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Have you ever wondered why it is that so few believers know more than just a little about how to stand against the devil and his demons? For one thing, most churches do not teach about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or the gifts of the Spirit which is the power of God in our lives to handle spiritual warfare. So, that eliminates most believers right there. But even for those who are taught the Baptism in the HS and spiritual warfare, very few churches  have in depth teaching on what spiritual warfare is and how to stand against the enemy. Most church goers in churches that do teach somewhat on this subject, look to the pastor to be the one to run the devil off.  But where does it say anywhere in the Bible that only the pastor or the church leaders have the empowerment to fight spiritual forces? Doesn't it say that all believers are empowered to stand against the enemy? 

I was once in a church and a man that came to a service was truly demon possessed and began to act-out right in the middle of the church service in front of everyone. Guess what happened? 99% of the church members ran out the back door of the church as fast as they could run lol! I'm laughing because I never forgot that as it made such an impression on me that day.  But in seriousness, it's not funny. The question is, why does the average believer know so little about spiritual warfare?

 I know some believe that we just need to focus on Jesus  and not be concerned with what the devil is doing, that Jesus will take care of him. And I agree that we don't need to be looking for a demon under every bush.  When ppl sin it is not the devil that made them do it although many like to joke that it was- no ppl sin when they are drawn away through their own lusts- they choose it.

But on the other hand, we are told in the Word not to be ignorant of the devil and his devises.  In my opinion it seems like most believers are woefully under taught how to stand on the Word when it comes to spiritual warfare and I am sure that is just the way satan likes it.  I mean most believers are afraid to even utter the name of the devil, it's like they pretend he doesn't even exist. It is one thing not to say his name in order to bring undue attention to him and to instead bring more attention to the Lord. But it is another thing to be afraid of him and not know how to stand in spiritual warfare against him and his demons.

So, I don't think there will be any great knowledge extended in answer to my post since most of us are pretty much in the same boat on this topic, but just wondering if anyone has anything to share as to personal experiences they've had when it comes to spiritual warfare or why they think we as the Church aren't more prepared to stand against the wiles of the enemy?

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There are many reasons, all poor. Some of the popular reasons are ignorance, denial, fear and too focused on self.


There also must be an understanding that spiritual warfare is fought on many fronts and at varying degrees of intensity. Thus, the army of God needs to be prepared. Some are trained as special forces while others are still in bootcamp. The key is to get them from one to the other in order to be effective in the battle.


Lord Bless,



Spiritual warfare seem to be spoken of more back in the late 80's and early 90's than now. It seems more discussion is on the prosperity from God than the attacks of the devil. It seems the latter focus of the church may not be preparing the new believers to do battle. I am I mistaken in this, or is this just my experience dealing with a wide variety of churches through out my walk with Christ.

A Servant of Christ,


Hi LT,

What are the many fronts and degrees of intensity you speak of?



The many fronts relate to various areas of life, including physical, emotional and spiritual. The attacks come from worldly sources and spiritual sources, both visible and invisible. Some of the attackes are overt and some covert. The intensity depends on the resources used against you by those forces and on the faith of the one being attacked.

This is going to sound goofy. For me personally, I had a good talk with someone about my past.  I guess I was sharing instead of keeping it private. When I was finished, she asked....You have a lot of information, what are you doing with it? I sat on it for a while. I didn't make the connection that my story of deliverance could make a difference for someone.

Another observation...people get fascinated with it. Like the ghost hunters. I'd rather not feed the imagination. I always ask God if there's a spirit present or is it something else. Then I wait and let God answer. In a room full of Christian believers, I usually know ahead of everyone else. It's good to ask. What if a person is acting strange and it's a health thing? It doesn't hurt to tell God you don't know and to ask for help. God has talked me through a lot of spiritual warfare.

Sometimes people aren't strong enough to handle it. Their help for the warriors is prayer or reading the Bible. I've asked people to stand back and to pray. Another experience, a man of God was casting out a spirit and God told him to stand aside. He looked at me and said to do what God was telling me to do. I was resonably sure God was telling me to cast the spirit out, but this man had more experience than me. Who am I? God, I'm inexperienced with this if that's you talking to me, please let me know. And He did.

People can get scared if a person's face contorts or their voice changes. Spirits can utter fowl things. It gets disconcerting for new persons. I tend to be protective of new persons. It takes lots of love to cast out a spirit and to help new persons remain calm. You want them to understand what just happened is a miracle. Everytime a spirit leaves, it's a miracle. In my opinion.

I'll come back and talk later. Lunch times' over.

Love and God bless,


Wow Mary, I can totally relate to your experiences.

And, yes it is a miracle!!! Thank you for sharing your experiences.  I believe the devil trembles when someone is filled with the Holy Spirit and that is why the evil spirit acts out. Think of all the times in Scripture when Jesus came upon a demon possessed individual, they usually cried out, or did some form of acting out. They recognize the present of Jesus. 

Thank you,


Hi Mary,

I agree that demons certainly do recognize when someone knows their authority in Christ and act out since they know they are no match for the One who defeated them at the Cross.

I meant to say Rose, excuse me.

Hi Mary,

What inspired you to get in the habit of asking God if there was a spirit present? How do you know other believers are not strong enough to handle the more advanced aspects of spiritual warfare/deliverance? Do you mean they are just younger in Christ so not knowledgeable yet, or that they will never be able to handle the more advanced aspects as they do not have strong personalities?

I am sorry mary O I do not know enough to comment me on this I will do so research, of my own.

I can add nothing new, only my own experience with the enemy.

" The devil is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." He not only gains strongholds in our life, if we let him he can render us ineffective by fear, anger, envy and other sinful emotions that so quickly trip us up.

I believe Paul wrote Ephesians 6:10-20 for that very reason. We must put on the full armor of God to withstand the evil one, so that we like Paul can be fearless in the face of the enemy.

I have on more than one occasion bound the enemy by the power of Jesus name! Only by the name of Jesus can we bind satan's demons.

James 4:7-10 tells us to "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." But we must get away, don't look, don't touch that which we are trying to resist if we want victory. some Christians play to close to the fire and expect not to get burned!

We need to use the gift of discernment and the Spirit's guidance not to play. Others think they are so strong in Christ or such a great Christian that they will or would NEVER fall or do that!! Yeah, right. I have heard it all and seen my share of Christians, myself included,  to know until we take the enemy serious we will continue to let him kill, seek and destroy us as he continues to steal the territory God has given to us to plant and work for the kingdom. 

This is something I have to take serious now that the enemy stole everything from me! I have to fight until the very end! I learned the hard way, maybe others will be more diligent to learn and stay the course without going through what I had to go through because I didn't take the enemy as serious before.


This is a good point, too, that if the churches don't teach how serious it is that we have an enemy and we must grow in learning how to defeat him and always be vigilant, then we are sitting ducks for his attacks on our lives. And also your other point that we can slack off, compromise a little , or just not keep up with the need to be informed about spiritual warfare, is just as necessary.


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