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Can anyone please tell me if I'm crazy? Lately when I am praying to God, I feel this overwhelming sense of Calmness, almost like a trance as if I had a couple of drinks and I feel real loose. What is this strange feeling. It seems I am praying and only talking to myself, but then after a few seconds I get this overwhelming sense. I am not talking about if I say Please God help me, but rather when I am on my knees or sitting down in my bedroom praying. Am I insane or something? I only feel this when I am praying. I asked God what Am I here for. I told him I don't really make a difference in this life. What am I here for that he doesn't need me, I am just one person out of millions, and all of a sudden this weird like trance, it is so strange. I hope I am not the only one that experiences this. Sometimes I even get goosebumps. I don't get like this everytime I pray, just once in a while.

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Dear Brandon-

I will try to give you an answered, but I also have a couple of questions for you friend.

1. How long have you been a Christian/born again?

2. Do you think that if you where to die tonight; do you think you will go with God, to heaven/paradise?

Bro we have a personal God who has revealed to us his will through the 66 love letters/books that comprise the bible. We STUDY the bible to find out what His will for our life is (once you study the bible you will KNOW how much the body of Christ needs every member) and to know what we are here for brother.

We also aligned our experiences with the word to make sure that they are sound.

But we do not forget that our experience with God is personal, hence unique, but that does not mean that anything goes. We must not make our emotional (specially) experiences dogmas (man made doctrines).

Awaiting your response your bro in Christ - Blessings
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound suicidal or anything like that, I was just asking God a truthful question. I believe that since I believe Jesus died for my sins I am technically saved, however there is a laundary list of items that are in the bible that specify which things will not inherit the Kingdom of God, and that is where I am screwed so to speak. I am not a murderer or anything like that, but I am guilty of being jealous of others and of being selfish and things like that. I also don't "love" my neighbor as myself.I also have questions about what am I here for, and what purpose do I serve here. I don't know. I guess I would consider myself a lukewarm follower for all of these years. When everything was going well, I still prayed and thanked God for things, but all of these trails and what not make things well, alittle weird.
When we pray, we ourselves is talking with Go. in praying we can tell to Him anything in Freedom and in confidence to those who have real relationship with Jesus. also in this time we can thank Him from the little to the biggest things we have, we can ask for our needs as far for the others needs... but this sinot all about in praying, God is more seeking of the moment where we can tell Him our love and telling how do we love Him. like a father to his son, God also want us to spent our time for Him to communicate.

Many Cristian is tired in praying, some reasons are the traditional way of praying, religious teachings about it and individual's misconceptions of it. the truth is, praying is available anytime in any place or situation. you can pray in the car, in the streets or in your office or school, in anytime. even in a small wisper of your heart, God hears your prayer.

To know more about this, you can read the bible. Study your Bible ask wisdom to God and thank Him for everything He've done.

Brother Brandon,
I have been saved for 1year now. And what I can share w/you is, that I have felt the "feelings" or "sensations" that you too feel when you pray. I believe what you are feeling is The Holy Spirit coming upon you. He is letting you know that GOD is w/you. Some of us are more "sensitive" than others. By this I mean, being able to "sense things". You are one of these, as well as MANY OTHERS too. This is a GIFT FROM GOD; for not all have this ability! REJOICE that you can feel the SPIRIT OF THE LORD! Many would love to "feel this", but cannot. There are many gifts from God; speaking in tongues, discerning of spirits, intercession, wisdom, knowledge. The gift of instant rapport w/children, or the elderly. The gift of worship (singing, instruments), artistic gifts, and more. If you "tune into" this particular gift, I KNOW the Lord will reveal more and more to you as well. I know this feels "weird"; it's new. Shortly after being delivered, I would be in corporate (group) prayer and start "shaking" uncontrollably. Not like a mad woman mind you; but rather like if I had chills. I soon learned that this was the SPIRIT upon me. I also have the "goose bump" feeling. When this happens I check my arms to see if I actually HAVE GOOSE BUMPS; If I do, then I know I'm just chilled. But if I don't, I know the Spirit is upon me. This happens when I pray, or during worship at church or sometimes worshiping in my car! It is often accompanied by a sudden "shake", like when a chill comes upon you. So brother, EMBRACE this PRECIOUS gift...It is special.
If you'd like to speak further on this, feel free to stop by my page or send me and email.
God Bless you,

And for me whenever i pray, worship or even hear the name of the lord i shake and something holds my leg. the spirit of the lord once came and hold my head and my leg was shaking. Is it the Spirit making me shake?

Glory to his name

God Bless u all

Personal opinion, I think it's something God does for you. A friend of mine, had an experience where she felt a hand on her shoulder, but couldn't see anything. She was feeling very low and questioned what's the use and who cares. That was when she felt the hand on her shoulder and a voice said...I care.

God wakes me up in the night and asks me to pray for certain people. I feel this sense of urgency that the person is in trouble. It's a strong feeling. Sometimes I will hear them cry out. And I pray until God says it's okay now. Then I feel calm and go back to sleep. It's not my imagination because once I heard my daughter cry. I heard her twice. I was praying and woke Gary (husband). We stayed vigilant and prayed. She was in the hospital. We were praying for her hours before our son-in-law called.

Love and God bless,


Brandon, All you need too do is too go to Prayer, not just once in awhile but constantly.
If you repent and ask Jesus to forgive you He will! He Loves you
and Your Precious Too Him! No sin is to big enough too Make God
not forgive you. Go Too Jesus, Pour your heart and spirit out on Him and
tell Him how you feel. He cares for you Brandon! Don't lose hope!
Don't lose Faith, Or Trust in Him! Jesus Has you! And one more thing
if you follow Jesus And When You feel The Holy Spirit, You are
definitely not crazy! Glory Too God! :).And everytime God
Thinks of each and everyone of you, including you Brandon
you all just put a smile on His Face! How He Loves You all!
And Brandon if you haven't already, Try reading the Word Of God
I say too you it's amazing! God is The Best Author and Finisher

I've noticed the same exact thing over the past year. I was saved/ Born Again in late October 2010, and lately as I've become more aware of it, it happens all the time, in fact I just received one thinking of it. I get, what I described to my wife and brother in law, these "cold chills" that are not exactly a feeling of being cold, but a very comforting feeling. I know Jesus is with me always, and I've grown to accept that when I'm praying for the right thing, from my heart, and even just acknowledging Jesus's work in my life be saying a simple, "thank you, Jesus", the chill is always there. That is also the reason I came across this group. Last night, I was curious as to whether or not anyone has experienced this, as the other two saved people I talk with say they don't experience it. So, sure enough, it was great to find all these posts from people describing the same exact feeling that comes over me. Just more assurance (there the chill was again) that Jesus is in all things, and in all things I find Jesus and want to be walking in his will. I look forward to fellowship with you all. God bless, In Jesus name, Jason. P.S. My testimony began reading in the KJV 1 Timothy 4, as I was led to it one night, but that will be for a different conversation.

That feeling your feeling is The Holy Spirit, you are most
definitely not insane. :)

To me it is the Holy Spirit washing over you to let you know that God is listening. It is truly a weird feeling. I to get it from time to time. Dont be afraid of it. Its a wonderful feeling. 

Broterh Brandon; In my heart, this wonderful feeling of calmness and peace, and almost a sureal kindave almost drunk feeling intoxication you may be experiencing is the presence of the Holy Spirit. Almost a warm toasty kinda feeling as if you are in a Spiritual place and contentment; like Nothing in this earth can get you down, your awareness is heightened, and you wish to stay in this way forever, its like your whole conscience and being wish for heaven; I too have expeienced this type of feeling washing over me  the closer I am to father , the more often I can access the Holy spiritual presence, Heaven will be more intense than this we experience now; but its an awesome feeling just the same.... I am surprised no one else except Christine seems to have ansered your queris posed. May God Bless you Brother Brandon, and may you continue to dilligently seek His presence. and keep praying for others, and your spiritual strentgh will increase also


The prayers of a fervent servant availeth much; and yes goosebumps too...;) !~

Ps, Dawn also concurred with Christine and I,... Sorry Dawn; just read your reply Dear baby Sis


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