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Ok, I've been reading how the tribulation saints won't be filled with the Holy Spirit. That they will have to endure. Isn't that a work thing?


I thought salvation is by faith alone. Will the tribulation saints still have grace or will they have to go by works? I know they'll have unimaginable things to go through but how can anyone ever earn salvation?


Yet, if you believe they'll still be under grace how can they be under grace if they have to "endure"(an action)?


If someone knows please can you explain it? This is really bothering me.

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I haven't studied end times in sooooooo long. There was a point in my walk that the Lord pulled me back & showed me that if Satan can use Jesus' own words against Him, surely he can use them against me. I was in the Word but for the wrong purposes. He told me that I had lost focus on the task at hand. I'm saying that to say this, I once had a "view" about this but can't remember what it was nor does He allow me to go there, or He hasn't allowed me as of yet. I would love to be of some help & I'm sure you'll get many responses because others really study this without losing sight of the purpose. 

Thanks for atleast taking the time to respound sister.

I think the most important thing is to be ready regardless of how it's going to happen & attempt to take as many with us as possible.

Hey Feetbreeze,

I really like the questions you raise. It makes the mind work lol. I'm not quite sure what I am supposed to write and not write on this subject. I have studied the word many times about this and found all kinds of neat passages. Here are two sources I have also studied and read from both perspectives. Although I do agree, and not agree on some things about this topic I think you may ponder on these authors POV and interpretation from the Word.  I would however suggest listening to the advice from our sister. Whether or not we do get caught up, we should be ready at all times:)

By Todd Strandberg

When Will the Rapture Be?

by Rod Smith

Thanks winter. I can't wait to go home! :o)

The first thing to recognize is that the Holy Spirit is never removed from the earth. In fact there isn't a place in all of creation that He is not at at all times. He, as the Restrainer, is taken out of the way. He is currently holding back Satan, but will remove His restraint at that time. People will be saved in the tribulation the same way everyone is saved. They will be saved by grace through faith. The object of this faith is Jesus Christ.


To endure simply means to go through. We endure trials and tribulations today. Yes, the Great Tribulation will be more difficult and in all probability few will be saved, but none-the-less some wil be saved.


Lord Bless,


LT, can you please explain something? I've heard people say the Holy Spirit will be taken away after the rapture and the tribulation saints won't have Him to indwell in them. You said He's everywhere. I know He is since He is God. I'm just confused.


Grace? Oh, thanks for clarifying that LT :-) That takes a load off of my mind!

The Scripture does not say that He will be removed from the earth but that He will be taken out of the way. This simply means that He ceases to restrain Satan during this time. As God He cannot ever not be everywhere at all times. This is called "omnipresent" and means that God is present everywhere.


Lord Bless,


Wow! Thanks for helping clear that up LT. It is so much clearer now than before.


Lord bless,


You are welcome.

Never heard it like that LT. You're tempting me to go study it again. Get thee behind me. hehehe



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