the archives dealing with both those topics.
Here, I am simply asking How important is water baptism for the born again child of God?
Why did you get water baptized or why haven’t you done it?
What does the word “baptize/baptism” mean?
I was first baptized at age 9, after accepting Christ as my Savior. As I look back on it, it was more a church membership rite than a open declaration of my eyes at that time.
When I returned to the Lord in late '80's, or early 90's, I was baptized again...knowing what baptism was about. At that time it was my public declaration that I had accepted Christ as Savior. Just prior to that, I had repented of going astray and decided my method of bargaining with God was very wrong. Since that time, I have accepted guidance and counseling from the Holy Spirit instead of doing things my way.
The change had already occurred in me...not because of the baptism...but because of a true change of heart. However, I understand that baptism is for others to witness. Maybe like a handshake with God?!?!
Baptism is a ceremony displaying burial of sin and raising to righteousness. The ceremony saves no one. However, it does display to others one's commitment to Christ. Our commitment is actually displayed through the way we live our lives.
Thank you for sharing Rita. Great impute sis.
Love and blessings
Thanks sis. You are a blessing.
We're commanded to do so. Since you have limited us to what we can say, nuf said. hehe
hahaha it had to be you... it had to be you... hahaha Tell Ama we love her.
Hi Group,
When we look at what the Lord Jesus Christ had in mind for His church........among other things - two ordinances:
Baptism and Holy Communion (The Lord's Supper). I refer to the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20....and 1 Corinthians 11:26.
Some elements of His Body (the church) have mis-used, abused, and confused these commands in such ways as making them optional......abbreviated.....and even eliminated.
To answer one of your questions, David, I was baptized as an adult because I wanted associated with described in Romans Chapter 6. Also, I think it is a way of personally confessing Christ openly
before people.
Good subject, Bro.
>>Some elements of His Body (the church) have mis-used, abused, and confused these commands in such ways as making them optional......abbreviated.....and even eliminated.
Unfortunately, you are right. Such a beautiful sacrament has been made a source of division, when it is intended to create community among us.
Love you brosky.
Here, I am simply asking How important is water baptism for the born again child of God?
It's an important act of obedience.
Why did you get water baptized or why haven’t you done it? I wanted to. I was ready. I wanted people to know that I was a Christ follower, and I wanted to be held accountable. I wanted to publicly be associated with Christ.
I wasn't prepared for the spiritual battle that would begin to rage around me...but God is building me up and strengthening me as I grow and learn. I do tell people now...that when they turn to Christ, and are baptised, don't be surprised when the battle intensifies. Be prepared by knowing God's word.
What does the word “baptize/baptism” mean? We are baptised into the death of Jesus, and raised into His new life. We are to walk in that 'new life'.
...that's all I got.. Bless you bro Davey.
>>I wasn't prepared for the spiritual battle that would begin to rage around me...
That is why this action is so important, because it creates commitment, commitment which will be put to the test. For so many, baptism is the moment they declared to the word - no turning back.
Love and blessings my friend.
It's clear and simple for me.
I would flip the question on its head and instead ask: "Why would a Christian not want to be baptized, or be lukewarm and put it off?"
In baptism, I proclaimed that I accept Jesus as both Savior and Lord.
Scripture makes abundantly clear the significance of baptism to our new lives in Christ.
There are several forms of this word. The verb form is βαπτιζω (baptidzo) and it means "to dip repeatedly, to immerse, cleanse by dipping or submerging"
Next we have a noun βαπτισμα (baptisma) which means immersion, submersion.
Another noun is βαπτισμος and it means "a washing, purification effected by means of water"
The last word is βαπτιστης (Baptistes) and it means "one who administers the rite of baptism" John the Baptist
Source(s): Thaner's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
The Greek ba′pti‧sma refers to the process of immersion, including submersion and emergence; it is derived from the verb ba′pto, meaning “dip.” (Joh 13:26)
The word was not translated, but transliterated (to represent letters or words written in one alphabet using the corresponding letters of another). If the word had been translated literally into our language, it would be render “immersion”
English Standard Version (©2001)
For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.
Romans 6
3Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
WATER baptism is an exterior show of the interior baptism of the Holy Spirit. It's a picture of that, a symbol of our death to the old man.
IT IS A SIGN OF TRANSFORMATION AND COMMITMENT!!!! Do you want your wife/husband to be kind of committed to you or 100% committed to you?
There are too many "Christians" today that do not have a clue of what it means to follow God. To follow God, we must obey his commandments. As others have already said, baptism is a commandment and not up to whether we want to do it or not. Too many profess to be Christians, but do not follow the basic commands of the word. I am not trying to bring condemnation to anyone who for legitimate reasons has not baptized.
Baptism is not a choice, but a commandment. If you love him - keep his commandments. It is part of the mission statement He gave us… Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Baptism is never seen as an add on in the word, but part of a natural process for believers.
Brothers and sisters obey God and be baptized. Baptism is a big deal.
Some in the family complain that they can't find a good chuch where they can build community, but many of them haven't even been baptize. They haven't declared to the world that they are part of a the body Christ.
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