All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Just thought I'd let you all in something I recently learnt at school.

Even though I go to a Catholic school, in R.E. we do not say "B.C." or "AD" - we say "B.C.E" and "C.E", because we don't want to offend the non-Christians at our school.

I recently read in one of my other discussions something about not being allowed to have a Bible at school, but being allowed to attack it openly. I can't quite remember who said it, but I just thought I'd bring it up here as well.

What do you think of this whole political correctness? For me, I just think it's not my problem that the years are based on Christian events. That's the way they are, so people should just get used to it.

I'm feeling like I can't even profess my faith in my own school!

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The days are really getting more evil...

Well, that's life on earth for you. Here on one side is God's plan in process, and on another side the enemy does his best to stop God's plans.

But in the end, we already know who will win this war.
We have been left with the responsibility to spread the news. Among the listeners , we hope that we can meet fellow brethren in the process of discipleship...

Even if they won't allow it, God we'll surely find a way for us. Don't worry everything is as planned, all we need to do now is "do our part in the great commission". ;D

Stand firm my brothers,sisters, and friends in Christ for you are not alone. Every follower of Christ will experience hardships,but don't lose hope, for Christ is with us.
If you are not allowed to speak of God's love in public, then pass God's love in silence. Praying is not the only way to show God's love to others. :D

That's all.
May God Bless Everyone who read your post.


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