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Ok, I've had rapture dreams (in two of them I got left behind but in one dream I was in an angel's arms and I also got raptured). I've dreamed of low flying  helicopters, crashing helicopters and planes. I've dreamed of fire (in one dream fire came down from the sky and in the other someone started a fire in the backally and I ended up getting fire on me). In another dream I had about some guy. People worshipped him. I had to keep on the run because I wouldn't worship him. It was too dangerous to stay in one place.


And, there's that time when I fell asleep and I remember big puffy pink clouds with a golden stand in the clouds (a book was on the stand). I remember the song, it sounded like it was from Hee-Haw (an old country show that was back probably in like the 60s or 70s,it's still on a farm channel though). The song "Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?"


How do you know if a dream is from God or not?


I don't want to say it's a prophecy from God without knowing for sure because I don't want to be a false prophet. I would like to know your opinions. Have you had any prophetic dreams that God has confirmed?

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God can talk to us in dreams, but sometimes a dream is a dream.   :-)  I'm so looking forward to Jesus' return.  I had a really cool dream about the rapture. I saw myself asleep in bed. I flew through the ceiling.  :-)  Don't you love it?  I look up in time to see  my feet go through the ceiling.  LOL  Most of my dreams are nonsense though.

While we are in REM sleep, our bodies produce important chemicals that we need. REM can help us stay healthy.



In the dream, was it fun to go through the ceiling? :)





Tammy-I caught that! You know what's funny? You said it's hilarious. And, Hee Haw is supposing to be for laughing times! Now that's funny. Well, praise the Lord! You got me to laugh a little, thanks sister!

I use to watch Hee-Haw every Saturday night. That was back in the days when you only had 2 channels so you had to watch whatever was there. I remember Kenny Roger's wife was one of those beauties. I think they're divorced now.

This is the second time you've mentioned Hee Haw in a discussion. I think that's hilarious.

I watched HeeHaw too.  LOL  That was the goofiest show. So funny. I can still hear them singing...where where are you tonight why did you leave me here all alone I searched the world over...  heheheheheh  I have some of the words memorized.

Feet, answering your question...It was fun to watch myself go through the ceiling. I woke up laughing happy.   :-)

You all remember Lulu Roman? I had her for a special service once. She was pretty good. She has a great testimony.

I had to check on the internet. I was pretty sure I knew who she was. She's the lady with the puffy black wig. It's shaped like a helmet.  :-)   HeeHaw must have a lot of fans. It was so funny.

Ellie Mae on Beverly Hillbillies gave her testimony at a church I once attended. She had to be 70 & she still wore the outfit as well as the braids. She was a joy to listen to.

Aww, Ellie Mae knows Jesus? That's awesome! I did not know that.

I remember thinking that she was really pretty when I was just a young lad.

We're telling our age Roy

Actually, if she is 70, she is not too much older than me.


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