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does bible consistently show that when people FIRST recieve Holy Spirit they will speak in tongues?

this topic is controversial so lets get what bible says.. many people point out 1 cor 12 and 14 showing that Not all speak in tongues to prove that not everyone will speak in tongues when they recieve the Holy SPIRIT to dwell in them for salvation. the only problem wiht using those scriptures is that is will contradict what happened in acts 8, 10, and 19. because the instructions for USING GIFT OF TONGUES was that 2 at MOST 3 should speak in tongues.. one at a time and there MUST be interpreter.. therefore in those chapters we obviously see that was not the case because THEY ALL spoke in tongues.. and didnt have an interpreter let alone who would he be interpreting it for.. in acts 19 paul was there.. he wouldnt allow them to be out of order and go against his own instruction.. so therefore we must conclude ther are DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS of speaking in tongues.. could one of the functions be to SHOW PROOF one has now recieved the holy spirit? how can we rule this out.. now i spoke in tongues when recieved holy spirit for first time, but i do not have the gift of speaking in tongues in the church to deliver message.. two different functions.. now i have prayed and began to speak in tongues a few times but not all the time.. so how can we disclaim the evidence of speaking in tongues

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I think way too much emphasis is given to speaking in tongues. I've heard it spoken and known that it was true. I've heard it spoken and known it was false. I've understood in English what was spoken. I've been able to translate. say that a person who receives the Holy Spirit will evidence it by speaking in tongues....I do not believe. No more than I believe everyone will have all the gifts of the Spirit. That isn't happening.

I think the desire to speak in tongues is necessary as well. Does everyone desire to speak in tongues? No.

The Bible say you'll know them by their fruits....not that you will know them by their ability to speak in tongues.

A more important question is what is your gift from the Holy Spirit? Do you use it? Do you display it for the Glory of God or are you using it for your own well being? 

God didn't stereotype us. He doesn't intend for us to be just alike.

Something I have noticed about myself is at different times a tremendous feeling of Joy will come over me and I know that my spirit is communicating with the Lord. I don't know the communication but the joy is present none the less. I cherish those moments and hope to feel more of them as time goes by.



What you are saying is very Scriptural. It is the exact thing Paul is saying should be. He testified to speaking in tongues more that anyone, yet in the church (public) he would rather say five words in a language everyone could understand than five thousand words in a language they can not understand.


Why don’t we read this passage of scripture and ask ourselves these questions?


Mark 16:14-20 (KJV)
 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.
 And he said unto them,
  When those that saw Him after He had risen, told the others about what had happened, they still would not believe.

So ask yourselves these questions.

#1.  Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Who are we to preach to?
#2. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;  Now Who can be saved?

#3 but he that believeth not shall be damned.  So what happens to the one that doesn’t believe?
And these signs shall follow them that believe;   And who will these sign follow?

#5 In my name shall they cast out devils;  Now, who will cast out devils?  And in who’s name?

#6.They shall speak with new tongues;  Who shall speak with new tongues?
#7.They shall take up serpents;  Who shall take up serpents?

#8  and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; And if they drink any deadly thing, what will happen to them?

#9.  they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.  Who is going to lay hands on who? And what will happen to them when they do?

19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.


Answers to the last post.

#1. Answer. To Every creature.

#2. Answer. Those that believe and are baptized.

#3. Answer. He is damned.

#4. Answer. All those that believe.

#5. Answer. Those that believe… and in Jesus name.

#6. Answer. Those that believe.

#7. Answer. Those that believe.

#8. Answer. Nothing.

#9. Answer. The sick….They will recover.

So you might ask yourself, am I a believer??



You posted this twice. Maybe, on purpose, but I thought I'd give you the heads up just in case.

Thanks, I must have double dipped. sorry!


I don't want to create a firestorm here but we must face the obvious. The earliest and most reliable manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20. However, because the ending of verse eight does seem complete, more was added later but probably not by Mark. You are quoting from the longer added ending to the Gospel of Mark placed there by those that did not want the Gospel to end with verse eight. The shorter ending goes like this:

"But they reported briefly to Peter and those with him all that they had been told. And after this, Jesus himself sent out by means of them, from east to west, the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation."

Some contend that this ending is original while others contend it is not. I already know some of the arguments you will charge against this idea. I am not here to say either way but I hesitate to make a case based on these verses alone.

I would have to say from experience that sometimes people are healed from their sicknesses by the laying on of hands. Sometimes they are not but God always hears our prayers. I have never been bitten by a snake and cannot comment on that. I am not sure that anyone could understand any spiritual language I have spoken  but that is definitely the meaning here.

If these words were added later, they would not be inspired. You are making the case whether you intended or not that people that do not speak with new tongues do not believe. That cannot be supported in the rest of Scripture. You should take that post down.

I love you, brother, but I disagree with your post. Not being able to do all these things does not mean they do not believe. You want to be able to lay your hands on everyone and they all recover. As you very well know, you cannot. Are you a believer, then? Of course you are a believer. Not being able to do these things does not mean you are not a believer.

I wonder just how we will be judged on our behavior when we get there? Our behavior according to the KJV., NKJV., NIV., etc.  Could it be possible that those that believe that the Word has changed over time; could be right? Because God is not the author of confusion, according to 1Cor.14:33 KJV.

The Living bible, 1 Corinthians 14:33 (TLB)
33 God is not one who likes things to be disorderly and upset. He likes harmony, and he finds it in all the other churches.

I wonder why and who inserted verses 9-20; in this version of the KJV.?  Do you have any idea?  

Just wondering what other parts of the bible we need to be aware of, as being only in the earlier versions and not for today.



I am trying to help you not hinder you. Do all that you lay hands on and pray for get healed in their body? If that were true you would have a following that this entire city could not hold. Jesus healed every single one that came to Him. You and I can't do that. We want to but can't.


I respect you in many ways.  I have followed and read how you Pray for others.  I have not followed all the comments on this subject.  Yet, when I read yours I felt I needed to remind you of a verse, John 14:12 "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.  As I said, I know you are a Prayer Warrior and I have great respect for those who Pray for others.  Roy as you said to Joe, I also say to you that I am not trying to hinder you but help.  The reason why most do not Pray effectively for others, or do as Jesus tells us here is, our lack of Faith.  It is not that God does not what us to do these things.  The disconnect is on our end not His. 

On this subject I have not understood what many have said.  I Pray in tongues, i interpret as the Spirit wills.  For us who do Pray for others, why have a problem with a tool that we have that allows us to be able to Pray effectively for others.  I have no problems with someone who does not speak in tongues.  So when I hear others speak negatively about tongues, I am at a loss in understanding why.   

Also when Jesus went home He was able to only heal a few.  The people did not have Faith in Jesus as the Savior, they only say a carpenter's son, not the Son of God.  Many times when we Pray for others and they are not healed, it is because they lack Faith.  Again, Lord Bless you Brother, I have much respect for you Roy.

By the way, servant, your name befits you well.



Often when we hear people proclaim that God wants all to be healed if they only have the faith we see people argue against this usng Paul's thorn. I will not go there, but refer to a very clear text. The text involves the Apostle Paul and His son in the Lord TImothy. If there were ever two men that should have had faith for healing it should be these two. Yet, we read the following words given by Paul to His young disciple ...


1Ti 5:23 (No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.)


Why did he tell him to take a little wine for his frequent ailments and not simply tell him have faith and be healed? If faith is the only key, then we would have to assume that Paul and Timothy lacked faith ... that would be hard to digest.


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