The way He loves and forgives. I want to be like that.
His faithfulness is pretty amazing too.
That He does what He says He will do. His Word is true.
Matthew 28:5-6 "...for He is risen, as He said ..."
That He's always with us! Hebrews 13:5-6.
Aaaamen... Sorry for offening anyone with my long post before.. I had to remove .. They informed me it was not in the right place...oooops on me.. MORE IMPORTANTLY,,,We SERVE an AWEsome GOD!!!!! HalleluYAH!!!
Dena, your post was not offensive. It's just that the rules have to be enforced so that we keep this site 'orderly'. ....everything in it's place. :-) that's all.
Your post was heartfelt and beautiful.
Bless you,
I know what the reason was,,, and its fine,,,just a bit unsure what to do where here until i become more use to this site... Hugssss and thx for the note back Sweetie...
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