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does bible consistently show that when people FIRST recieve Holy Spirit they will speak in tongues?

this topic is controversial so lets get what bible says.. many people point out 1 cor 12 and 14 showing that Not all speak in tongues to prove that not everyone will speak in tongues when they recieve the Holy SPIRIT to dwell in them for salvation. the only problem wiht using those scriptures is that is will contradict what happened in acts 8, 10, and 19. because the instructions for USING GIFT OF TONGUES was that 2 at MOST 3 should speak in tongues.. one at a time and there MUST be interpreter.. therefore in those chapters we obviously see that was not the case because THEY ALL spoke in tongues.. and didnt have an interpreter let alone who would he be interpreting it for.. in acts 19 paul was there.. he wouldnt allow them to be out of order and go against his own instruction.. so therefore we must conclude ther are DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS of speaking in tongues.. could one of the functions be to SHOW PROOF one has now recieved the holy spirit? how can we rule this out.. now i spoke in tongues when recieved holy spirit for first time, but i do not have the gift of speaking in tongues in the church to deliver message.. two different functions.. now i have prayed and began to speak in tongues a few times but not all the time.. so how can we disclaim the evidence of speaking in tongues

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Roy, I also saw a difference in the two posts which is why I wanted to ask Joe to clarify his position. I understand that Joe is an elder and feel I have asked respectfully. I don't know if he is in error. I imagine the gift of tongues to be a beautiful gift and everyone who has it to be very blessed. I do wonder why all believers do not have it.

There are also those who believe you can speak in tongues before being filled with the Spirit. They call it praying with the spirit. The ones who are filled with the Spirit and speaking in tongues--the teaching calls that praying in the Spirit. So I am not certain what Joe means in the first quote. We are told to pray in the Spirit. Eph 6:18 tells us to pray always in the Spirit. So this teaching pretty much is very exclusive. According to it, to be able to pray in the Spirit means you must have the gift.  Otherwise you are just praying with your own spirit, in tongues and if you don't have the gift of tongues, too, you're just praying with your own spirit in your own words.

I don't know.



I would think that one who prays with the Spirit would also be filled with the Spirit. However, I think you are now asking questions that I cannot answer. I have had some of the same questions. How could we pray in the Spirit if we are not filled? I think we need LT on this one.

That's alright, Roy. If God wanted me to know, I would know.


You are very correct. There are many questions that I have and trust God to give the answers in His time. I must admit that I don't feel that all "praying in the spirit" actually means praying in tongues. However, some would disagree with me and they just might be correct if they did. To be honest, I seem to get just as good results in English than I do in tongues except in the one occasion where I believe the Holy Spirit prayed through me when my son was born. When I was told he might not make it, I needed some help and I got it from the Holy Spirit. I prayed in a language I had never learned. Some would find that offensive but I didn't care at the time. I needed help for my faith was gone. I am very grateful for the Spirit's help. Now, that same boy is working with my older son pastoring a very large church in the west. I am very grateful for God's goodness.

Well if we are to always pray in the Spirit as instructed in Eph 6:18 but we do not have the gift that enables it ... what then? Just put on the armor and forget about the rest?



I too have had this question.  It's one of those questions that has been there for me and remained unanswered.  I found this on 'got questions' website.  It is a bit helpful to me, I hope it will be to you also.


Question: "What is praying in the Spirit?"
Praying in the Spirit is mentioned three times in Scripture. First Corinthians 14:15 says, “So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind.” Ephesians 6:18 says, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Jude 20 says, “But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.” So, what exactly does it mean to pray in the Spirit?
The Greek word translated “pray in” can have several different meanings. It can mean “by means of,” “with the help of,” “in the sphere of,” and “in connection to.” Praying in the Spirit does not refer to the words we are saying. Rather, it refers to how we are praying. Praying in the Spirit is praying according to the Spirit’s leading. It is praying for things the Spirit leads us to pray for. Romans 8:26 tells us, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”
Some, based on 1 Corinthians 14:15; equate praying in the Spirit with praying in tongues. Discussing the gift of tongues, Paul mentions “pray with my spirit.” First Corinthians 14:14 states that when a person prays in tongues, he does not know what he is saying, since it is spoken in a language he does not know. Further, no one else can understand what is being said, unless there is an interpreter (1 Corinthians 14:27-28). In Ephesians 6:18; Paul instructs us to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” How are we to pray with all kinds of prayers and requests and pray for the saints, if no one, including the person praying, understands what is being said? Therefore, praying in the Spirit should be understood as praying in the power of the Spirit, by the leading of the Spirit, and according to His will, not as praying in tongues.


I believe that He will enable you to pray just as He has instructed you to do. I would not worry about the tongues. However, I am only telling you what I think. There may be more Scripture that I don't know about that would better answer your question. Until then, keep praying in the spirit as He enables you to. I believe you are fulfilling His instruction. Are you one of those people that has to know everything right now? haha



This is what I see:


Let me start by saying that for one to pray in tongues they must be praying in the (by) Spirit, but that praying in the Spirit is not limited to praying in tongues. We understand that all born again children of God receive the Spirit of God, as a deposit which is different from being filled, and have access to the throne of grace. Our current access to the throne of grace is a spiritual access and thus is enabled spiritually. A born again child of God's prayer is in conjunction with the Spirit. This is true of tongues or in a natural tongue. Take this a step further. What is true prayer? It is communication with the living God and for the believer this communication is dependent on and enabled by the Holy Spirit.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit has more to do with surrender and empowerment to live out the life Christ has called us to. There are many terms for the Spirit filling, but the end result is a Deeper Christian life.

Carla, the article says: Praying in the Spirit does not refer to the words we are saying. Rather, it refers to how we are praying. Praying in the Spirit is praying according to the Spirit’s leading. It is praying for things the Spirit leads us to pray for.

That does ease my mind. I was beginning to think my prayer is useless without the gift of tongues. Any thing we feel the need to pray for ... that desire has to come from God first IMO because no one just prays out of no desire or leading.

Well, it's obvious that not all will speak in tongues. Some of the most phenomenal pastors who have the utmost awesome knowledge don't speak it. I hope the Corinthians understood their letter better then we understand it.

I would like to understand what praying in the Spirit actually means. There are so many teachings and so many opinions and personal beliefs. I would like to know the Truth. I don't have the gift in any form.


As you know you will find several differences of opinion on your question. It is my understanding that it is contrasted with praying with your mind. For instance:

1 Co 14:14-17
14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. 15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind. 16 If you are praising God with your spirit, how can one who finds himself among those who do not understand  say "Amen" to your thanksgiving, since he does not know what you are saying? 17 You may be giving thanks well enough, but the other man is not edified. NIV

It appears that praying in a tongue and praying with the Spirit are synonymous. When that happens, the mind does not understand what the spirit is praying, singing or praising. Paul says he speaks in tongues more than us all but it does seem that is private prayer. These things seem very obvious to me but some will disagree.

I am sure you will get some other explanations and ideas. I will say that I have experienced this. I believe it to be a true and accurate statement.


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