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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

with all the problems in this world, a Christian has to wonder why did this happen? or what did i do to deserve this? God of course has every situation in His control and we are not meant to understand His reasoning. but our inquisitive natures want an answer. 

what if you could ask God just one question? what would that question be? would it be about a sick loved one? money? bad people?

i think my question would be, "why did the Holocaust have to happen?"

what would you ask? i'm anxious to see how you will answer this.

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Mine would be why did he bother to create me?  

we're all created to love God. also, we touch so many lives, have you thought what those lives would be like if you were never born? kind of like "it's a wonderful life". we touch lives that we aren't even aware of. without us those lives would be radically different. think about all the people that have touched your life. not just the close friends and family, but also those you don't know that went out of their way to make your life better. without them we would be different people, just as without us those we touch would be different people.


It seems that you have a low opinion of yourself.  God's creation of you actually has nothing to do with you.  It has everything to do with Him.  God is Love.  He created you out of His Love.  Sin entered prior to you specifically being created...and hence, you (we) are born into death.  At the moment of our birth, we are born into eternal separation from the Father.  God made a way for that to be remedied.  He sent His Son Jesus.  Jesus lived a perfect sinless life, suffered a criminals death, took on our sin...He lived for our sakes, He suffered for our sakes, He died for our sake, and He rose again to life for our sake.  This is the good news.  God raised Jesus up, and He will surely raise us up to life.  However, when we receive this wonderful gift of Salvation.. God's Grace, we do not only benefit at our time of death, we benefit here and now.  God rescues us from the pit...that includes this life and the way we live it. 


Why did God bother to create you?  What kind of a question is this?  It's an insult to God.  It seems you don't know your worth.


Blessings, Carla

Carla, I *totally* know that God creating me has to do with him rather than me, but on the other hand, he would have to have a significantly good reason to create a totally worthless person with a completely meaningless life.  Seriously.  It's a very very good question, I can't think of any better question.  Is it an insult to God?  Well, I'd consider it an insult to God to create me without reason.

"benefit here and now"?  Sorry, Carla, you're WRONG.  I would rather have lived life as an atheist the past 9 years!!

James, Who is speaking in this verse below?


"Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life" (John 4:14).

Regarding your question, Carla, it was Jesus speaking.  But he first has to GIVE that "water".  If he doesn't, then the person is screwed for eternity.  I don't want eternal life anyway, life is abhorrent to me.  

James,  Jesus has offered it.  He offers it to you today and every day until the day you die.

You can choose freely. 

Are you saying 'yes' or 'no' to His free gift of Grace?

I'm not asking you to decide right now...  I think it's good that you are here still participating.  It shows that you haven't closed the door entirely.

James, Do you understand what it means to be 'poor in Spirit?'


I'd like to send you a book.  Would that be okay with you?  It is offered free through the internet, but I have it saved on 'word'.  Let me know and I'll email it to you today.

Blessings, Carla

The problem is Carla, my answer is "yes", but it makes no difference (so far anyway), whereas the atheist who says "yes" is jumping for joy.  

Yes, I know what "poor in Spirit" means.  

I guess I can look at the book you're thinking of, but if it's by a modern author there's a good chance I won't, because I don't trust the majority of modern christian authors.    

Okay James. 

It's not by a modern author..  It's quite old.  It was published in 1895.

It turns out I don't have it on word..  But here is the link to it directly.  You can print your own copy.  Take your time with it.  Let me know how it goes.


Blessings, Carla

Jesus never not gives the water.  He is always offering it. by faith, we accept it. the water is always there. we just have to reach for it. if we are "screwed" for eternity, it has nothing to do with Jesus not offering the water. it is always there for us to accept it. all we need to do is reach for it. as for not wanting eternal life, james, i believe if God knew we would not want nor like eternal life with Him, there would have been no reason for His only Son, Jesus Christ, to be sacrificed so we may come before God through Him. His death would have been pointless. but God knows we can not fathom what eternal life will be like with Him. there is no comparison to this life. this life knows tears, fears, sadness, and pain. our eternal life knows none of that. there is no way we can comprehend what the next life is like. i can tell you this, though i want to spend it with God and not in hades. hades is no place for anyone, but so many do not realize it before it's too late. not only is hades a place of sorrow, gnashing of teeth, and pain, it is only a prelude to hell and the lake of fire. just as heaven is so wonderful we can not comprehend it, hell is that awful. the pain and suffering we go through here is but a dust speck when compared to hell.

You don't understand marty.  Would you want to go to heaven knowing that God had forsaken you for over 35 years?  How would you live it with that?  I know that I couldn't live with it.

That really does depend, Char.  Finding out wouldn't necessarily/automatically change that, would it?  It would just show his motivations/desires, it wouldn't necessarily compensate for total loss.  How would what he was up to explain why he would forsake me for 40 years and never forsake an atheist or pagan?   What does HIS plan mean to me anyway?  Clearly there's no answer man give to that.  As for receiving a love we could never have known on earth...THAT I do NOT buy.  Because he has denied me love on earth, and for me that cannot ever imaginably be compensated for.


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