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hi, my prayer recently has been, "Lord, please help me to love others."

i was sitting on the beach yesterday and a woman came walking past. she had a smile on her face and as usual, my automatic reaction was to lower my eyes and feel condemnation towards her because most likely, she was not a believer. 

it dawned on me how terrible this reaction is, and how i've struggled with these feelings of closing off my heart to others for a while. 

i then realized that i close my heart to others like this woman because the thought of them going to hell is just terrible and so in my backward thinking it was easier to condemn them in my heart and see them as sinners who deserve hell.

i struck me that to love people means to see them as precious creations of God who need to be loved and reached for the Kingdom. 

i am ashamed to admit all this. can anyone relate to what i'm saying here? 

am i on the right track, and if so, where from here?




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Well, I can relate...

I look at people I know...they need Jesus. My dad, my mom, atleast three met a Muslim woman at a Kroger...I seen some Hindus at a dollar store atleast once...I seen Muslims (mom and two sons) at the same Kroger...


It's all so overwelming...Forgive me if I'm discouraging...there's so many who need the's hard to reach out to people when it's so diverse. One uncle is an athiest/satanist, mom isn't baptized but shares in some JW beliefs...there's so much...and if I try to tell someone the truth, like my friend who needs Jesus (please pray...) that works/ed (don't know if she still does) at that Kroger and mom hears me call Jesus God it'll probably break out into an argument...


I'm a wimp...there's people I know who's lost yet...


I remember people who was lost when I used to go to school...there was a couple great opputunities, one in 9th and the other in 10th grade...I was stupid with what I said/did...I wasn't even saved yet, thought I was though...There was other oportunities, there was some athesists in homeroom...

You must live in a small town that you have only seen one Muslim family & one Hindu family.

Actually, when I was at school someone said he was a muslim but he wasn't sure what he was.


Also, my friend when I was in 9th grade (please pray for her). I think she was Korean. Her nickname was "Kim". She said to another Christian and me (I didn't know He hadn't saved me yet). That she was a Christian, too. Well, oneday at lunch I mentioned something about the Bible or the book of Revlation or something. She said "You mean the Quran?" I didn't really understand at the time but I understand it better now..


Mrs. S__(pray she needs Jesus), she taught creative writing. She said that onetime when there was a bomb threat at school. This boy started laughing according to her (about the bomb threat). He was Middle Eastern. He may have been a Muslim. I don't remember ever seeing him, it may have been before I got into high school.


Honestly,Tammy, I may have seen another Hindu but I can't be 100% sure on that.


There was alot of atheiests at school though. Infact one person may have even been a Satanist by the way my friend described him.


The doller store I was at was in like a town but going out into the country. It was like it between. There's a school, a town and stores. Yet, this place is like the country.


As for the town I live in...oh yeah I do remember something now. I remember hearing one of the people who runs one of the businesses up in one part of town is a Muslim. Anyways, as for this town-it's pretty much dead. They love tearing down buildings. It's not a really small town you just don't have much to do;so much empty space/empty buildings. If you go out alone you're putting yourself at risk so I don't go out much.


Sorry, Jenny if I got off topic. :o)

That's the negative about Malls & Wal-Mart strip malls is they take away from the small business owners. 

Keep praying for God to help you love others,God wants us to show love,which is mercy and compassion.Just keep praying God will bring the changes,because the unsaved needs us.

Love you


Hi Jenny, God bless!

Are you positive she's not a Christian? Christians have a beautiful shine about them. My opinion, often times they will look straight into my face. Please, I'm not trying to make you feel bad or uncomfortable. If we saw each other on the street, I would probably smile, look straight into your face and say hello.   :-) 

I like to make eye contact and see if a person will look into my face. There's an old saying that the eyes are the window into the soul.




Mary but what about those who can't really make eye contact too well? What's that saying say about them? I'm that way, I can't make eye contact too well... 



I don't accomplish it 24-7, but my goal is to be gentle and approachable. It's just me.  :-)   Neighbor kids have knocked on the door and asked for help or for food. Random acts of kindness when moved by the spirit. Sometimes you have to win a person's trust before they'll open up to you or ask for help.

Jesus said..."I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me. (John 10:14)  Just consider, is it possible to recognize Jesus when you look into a Christian's face? Or into their eyes?

If we passed on the street, I would probably smile and look into your eyes. I have a gentle demeanor. I think you would look at me too.  :-)

Hi Mary, 

I pray she's a Christian. I live in a pretty friendly place so most people smile and say hi to one another. 

I do too, but because I'm shy and have dealt with being a people-pleaser in the past, these days I have struggled with going too far the other way, and avoiding people at times. 

i have often doubted my own salvation because of my lack of "shine"

now i know that my hope of salvation lies in the blood of Christ alone, and pray the shine comes soon

Hi Moniker, 

I can def relate to this. I believe its the Holy Spirit that let's us have that immediate change of thought towards people  from head shaking to reconsidering. 

Good thing we have a God who understands our weakness, that we are like dust!


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