Please share about how God has used music in your life to bring you to Christ and minister to you. What was your music pre-salvation and what is your music now that blesses you and brings you into the presence of God, that you praise Him with and that you are strengthened by to go into the battle each day that we believers fight? Share anything about what music means to you and the directions you have gone with it that has brought you to your current strength in Christ.
When I was still wrestling with God and my past, I came across a dance track that I'd used in one of my mixes and it contained the below line:
Sooner or later, the day comes, when you can't hide from the things you've done anymore
After listening to that track, I told my friends who were helping me come to Christ everything about my past, including things I'd never told anybody ever. But to truly let him in, I couldn't hide from what I'd done. It was a major checkpoint in my journey.
God has proven time after time that he can use anything for his glory and I believe he used that track to show me what I needed to do next.
How joyful, energetic, blessed we say or shout that " amen " when we heard the word of God or been blessed by the preaching the word of God comparing to our favorite track played or sing? Can we see the difference? Which one stirred our emotions and feelings the most? Which strengthened, inspired and encouraged us most? Music is slowly playing that big part and eating up much time in our services and gatherings, than preaching the word of God. Kingdom works slowly becoming bigger than the focus to the KING.
God can use any vessel for His purposes but be reminded that satan is very crafty and angel looking too... just as God allowed the blameless and upright job to be tested. Just as not all the people in the church or AAG is real christian, uses by God to test the real one... Just as music can be also uses for good purposes by God or bad purposes by the devil... sickness starts from the virus... as Temptations from our own desires when conceived, gives birth to sin and then death ( james 1:14-15)... just MHO.. tnx
Same here Char,
Spirit lead churches differ from churches that are on a time clock. The home groups I have experienced have been even better, with everyone from the least to the greatest participating. And the thing is there is no least or greatest- we are all the same. Someone shares a song, another a poem, art or other creative expression of the Spirit at work in our lives, another a testimony or a word from the Lord. It is very different when the time of fellowship flows with the Spirit and it never ceases to amaze me how everything fits together so perfectly. I believe this is the way the Body should work. Music and worship, among many other things, has been a beautiful part of the home groups I have been in.
Its been a different experience for me though Larry. More often than not, I feel the spirit resting on me during the worship/music than I do during the preaching (
I've given it more thought. There wasn't a lot of Christian pop music around when I accepted Jesus. Along came Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar. I don't remember which was first. I'm dating myself. LOL I wore out those records.
We have pretty Christian pop music now. I didn't have that for a while. Something that moved me and changed my life was the book and movie "The Cross and the Switchblade". It's written by Pastor David Wilkerson. It's not an academy award winner, but it won me. It talks about opening your heart and letting all that bitterness run out and let Jesus Christ come in. Those words still speak to me.
LOL, when I was in college I had a best guy friend and we attended a performance of Hair, the Jesus Christ Super Star musical. At the end, anyone from the audience who wanted to was invited up on the stage to dance to the goofy Hair song with the cast. My friend and I jumped right up to participate. Up until that point in our lives that was the coolest thing we had ever experienced- every ones' long hair was flying around lol. We were lost at the time and searching for God. Just one of my experiences on a long road of other experiences as I searched everywhere for truth, but the euphoria doesn't last long when it's not the right thing. I had further to go on the road before I found The Real Thing- and you all know His wonderful name... ~Jesus~
I also saw the Cross and the Switchblade. I loved the part where David Wilkerson, the country preacher who was given the ministry to the gangs of New York City, was with the killer gang leader Nikki Cruz who pulled out a knife on him and he said something to the effect, Nikki you can cut me up in a thousand pieces and every piece will cry out Jesus loves you! Cruz was won to Christ. Something interesting is I actually was given the opportunity to one day meet Pat Boone the movie star/singer who played Wilkerson in the movie. He had just been baptized in the Holy Spirit, having already known the Lord having been raised in church and had written a book about it called A New Song. I was at a Christian function and some of the baby Christians were running up to meet him since he was a famous movie star/singer. Just like my desire for music totally changed when I got saved, I saw Pat Boone, but had no idol worship of him at all. Jesus was my Star. Since I didn't look at him this way, the next thing I knew, the person who brought me to the meeting was standing by me and said, " I'd like to introduce you to Pat Boone". Pat was some one who had just been saved and baptized in the Spirit and he was so excited to talk about it. I thought I must be dreaming, I'm standing here with Pat Boone and he is all excited about Jesus and we are talking about the amazing things of the Spirit???!!!! Pat was an extremely handsome man and had bright green eyes like I had never seen before. It was obvious to me that he had a gift of handsomeness given to him by the Lord for the work and ministry he would have in his life once he was baptized in the Spirit. He was a total gentleman to me and was very excited for me that I, too, had just come to the Lord and had been baptized in the Spirit. This was the gist of our conversation and later I thought did I dream this? The point is, I did not seek Pat out like others did due to his fame and God gave me a complete audience with him.
The story goes on, one day I was in a church that 2 of Nikki Cruz's former gang members visited and they later came to our home and we had a blessed time sharing about Jesus together.
Then one day, I was on the net and met one of Pat Boone's daughters. We emailed and I told her about how I had met her father that day and what a lovely man I found him to be. She said something like Oh yeah dad is all 4 Jesus and her mom and 4 other sisters all came to Christ and the baptism of the Holy Spirit through their parents. It's a small world when one knows Jesus!
My own personal experience....A few years back, I was very in love and the girl of my dreams started early menopause which triggered extreme Bi-polar disorder which was treated with drugs, wrong drugs, and more drugs to counter the effects of the drugs and my world blew apart. I was the most heart-broken I had ever felt in my life. (Many years previous, I had been called to the Lord, but I had not answered, and could never find a church that felt right with my sixties era-drug-counterculture lifestyle.) I knew 'of' the Lord, but I did not 'know' Him.
I had been attending open mic night and helping with the sound, and I started praying for God to send me an angel to minister to me and help me with my anguish. My Pastor's son, of the church I now attend and two other members came and participated and sang worship songs. I have always considered this a direct answer from the Lord to my prayers. That week, I attended thier church in Hood River, and have been going ever since. I am since, actively writing and working on worship songs. One of the greates things I have found about writing worship songs.....besides actually 'Worshiping' the Lord and determining to be a 'gift' for that 'my own words', that I have written 'turn on me' to minister to me when I have times of need. Our God is a good God, and He has fantastic ways.
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