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OH NO!!!!!! My brain has come back to life after months of drowning in LaLaLand. That can be a bad thing but I consider it good. Though I can come up with the craziest thoughts & questions during this time, it also makes me think harder & dig deeper. Mind thinking with me?

The “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” and “the tree of life” were in the middle of the Garden of Eden: “And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9, KJV).
God forbade Adam and Eve from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (v. 17), “for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (KJV). Genesis 3 records Adam and Eve disobeying God and eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
(See FALL; See FORBIDDEN FRUIT) and so the coming of death into the world (3:3, 5–6, 22).

Manser, M. H., Fleming, N. B., Hughes, K., & Bridges, R. F. (2000). I never knew that was in the Bible! (electronic ed.) (453). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

My mind - my questions: Why did God not want us to know the difference? If we never knew evil, would that not be a bunch of robots just knowing good but not evil? When they knew they were naked & covered themselves, was it the sinful thoughts that entered their minds about the other that made their nakedness sin then & not before taking the fruit? I had some other ones but my kids started screaming & took my thoughts somewhere else.

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I really thought that someone on this site would jump on this. I thought as knowledgeable as you guys were that maybe you might have some insight on it.

Hello Tammy. I am ok with God understanding more than me. Perhaps he was just expecting his creations to listen to him and do as they were told. Not unlike our own children who do things after we have told them not too. We say,"I tell you this because I love you and don't want you to get hurt". Still they do it anyway.

Children can be selfish........oh wait we are children still also. Right?



Thank you JM. I was hoping someone would have a small idea though. hehe. Maybe I'll have to accept the same fact as well.

Yes and I'm still selfish.

Hey Tammy,

This question kind of makes my brain hurt. :-)

If we never knew evil, would that not be a bunch of robots just knowing good but not evil?

I think that's the point.  God created us with a free will, and He knew we (as in humanity) would rebel from His Sovereign Care.

When they knew they were naked & covered themselves, was it the sinful thoughts that entered their minds about the other that made their nakedness sin then & not before taking the fruit? 

probably.  I think it was also Shame.  When I came to the Lord it was the spirit of 'shame' that the Lord delivered me from.  They were feeling shame because of their disobedience


Do you think it was the thoughts they had about one another is the reason their nakedness was a shame at that point?

could be..  don't know. :-)

that combined with the shame of their disobedience and the realization  of what they had done.

But isn't that the knowledge we have today - Not that it is a good thing. I personally would rather my children always be naive about the ways of the world. I wish I could pull evil out of their loves without them having any of it's knowledge. Is that what God wanted for us?

Well, absolutely not. We never had even close to His knowledge. I know there are many who think they know as much if not more then God. And some even think they're already seated on His left hand. Satan lied about them knowing everything God would know. All God told them was knowing between good and evil. 

Bev,  I agree that we're not equipped to handle such knowledge.  It would have been overwhelming and scarry.

We're not equipped to handle it today either..  that's why we need the Holy Spirit to help us/guide us in this life, and also why we need a Saviour.

Amen Bev

I do good to try to handle the minds of 9 year old twins & a 10 year old. I'm failing at that one as it is.

What did they really gain when they ate the fruit? Did it magically change them or did they lose their innocence because they experienced something new ... sin? What is evil (sin)? Is not the very nature of sin found in the rebellion of God's created beings? Satan was created innocent and with freewill. At some point He chose self over God and experienced sin (evil) firsthand. Adam and Eve were created innocent and they too chose self over obedience to God and experienced sin (evil) firsthand. Even worse, they only had one thing they were not to do and because of their failure and the lure of the enemy we see rebellion to God and His will all over the place today. To take this a step further we are born into sin and never really get to experience the innocence that they had prior to the fall, at least in this physical life we now have.


Regarding their nakedness, the Bible does not tell us the reasoning behind this change, especially since they are husband and wife command to propogate prior to the fall.


My two cents.


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