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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

We often see people existing in one extreme or another. There are some who would ignore doctrine for the sake of unity, but can there really be unity in the body if doctrine (teaching found in God's Word) is ignored? There is another group that has taken mere prefernces and elevated them to the level of doctrine, at least in their teaching. An example of this can be the style of worship. Some are more demonstrative than others, but neither is wrong if the heart is right. Style of worship is a preference, not a doctrine.


What do you think about the importance of sound doctrine in one's life and in the church? Have you seen things that are preferences turned into doctrine? If so, give an example, but leave names and organization names out of the comment. How do we stay centered on Christ in the midst of the chaos?


Lord Bless,




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I'm not saying that was a blunder; I am just saying that I am not going to tell of all the blunders I've made in my lifetime.

Lol! Yes, it was a blunder and it's OK to call it one ... and also the way I have said it makes it sound like I was telling them what they really needed to hear -- I hate you -- Lol! Let me clarify. They were telling me what I really needed to hear and I was upset and my feelings were hurt and I wanted to retaliate.

OK. I hope I have clarified that. Lol!

I like you, Roy. :)

Well, I'm glad I interjected. Thanks, Amanda. The same here. I will have to admit that I have been jumped on a few times as well. I'm sure I had it coming.

I pray that I have never been the cause of anyone leaving AAG, unbeliever or believer. There are many times I speak truth & it isn't bathed in love & compassion & the Lord is working on me with this. I had come so far in this area but have also taken a few steps back lately. I do ask that if I've offended anyone, I ask for forgiveness & I will do much better. Whether or not this is to me, considering my name wasn't in your list, only you know. Please know that I don't tag team. I just base my replies based on the Word. I will try to become more aware of any pain I may cause others but never expect me to tickle their ears no more then I want them to tickle mine. I'd rather have hurt feelings then go to hell. Be blessed

I went back to revise this statement but it would not let me. I do want to say that part of my answer sounds a bit arrogant as if I had all the answers & when I speak it's always "of the Lord" as if I'm Moses or something. lol


I took the first four statements of our statement of faith in our school. I can see where some could be divisive. Which of these first four should I leave out. There are thirteen points of our statement. These are the first four:

1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant, and only infallible authoritative Word of God.

2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons:  Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning or reconciliatory work on the cross through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, and in His ascension to the right hand of the Father.

4. We believe that the entire human race has descended from our first parents, Adam and Eve, as recorded in Genesis chapters one and two. We believe that Adam and Eve were a special creation of God and solidly reject any theory that would express the idea that they may have evolved from a lower creature.

The first three are pretty similar if not copied from other statements. The fourth identifies us a school that does not buy into the modern theory of naturalism. Okay, start tearing it apart.



As we discuss this I wonder if we do not need to distinguish between essentials. Is there an essential doctrine for salvation and further doctrine that become essential for proper growth in Christ once a person is saved? What I am saying is does a person who is met by a missionary and who is introduced to the gospel for the first time and comes to Christ, is it essential that they know we come from one parents at that time? Is it essential that they have a belief in the Trinity at that time in order to be saved? I believe the four you have listed are core doctrines, but when do they become essential to the life of a believer? These are some of the questions I am asking myself as I go through another reevaluation of what I believe and why I believe it.


I think it is important that a church or a school clearly define as best as possible what they believe are the core doctrines they believe. Speaking specifically to your fourth it is important and tells those seeking a school what they will and will not be taught. That is important.


If what I have said does not come across clearly enough, please ask, and I will try to reword it.


Lord Bless,



I would think that all that would be necessary for that native person to know is that Jesus is powerful enough to do for him exactly what He said He would do. Even the simple Gospel includes God the Father. "For God so loved that He gave His only Son..." You certainly would not have to include the part of that all this was happening by the power of His Spirit Who was drawing this individual to Christ in the first place.

I'm trying to put myself in that person's place. That is difficult to do. I think it would be important to me that Jesus had the power and authority to actually forgive my sins and give me eternal life. I'm quite sure I would have tremendous guilt pressing down on me. I would already know that the religion I might have would not be relieving me of that guilt. I think that what I would initially need to know would be that He was all-powerful with full and complete authority to forgive all my sins. That I would need to know.



I agree. I guess my mind was trying to differentiate between the doctrine of the Trinty (the intricate parts of the teaching) and Jesus is God who died on the cross. You are right to say one must know His worth in order to trust in His work (paraphrased) as they go hand in hand.


Lord Bless,


It is my thought that understanding the Trinity is essential for doctrine. How else will a person understand Who is speaking or acting. Christ, the Son, died for our sins, God the Father resurrected Him. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, and remains in us.

I also think that a person's *trinity* be understood as well. How else do we understand why we do what we do?

I would like to say that I follow doctrine in my life but that probably is wishful thinking. I know of too many places that I fail.

If a pastor isn't teaching sound doctrine, how can one tie his words and God's Word together? Teaching anything other than doctrine, is the main cause of lack of unity. There are many different churches that think their teaching is most acceptable to God. In fact, probably every one of them, but....the differences stem from those same preferences.

My Bible tells me exactly what yours tells you. There are many pastors who teach that if you aren't reading the KJV, you are using the wrong Bible. Yet, we know, that we can fellowship with all of us using different versions of the Word.

Many pastors don't seem to realize that their job is to teach and mentor us using God's doctrine. They teach using their preference to what God has to say. That is the main reason I am having such a difficult time finding a home church, and why I can't go back to the one that I was in earlier. Is that a fault of a denomination or is it the fault of the person leading a particular church? I surely haven't figured it out yet.



Here you are, Christine ... and I loved the comment about God scratching His brow and wondering what on earth the fella is talking about. Lol!

One thing not lacking on AAG is humor. I think that God might be thinking the same about the lot of us. I'm not sure about the brow scratching. We have a bunch of one-liners on here.


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