All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I'm interested in finding out what we can do to help TheNET grow faster both in terms of numbers of members and the number of people interacting online at the same time.

On average we see 7 new members every day and about 8 online at once.

Is there something we should change or do that we aren't doing now?

Is there something we are doing that we should stop doing?

New members or visitors, what are your first impressions of TheNET?

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I have browsed the replies. There are good suggestions here. Before I get to that though---Jack is gone?! That is very sad. He was one of the first to greet me when I joined. I will miss his beautiful pictures and quiet encouragement. Very, very sad indeed.

I came to this site because a friend told me about it. I am so blessed to be a part of this body of believers and searchers. I do use my AAG address as part of my signature on outgoing emails. I have also made use of the badges on my Yahoo 360 website. --The badges could be bigger.

I am in total agreement with the suggestion that a section be opened for children. My 10 year-old nephew wants to have a page here. I plan to help him start one, anyway. But it would be wonderful if there were other children near his age for him to communicate with. I think the youngest member I saw was 15 years old.

I also think advertising is a good suggestion. Perhaps linking with other Christian sites would provide more name recognition and access.

But, perhaps in God's timing, HE will send the numbers. Remember, in the book of Acts, God added to the Church daily.


Thanks so much for putting your aag.NET address as part of your email signature and using the badges. What an encouragement!

By the way, you will be glad to know that Jack is back. Yeah!

So far, we've avoided advertising on other sites because this network is primarily for some of the 300 people that indicate they are receiving Christ for the first time through on of's 13,000 web pages. We have one new vistor on every second, 24/7, 365 days a year.

As far as a children's section goes, I wonder if it would be more appropriate to have a separate kids site for them because there are some topics here not suitable for kids and I wonder about the wisdom of having kids interacting with adults who are not their parents. What do you guys think?
Agree Greg that a kids site needs to be a "protected space" and there is some greater difficulty in assuring that the space is not a hunting ground for predators. Having said that, It is a great thing to do. There is a second life kids addition and other social media has moved into this direction. The big commitment seems to be toward monitoring dialog to assure it is appropriate.
Agree definitely on the idea of a kids site, there is a need as well. But it should be a safe place and a place that would be well monitored for all those 'infiltration' of bad info!
Most of the topics here is not relevant in the life of a child, they have so many other questions.
Kids site should be lively and have topics related to their age and interest
Hi Greg,

One of the first concerns I had was my kids receiving advice from adults who are not their parents. This could be a very difficult potentially damaging thing to venture into. It would be a very difficult thing to monitor. If we were to do that, I would suggest very strict, agreements that are to be signed by the parents of kids who are under a certain designated age. Perhaps suggest that if a child does join, that they must have a parent join and interact with them (I don't know how that might work--just thinking outloud).

Blessings. Carla
I do agree with you about the separate children's site. Even as I suggested it, there was a little worry attached. A separate site would be super!

This site may have orginally been intended for new Christians, but obviously, many "mature" Christ-followers have found their way here. Present company included. From what I can tell, we are very blessed to be here. I know I am. Do you consider that a problem for new Believers?

And, yes, I know Jack is back!! I am so pleased and blessed that he is. He left a void. I'm glad it's filled again.

There is way too much spam involved with this site. People leave social networking sites because of the amount of un-nessesary emails they receive when they register their email address. If you actually want the site to be visited don't send out so many emails, then people will visit to see what's going on instead of you notifying them.
Good point, Sarah. Maybe we should tell people how to turn off the emails on the MAIN page or do you have another suggestion?
Let me check on this. I don't think so at this point, however.
I actually agree with you Sarah. I was away for most of 3 months and found my in-box jammed with hundreds notices that I didn't have time to read. But, I wonder if maybe there is a setting that we can use individually, rather than setting a universal policy. Some people may thrive with the regular mails.
Hello all...I personally love getting the follow-up mesages in my inbox. I feel that is an important part of fellowship---conversation back and forth allaboutGod. It is very helpful when following all of the conversations which we participate it.
After reading all the replies, I think this discussion is fantastically healthy, positive and an excellent testimony of God's grace in each person.

I've given some thought to the Bible studies (Genesis and Galatians) and how to make them more interactive. I've noticed that people answer the questions on line for the earliest chapters. But there are fewer and fewer answers posted for succeeding chapters.

In small groups, these studies have generated lots of interaction and deep bonds of love among the participants as they have grown together in their love of God. But this does not appear to be the same on the net.

I wonder if most participants continue to answer the questions on their own, but feel intimidated to share their answers on line because others might give better answers or criticise their answers? If this is the problem, then we need to consider whether there is a better way to do Bible studies on line.

One idea I have is to continue posting the questions, but add a link to a bible study chat room and suggest people go there to discuss their answers. This way people can interact in real time with one another in a loving atmosphere. There's something about real time conversations that reduces the intimidation level and encourages everyone to be accepting and positive. The problem with written communication is that you cannot hear the tone of the voice or get the feel of the other person's intent. Correction is often hard for people to accept in written communication, because it can come across as criticism, put downs, and as personal attacks, even though that may have been far from the person's intent.

Another idea would be to schedule some specific times (remember there are 24 time zones around the globe) and days when people can join a chat room study of say Genesis Chapter 22 this week and the following chapters at the same time and day next week, etc.

What do you all think? What's possible to do from the technical side of things? What can be done on the net to make the study of the Bible more enjoyable and build deeper relationships with both God and each other?

Have a glorious week walking with our Lord.


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